Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Minutes - DVLA Board Meeting 12/01/09

Minutes of the DVLA Board Meeting of December 1, 2009
Board Members attending: Barbara Hjelle, Sally Musemeche, Bill King, Lance Cornwall.  Absent:  Von

Working DVLA Board meeting to discuss governing documents of the DVLA was held this evening from 6:00 p.m. to 7:08 p.m.  The next working DVLA meeting to discuss the governing documents will be held at 6:00 p.m. on January 5, 2010.    

Monthly DVLA Board Meeting was held at the Fire House.  One landowner was in attendance.               
President Barbara Hjelle called the meeting to order at 7:08 p.m. 

1.  Approval of agenda:
Approval of the agenda was by acclamation.

2.  Review and approval of the minutes of the September 29, 2009, DVLA Board meeting
MOTION made by Bill King and SECONDED by Lance Cornwall to approve the minutes for the September 29, 2009, DVLA Board meeting as submitted.  The motion carried.

MOTION made by Sally Musemeche and SECONDED by Bill King to approve the minutes for the October 27, 2009, DVLA Board meeting as submitted.  The motion carried.

3.  President's message
No President's message presented.

4.  Reports:
a.  Financial Report -Carol Clason
Carol Clason presented the current financial statements.  A lien release was received for the Brush 1 fire truck - all trucks paid off.  The association is currently completing an insurance review to determine what coverage we have and what is needed.  The liabilities of the Board members and the Secretary/Treasurer will be addressed in this process. 

Last month we received a check from the State of Utah in payment for the services of the firefighters during the Cedar Bench fire.  One-half of that check was distributed to those who worked that fire. 

18 landowners (19 lots) are still owing dues for 2009-2020.  Liens have been filed against all these lots, either in this year or 2008.  The Board Members and the Secretary/Treasurer keep in mind those who are unable to participate in voting, in the complaint process, and securing building permission due to their non-payment of dues.

MOTION made by Sally Musemeche that the following information be included in the minutes:  the name of the landowner owing dues, the lot number, and the amount presently owed with the request that these landowners make arrangements for payment prior to the January, 2010, DVLA Board meeting.  Further action will be considered at that time. SECONDED by Bill King, and the motion carried.

Landowner                                         Lot No.        Amount Owed   

1)  Jewell Creigh                                    RA-06        $ 966.00
2)  Cristin Davis                                  OF2-21           966.00
3)  Richard and Patricia Downer           RA-26           390.00
4)  Robert and Sue Elmes                     ME-06           390.00
5)  Robert and April Everett                  RA-19           390.00
6)  Scott and Kelly Gordon                FA2A-47           390.00
7)  Randall Hansen                            FA2A-53            966.00
8)  Mike and Susan Harrold               H-75  H-76        780.00
9)  John and Cherie Haselgruber          PHIII-61           966.00
10) Steven and Nanette Johnson           OF2-08           390.00
11) Keenan and Pamela Lebaron                CT-8           390.00
12) Jim Lewis (in escrow)                     OFSo-04           390.00
13) John and Jean Oakes                     PHV-91             390.00
14) Adam and Kellie Oliver                     OF2-11           390.00
15) Rod Rasmussen                             PHV-110           966.00
16) Steven Sevy                                        CT-19           390.00
17) Mack and Tami Sorensen                     CT-7           390.00
18) Mike and Josette Stubbs                   HS-70           390.00

The fire house loan is to be renewed this month and had to be renegotiated at this time.  The U.S. Bank is offering excellent terms on the renewed loan, and it should be completed within the next week.
MOTION made by Lance Cornwall that the President or the Vice President be named as the signers on the new loan documentation. SECONDED by Bill King, and the motion carried.

b.  Fire Department

Per Lance Cornwall, no representative from the Fire Department was available to present the Fire Department report due to previous commitments.  The annual firefighter appreciation dinner is to be held shortly to announce the firefighter of the year award.  

c.  Trustee Assignments:
The Board member in charge of the ARC and planning commission agenda monitoring for December is Sally Musemeche.

A report on community concerns was presented by Sally Musemeche.  Four issues were discussed in her report:

   i.  The "green belt" issue - Owners of specified "green belt" areas are required to use water provided at a special rate by the water company for agricultural purposes.  The designated "green belt" areas are to be kept free of structures.  Presently there are two violations - a small shed built on the "green belt" and a boat parked on the "green belt".  Sally is to forward to all landowners having a "green belt" area a letter listing the obligations and restrictions on those areas, with a purpose towards educating those involved.

   ii.  A rental home needing cleanup.  Sally has contacted the County who sends out a notice giving 15  days to clean up the area around the home to get rid of  boxes, clutter, old appliances, storage of junk, etc.  Sally is to follow-up with the County to determine the status of their actions.  If not remedied, the Board is to take pictures of the property and forward them, along with the letters from the County, to the landowner.

   iii.  The information from the landowner who plans to build a 12' by 24' barn, without approval from the County and the DVLA is to be forwarded by Lance Cornwall to the County.

   iv.  The 7800 sq. ft. residence with a full apartment above the garage.  Bill King is to contact the County regarding the restriction to only one residence per lot, with the possibility of a casita being approved.  He is also sending a letter to the landowners with a copy of the CCRs for their subdivision and a statement  regarding the fact that if living quarters above the garage were to be occupied while building the residence, they needed to secure a one-year temporary living quarters permit.

d.  ARC Report by Lance Cornwall
Repainting of one residence approved last month.  Two refunds are due to be issued on completed approved projects.

5.  Old Business:

a. Amended park maintenance contract and bid procedure - Bill King and Lance Cornwall
The preliminary bid procedures information for the maintenance contract for next year will be presented at the January Board meeting. 

b.  SSD update on deed transfer - Barbara Hjelle
The Dammeron Valley Landowners' Association received the deed from the SSD.

c.  Adopt-a-Highway contract changes - Cyndy Johnson
Rick Smith is in charge of the Adopt-a-Highway program.

d.  E-mail communication process - Sally Musemeche
Sally Musemeche will be responsible for the correspondence to DVLA landowners regarding the e-mail communication process.

6.  New Business (None scheduled)

7  Comment and Discussion by Landowners

One landowner expressed concern about the length of time before approved minutes of the DVLA Board meetings are published.  The bylaws provide that the minutes are to be completed by the Secretary within seven days.  The secretary will e-mail the draft minutes to the Board members.  All five Board members are requested to respond and approve amended/corrected minutes within three days of receipt at which time they can be posted on the bulletin board and at the mail boxes.

8.  Adjournment
At 9:15 p. m. MOTION by Bill King that the meeting be adjourned and seconded by Barbara Hjelle.

Carol Clason
Recording Secretary

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Minutes - DVLA Board Meeting 10/27/09

Draft: Minutes of the DVLA Board Meeting of October 27, 2009

Board Members attending: Lance Cornwall
Board Members absent:  Barbara Hjelle, Bill King, Von Mason, and Sally Musemeche

Meeting was to be held at the Fire House at 7:00 p.m.  No landowners were in attendance.  (Fire Chief Talbot and Sec/Treasurer Clason were present.)

Due to a lack of a quorum of the Dammeron Valley Association Board members, Lance Cornwall postponed the meeting at 7:15 p.m.

Carol Clason, Recording Secretary

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Minutes - DVLA Board Meeting 09/29/09

Draft: Minutes of the DVLA Board Meeting of September 29, 2009

Board Members attending: Barbara Hjelle, Sally Musemeche, Bill King, Von Mason.  Absent:  Lance Cornwall

Working DVLA Board meeting to discuss governing documents of the DVLA was not held this evening. 

Monthly DVLA Board Meeting was held at the Fire House.  Four landowners were in attendance.               
President Barbara Hjelle called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 

1.  Approval of agenda:
MOTION by Bill King to approve the agenda.  Seconded by Von Mason, and the motion  carried.

2.  Review and approval of the minutes of the August 25, 2009, DVLA Board meeting
MOTION made and seconded to approve the minutes for the August 25, 2009, DVLA Board meeting as submitted.  The motion carried.

3.  President’s message
Barbara Hjelle announced that a meeting will be set up for any Board member who wishes to attend to meet at Carol Clason’s home to review the financial accounts. 

4.  Reports:
a.  Financial Report –Carol Clason
Carol Clason, Treasurer, presented the current financial statements.  The fire trucks are paid off. For the rest of the year.  As of September 29, 2009, there are 24 landowners who owe dues for the 2009-2010 year.  During the past month two liens were released that were full paid from title companies, and three liens were filed against landowners whose properties were in the process of changing hands.  The Board indicated that liens should be filed against those landowners still owing their 2009-10 membership dues.  The treasurer will also contact the loan company for a release of lien on the fire trucks.

MOTION made by Sally Musemeche that there be an annual review on fire truck insurance.  Seconded by Von Mason, and the motion carried.    

b.  Fire Department-Kyle Talbot
Chief Kyle Talbot indicated there were no fires in the past month.  There were a number of medical calls – diabetic shock incident, motorcycle accident, child locked in a car, domestic fight, HTV wreck, fall by an elderly person, abdominal pain complaint.  He indicated there is a seventy percent mandatory attendance required on the fire team.  The resignations of three team members have been requested due to failure to meet this requirement.  There was recent training on building structure fires, and two engineers attended a two-day National certified required course on driving emergency vehicles.

Chief Talbot discussed the absolute need for fire personnel to see address numbers on Dammeron Valley properties.  He presented a sample post with a reflective house number on all four sides. 

He also cautioned landowners who store wood for the winter to store only enough wood for several weeks next to the home.  If  several cords or more are being stored, they need to be away from the house.

After some discussion by the Board on the need for house numbers visible from the street, Sally Musemeche was asked to draft a notice on this subject (IN BOLD) to put in the Bulletin Board and in the water bill. 
c.  Trustee Assignments:
The following schedule for the Board member in charge of the ARC and planning commission agenda monitoring for the next two months is as follows:  October – Barbara Hjelle;  November – Sally Musemeche

ARC Report:  Bill King indicated several sets of plans were reviewed and approved during the past month.

5.  Old Business:

a. Amended park maintenance contract and bid procedure – Bill King and Lance Cornwall
Bill King stated that Lance Cornwall has the preliminary bid procedures information for the maintenance contract for next year and will have to present it at a later time.  Barbara requested that the procedures be reviewed by the Board before implementing them.

b.  SSD update on deed transfer – Barbara Hjelle
The Dammeron Valley Landowners’ Association has not yet received the deed from the county, and it is anticipated that it will be received by the October DVLA meeting.

c.  Consideration of guidelines in the construction of casitas/guest houses in Dammeron Valley – Barbara Hjelle

MOTION by Sally Musemeche that the guidelines, drafted by Barbara Hjelle and reviewed by the Board, be approved when considering the construction of casitas/guest houses in Dammeron Valley.

These guidelines state: “The various CC&Rs for the Dammeron Valley Subdivisions require that only one single family residence be constructed on one lot, but many also provide for guest houses with varying provisions as to size.  The CC&Rs that provide for guest houses are more restrictive, as a whole, than those that have no provision specific to guest houses.  For this reason, it is reasonable to interpret the less restrictive CC&Rs to allow for guest houses.

The applicable County Code places restrictions on the nature and use of accessory dwelling units.

The DVLA Board of Trustees may approve guest houses in subdivisions where the applicable CC&Rs do not specifically authorize or provide standards for approval.  The DVLA may approve guest houses that meet currently applicable County standards and other applicable provisions of the CC&Rs and guidelines.  Before the DVLA will consider approval of a guest house, the owner must have received conditional use approval from the County Commission.”

Seconded by Bill King, and the motion carried.

d.  Adopt-a-Highway contract changes – Cyndy Johnson
Renewal contracts are to be mailed to the Dammeron Valley Landowners’ Association in the future.  The area covered by the Dammeron Valley landowners is now from mile marker 14 to 171/2.  One-half mile was added when the sign was put up.  It will be left as it is until the next renewal when it will be re-addressed.  Cyndy offered to talk to the Adopt-a-Highway contact to determine when the State schedules it clean-up of the area  (i.e. after the Marathon, etc.) 

6.  New Business:

E-mail communication process – Sally Musemeche
MOTION made by Bill King that a postcard, as drafted by Sally Musemeche and reviewed by the Board, be mailed  to all landowners in the water bill, if possible, asking if they are interested in being placed on a e-mail list maintained by the association.
Seconded by Von Mason, and the motion carried.

7  Comment and Discussion by Landowners

One landowner requested that the minutes include a REQUEST  THAT  DRIVERS  ABIDE  BY  THE  SPEED  LIMIT  IN  THE  VALLEY,  WHICH  IS  25  MILES  PER  HOUR.   

8.  Adjournment - Meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.    

Carol Clason, Recording Secretary  

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Minutes - DVLA Board Meeting 08/25/09

Draft: Minutes of the DVLA Board Meeting of August 25, 2009

Board Members attending: Barbara Hjelle, Sally Musemeche, Bill King, Lance Cornwall, Von Mason

Working DVLA Board meeting to discuss governing documents of the DVLA was held from 6:00 to 7:00 p. m. 

Monthly DVLA Board Meeting was held at the Fire House.  Eight landowners were in attendance.               
President Barbara Hjelle called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. 

1.  Approval of agenda:
Sally Musemeche asked that the report on the Community Center repairs be given as the second item on the agenda.  She made a motion that the amended agenda be approved.  Motion seconded and carried.

2.  Community Center Report:
Mac Thomson displayed the certificate of occupancy issued by Washington County, and indicated the only items left to be completed are better support for the swamp cooler and to locate the septic tank to determine if it needs any attention.

3.  Review and approve the minutes of the June 30, 2009, DVLA Board meeting and the July 28, 2009, adjourned DVLA Board meeting:
MOTION made by Sally Musemeche to approve the minutes for the June 30, 2009, DVLA Board meeting as submitted.  Seconded by Von Mason , and the motion carried.
MOTION made by Sally Musemeche to approve the July 28, 2009, minutes for the adjourned DVLA Board meeting.  Seconded by Bill King, and the motion carried.   

4.  President's message
Barbara Hjelle indicated that a working meeting consisting of an informal discussion concerning the governing documents of the Dammeron Valley Landowners' Association was held this evening from 6:00 p.m to 7:00 p.m. These meetings are being held due to questions raised about these documents by Board members during the past year or so.  This working meeting will again be held on September 29, 2009, from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
5.  Review financial reports -Carol Clason
Carol Clason, Treasurer, presented the current financial statements showing that there was nearly $600.00 spent during the first two months of the fiscal year on bringing the Community Center up to code.  However, very little else should be spent for this purpose for the rest of the year.    The required tax return for the 2008-2009 fiscal year was completed by Savage Esplin  Radmall, PC and has been filed.  No monies are due on the tax return.    As of August 25, 2009, there are 30 landowners who owe dues for the 2009-2010 year.  The largest expense for the fire department is the repair and maintenance of the fire vehicles.  The bond for the treasurer position is up for renewal, and has covered $15,000 in previous years.  The Board was asked to consider raising this amount to be more in line with the risk to the Dammeron Valley Association.                                                            
MOTION was made by Sally Musemeche  to raise the bond amount to $100,000.00  The motion was seconded, and carried.
MOTION was made by Sally Musemeche to accept the financial reports, seconded by Lance Cornwall, and the motion carried.

6.  Reports:
a.  Fire Department
Chief Kyle Talbot indicated there were seven fires in the area within 48 hours.  One fire required ten men and two trucks for 18 hours.  The department will be reimbursed $5,000.00, one-half to go to the fire department budget, and one-half to the firemen involved.  Contents of a quanset hut were lost in one fire, and there was a vehicle roll-over in Brookside.  The Brush 1 fire truck still needed maintenance - an alternator, battery, and fuel system repairs.  The military truck lost a tire, and due to the inavailability of correct sized military tires, the fire department is transitioning to semi-truck tires.  12 mobile radios have been programmed; 15 more need to be updated.  The State has no open burning at the present time.  It is usually the middle of October before open burning is allowed.  Chief Talbot has been approved to participate in a web site which announces weather conditions.  There are 2 sets of 2 trailers available; one trailer in each set as a lab and the other to hold 50 patients in case of a medical disaster.  All hydrants are working and have been certified; 3 hydrants are drippers.
b.  Trustee Assignments:
The following schedule for the Board member in charge of the ARC and planning commission agenda monitoring for the next three months is as follows:  September - Bill King;  October - Barbara Hjelle;  November - Sally Musemeche

Sally Musemeche is to e-mail a copy of the referral form for concerned issues to the President and Secretary so that it may be posted on the Bulletin Board.

ARC Report:  Lance Cornwall announced that there will be one house and two garages under construction in the next month.

Concerning park maintenance, Lance Cornwall and Bill King are to reword the maintenance contract for next year and open it up for bid.  Weeds and watering issues, including the sprinklers along the playground, need to be addressed.

7.  Old Business: 
a.  SSD change update:
Barbara Hjelle announced that Brooks Pace provided a letter offering no objections for the deed transfer from the SDD to the DVLA.  The bank is presently trying to determine what needs to be done legally to make this happen.

b.  Entrance maintenance update:  Maintenance to continue as presently set up until the contract for next year is rewritten.

c.  Consideration of guidelines in the construction of casitas/guest houses in Dammeron Valley:
Per Bill King, landowners would need to secure a conditional use permit from the county first; next secure approval from the DVLA, and then secure the building permit from the county.  The basis for the consideration of casitas is that most of the recent protective covenants, which are generally more restrictive, allow for casitas, so it seems reasonable that the older, less restrictive subdivision should also allow for casitas, given that other relevant language in the covenants is virtually identical. The Board policy statement on casitas/guest houses is to be redrafted for the September meeting.

d.  Community advertising on Bulletin Board website:
Barbara Hjelle read a previously-drafted policy statement on the posting of services provided by and for Valley residents on the Bulletin Board.  Bill King is to ask the web coordinators to coordinate with him on any decisions that reject posting submissions. 
MOTION made by Sally Musemeche to allow postings on the DVLA Bulletin Board of services available to DVLA residents by DVLA residents.  Bill King seconded the motion, and would like a form approved by the DVLA Board  on which to list services.  Sally Musemeche, Lance Cornwall, and Barbara Hjelle approved the motion; Bill King and Von Mason did not approve, and the motion carried.

e.  Adopt-a-highway contract changes:
This item is to be addressed during the September DVLA Board meeting by Cyndy Johnson. 

8.  New Business:
Update on the 80-foot tower originally proposed to be built at the Red Dog Restaurant site by Frank Shearer, community representative:
Frank Shearer commented on the need for telephone trees and e-mail lists in the Valley for better communication in getting accurate information to the residents.  The Board member in charge for each month is to check the county web site regularly for county meeting agenda items.  Sally Musemeche is to look into a method for e-mail communication from the DVLA to its members.  The planning commission has postponed the additional hearing on the cell tower.  Barbara summarized the current status with the DVLA Board as not having received specific information in response to its letter to the county, providing no basis for further action at this time.

9.  Comment and Discussion by Landowners
A landowner asked about plans for the fall festival.  No one has come forward to head the festival, and no plans have been made to have one this year. The budget has funding to support a festival if a volunteer committee is formed to make it happen.

9.  Adjournment
Meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m.    

Carol Clason
Recording Secretary

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Minutes - DVLA Board Meeting 07/28/09

Draft: Minutes of the DVLA Board Meeting of July 28, 2009

Board Members attending: Sally Musemeche

Meeting was to be held at the Fire House.  Three landowners were in attendance.

Due to a lack of a quorum of the Dammeron Valley Association Board members, Sally Musemeche postponed the meeting at 7:15 p.m.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Minutes - DVLA Board Meeting 06/30/09

Draft: Minutes of the DVLA Board Meeting of June 30, 2009

Board Members attending: Barbara Hjelle, Sally Musemeche, Bill King, Lance Cornwall, Von Mason
Meeting was held at the Fire House.  Four landowners were in attendance.               
President Barbara Hjelle called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 

1.  Approval of agenda
Since the owner of Lot 53, Farms, withdrew his application for an addition to his residence, item "d" under old business is changed to a general discussion on casitas, instead of the possible reconsideration of Lot 53, Farms, request as listed.  With this change, the agenda was approved.  

2.  Review and approve minutes of the May 26, 2009, regular meeting
MOTION made by Bill King to approve the minutes for the May 26, 2009, DVLA Board meeting as submitted.  Seconded by Lance Cornwall, and the motion carried.

3.  President's message
Barbara Hjelle requested that the 6:00 pm working meeting be included in the regular meeting agenda.  This meeting will consist of an informal discussion concerning the governing documents of the Dammeron Valley Landowners' Association. An informal meeting was held this evening at 6:00 p.m.  This working meeting will not be held during the month of July, but will continue again in August.  

4.  Review financial reports - Carol Clason
Carol Clason, Treasurer, presented the current financial statements and indicated that the figures shown will be close to the fiscal year final figures on June 30, 2009.  Documentation for the 2008-2009 fiscal year will be taken to the accountants of Savage Esplin  Radmall, PC during the month of July, 2009.  As of June 29, 2009, 252 landowners had paid the current dues, and 145 landowners still owed for the 2009-2010 year.  When the Fire Department budget is credited with $1,000.00 towards personnel appreciation monies for the 2008-2009 fiscal year, every major budget category endedunder budget, except for the unpaid landowners' fees and dues (-$665.00).                                                            
MOTION was made by Bill King to accept the financial report for filing.  The motion was seconded by Sally Musemeche and was passed.

5.  Reports:
a.  Fire Department
Chief Kyle Talbot indicated there have been no fires in the Valley.  He listed a number of medical calls that had been answered:  a fall down the stairs, a seizure, camper burns from propane, diabetic shock, ATV rollover in Veyo, etc.  There are three new members in the Fire Department:  Lance Cornwall, Russ Eardley, and Jordan Hall, cadet.  Presently there are a total of 22 members in the Fire Department .  Most of the personnel on the medical team are EMT certified.  No grants were applied for this year by  the Fire Department.  Last Saturday fire vehicle safety training was held.  Thursday evening there will be additional training - interior fire attack training.  Six vertex hand-held radios are all unoperable and need work. Up to this date, the State has not cancelled fireworks for the Holiday.

b.  ARC - Trustee Assignments:  June-Sally Musemeche
    i.  Trustee Assignments - There was no activity over the past month to report. 

    ii.  ARC - Lance Cornwall reported that the Strebeck garage was completed and that the plans for the Lot 53, Farms were recalled.  Mac Thomson presented an update on the Community  Center.  All work is completed except the rest room is not yet handicapped accessible, the septic tank needs to be checked, and door handles and sink grab bars are needed.  
MOTION made by Sally Musemeche that the committee for the renovation of the community center be allowed to spend up to the amount budgeted for repairs without specific approval from the Board based upon review and approval of the board member in charge (Sally).  This motion was seconded by Lance Cornwall, and passed.

6.  Old Business:
a.  SSD change update
Brooks Pace has indicated he is not willing to deed the land on which the fire station and community stand to the Dammeron Valley Landowners' Association, but that should not be a problem for the overall transfer from the SSD to the DVLA.  The bank which holds the loans on these buildings is to get back with Barbara Hjelle regarding their position on the deed of land from  the SSD to the DVLA.

b.  Future trustee assignments
When questions arise, the President, then the Vice President will be the "go-to" person to contact in that order.

ARC support - July:  Von Mason - August:  Bill King - September:  Barbara Hjelle - October:  Sally Musemeche
(Then the rotation will recycle again.)

MOTION made by Sally Musemeche that Von Mason finalize a letter addressing weeds in Dammeron Valley to be given to Brooks Pace for inclusion in the this month's water bill.  Motion was seconded by Sally Musemeche, and motion carried.

The secretary is to attempt to locate a maintenance contract that was originally presented to the landscaper (Southern Design Landscape and Maintenance) who is maintaining the park.  Lance Cornwall is to contact this landscaper to clarify what duties are expected to be performed and what contract will be instituted to maintain all entrances.

d. General discussion on casitas/guest houses
Early subdivisions have less restrictions regarding casitas/guest houses.  Later subdivisions specifically mention and allow them.  There are restrictions when building a casita/guest house based on functionality, size, no full kitchen. 
MOTION made by Sally Musemeche to include in the next Board meeting, consideration of guidelines in the construction of casitas/guest houses in Dammeron Valley.  Lance Cornwall seconded the motion, and the motion carried. 

7.  New Business:
a. The discussion concerning the community advertising on the Bulletin Board website will be included on next month's agenda under old business.

b. The adopt-a-highway contract change stretching the distance to three miles will be discussed on next month's agenda under old business.  The secretary is to send the new address and name of the contract signator to the Department of Transportation.
8.  Comment and Discussion by Landowners

9.  Adjournment
Meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m.    

Carol Clason
Recording Secretary

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Minutes - DVLA Board Meeting 05/26/09

Draft: Minutes of the DVLA Board Meeting of May 26, 2009

Board Members attending: Barbara Hjelle, Sally Musemeche, Bill King, Lance Cornwall, Von Mason

Meeting was held at Fire House.  Nine landowners were in attendance.
President Barbara Hjelle called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. 

1.  Approval of agenda
MOTION was made by Lance Cornwall to approve the agenda for May 26, 2009, as submitted. Bill King seconded the motion, and the motion passed.

 2.  Review and approve minutes of the May 19 special meeting and the April 28 regular meeting
MOTION made by Bill King to approve the minutes for the May 19, 2009 Special DVLA Board meeting as amended.  Seconded by Lance Cornwall, and the motion carried.

MOTION made by Sally Musemeche to approve the minutes for the April 28, 2009, DVLA Board meeting.  Seconded by Barbara Hjelle, and the motion carried.

3.  President's message
Barbara Hjelle indicated the order in which participants would be asked to speak - starting at her right, each Board member would have a chance to comment, and then the topic would be opened up for others who wanted to speak.

4.  Review financial reports -Carol Clason
Carol Clason, Treasurer, reported that invoices were being mailed Friday, May 29, 2009, listing the 2009-2010 dues which will be due by June 30, 2009.  The major expenses in May had to do with the printing and mailing costs for the annual meeting and invoices. 

MOTION was made by Lance Cornwall to accept the financial report for filing.  The motion was seconded by Sally Musemeche and was passed.

MOTION made by Bill King to expand the financial statements to include dues collected and dues in arrears.  Seconded by Sally Musemeche, and the motion carried.

5.  Reports:
a.  Fire Department
No one was present from the fire department to submit the monthly report.

b.  ARC - Trustee Assignments: May - Barbara Hjelle, June-Sally Musemeche
    i.  Trustee Assignments - There was no activity over the past month to report.  The future trustee assignments will be decided at the monthly June DVLA Board meeting.
    ii.  ARC - Lance Cornwall to be ARC Chairman for one more year.
6.  Architectural Review
a.  Lot 22, Meadows, fence/privacy wall request
Discussion on the fence/privacy wall request regarding the fact that it would be a solid fence and possibly a perimeter fence, other than a privacy wall.

MOTION by Sally Musemeche to disapprove the fence/privacy wall request as submitted.  Seconded by Bill King, and the motion carried.  (Lance recused.)

b.  Lot 53, Farms, new addition request
Discussion concerning the prohibition of two residential structures on one lot.  Also no building can be less than 1200 sq. ft.

MOTION by Bill King to reject the request for an addition as submitted.  Seconded by Sally Musemeche, and the vote carried.

7.  New Business:
     a.  Trustee Assignments
    i.  Environmental Resource Matters
        a)  Weeds - Von Mason will help with weed calendar
        b)  Burn pile - Alan Strebeck will continue to manage
        c)  Highway cleanup - Rick Smith
        d)  Entrance maintenance - Previous landscaper to be contacted
             by Barbara Hjelle regarding contract.
    ii.  Community Relations - Sally Musemeche
        a)  Web site - Oversight by Bill King
        b)  Community Center - Sally Musemeche
    iii. Administrative Matters
        a)  Governing Documents - Barbara Hjelle
        b)  Insurance Review

     b.  Dammeron Valley SSD changes by Washington County
MOTION made by Von Mason to request the county to dissolve the SSD.  Seconded by Bill King, and the motion carried.

     c.  Vote on Complaint Process Developed by the CCR Violations Referral Committee
MOTION by Von Mason to accept the process and forms as developed by the committee for the next ninety days subject to review at that time.  Bill King seconded the motion; motion carried.

8.  Comment and Discussion by Landowners

     a.  Prior to each regularly scheduled monthly DVLA Board meeting, a working meeting will commence at 6:00 p.m. to examine the governing documents of the DVLA.

     b.  MOTION made by Barbara Hjelle to send non-DVLA member letters regarding donations, as amended.  Lance Cornwall seconded the motion, and it carried.

9.  Adjournment
Meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m.    

Carol Clason
Recording Secretary

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Minutes - DVLA Board Meeting 05/19/09

Minutes of the Special DVLA Board Meeting of  May 19, 2009

Board Members attending:  Barbara Hjelle, Sally Musemeche, Von Mason, Lance Cornwall, Bill King

Meeting held at Fire House.

Two landowners were in attendance.
Sally Musemeche, as previous vice chair, called the meeting to order at 7:04pm.

1.)  Election of Officers:
Sally Musemeche welcomed the new Board members and presented an overview of the duties of the Chair.  Existing policy has been for the Board to not go beyond legitimate DVLA matters and to limit the agenda to decisions on DVLA matters.  There is an agenda item at the end of every DVLA Board meeting for public comment and discussion; such issues can be discussed but will not be voted upon if not included in the agenda for that meeting.  The process of submitting a landowner's concern as presented by Sally Musemeche at the March board meeting was reviewed.  At this point the secretary was asked to look at minutes to verify that the Board had approved this process at a DVLA Board meeting.

Also, current Rules of the Board of Trustees are needed for everyone's DVLA book. 

Barbara Hjelle accepted the unanimous vote to be Chair for one year.  Bill King accepted the unanimous vote to be Vice Chair for one year.

2.)  Consideration of Trustee Projects:
Listing of previous trustee projects was presented by Barbara Hjelle.  These included:
     *  Weeds
     *  Burn Pile (Alan Strebeck has offered to continue managing.)
     *  Flooding
     *  Dead Trees (Cyndy Johnson offered to continue with this task.)
     *  Highway Cleanup
     *  Recycling (This is set up.)
     *  Entrance Maintenance
     *  Web Site
     *  Community Center (Sally Musemeche offered to continue managing.)
     *  Governing Documents (Barbara Hjelle offered to manage this.)
     *  Insurance Review (Mike Barker has offered to continue helping with this.)    

Assignments will be determined at the DVLA Board meeting on May 26, 2009, after consideration by each individual on the Board. 

Barbara Hjelle proposed for consideration that an extra monthly meeting be held to re-evaluate the by-laws and other guidelines. 

Other agenda items for the May 26, 2009, meeting would be the ARC Chair; the initiation of an additional monthly meeting on governing documentations; Board communications; Board assignments; Lot 22 Meadows, fence/privacy wall request; and the Lot 53, Farms, new addition request.

MOTION made by Sally Musemeche to adjourn the meeting.  Seconded by Lance Cornwall, and the motion carried.  Meeting as adjourned at 8:25 p.m.

Carol Clason   
Recording Secretary

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Minutes - DVLA Board Meeting 04/28/09

Draft: Minutes of the DVLA Board Meeting of April 28, 2009

Board Members attending: Cyndy Johnson, Alan Strebeck, Barbara Hjelle; Sally Musemeche                     Absent: Mike Barker

Meeting was held at Fire House.

Ten landowners were in attendance.

President Cyndy Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

1. Approval of agenda
MOTION was made by Barbara Hjelle to accept the agenda as amended. Sally Musemeche seconded the motion. The motion was passed.

2. Review and approve minutes of the March regular and April special meetings
MOTION was made by Sally Musemeche to approve the March meeting minutes as amended. Alan Strebeck seconded the motion. The motion was passed.

MOTION was made by Barbara Hjelle to approve the special meeting minutes of April 7, 2009, as amended. Cyndy Johnson seconded the motion. The motion was passed.

MOTION was made by Cyndy Johnson to approve the special meeting minutes of April 14, 2009, as amended. Alan Strebeck seconded the motion. The motion was passed.

3. President's message
President Cyndy Johnson presented appreciation plaques to Karen Sharkey (secretary, fall festival chair and independent e-mail messenger) and Stella Callagee (secretary/treasurer) in appreciation of their many hours of involvement with the Dammeron Valley Landowners Association.

3. Review financial reports - Stella Callagee
Stella Callagee, Treasurer, reported that several delinquent properties have paid their late dues. There are now 10 lots still owing unpaid dues. There were no unusual expenses during the prior month.

MOTION was made by Alan Strebeck to accept the financial report for filing. The motion was seconded by Sally Musemeche and was passed.

4. Reports:
a. Fire Department
Craig Bennett gave the report for the fire department. Ron Johnson and Jay Workman have been selected as the two new engineers. They will be in training for six months with James Peterson.

For the first time in the Dammeron Valley Fire Department, a fireman was injured on the job - James Peterson was injured when a hydrant cap came loose and struck him.

Brush 1 truck is down and being fixed for approximately $1,000.00

b. ARC - Trustee Assignments: April - Mike Barker; May - Barbara Hjelle
There was no activity over the past month to report.

At this point, Von Mason and James Cunningham, two candidates running for election as board members, gave brief comments about themselves and their reasons for wanting to become trustees.

c. Trustee Reports
Cyndy Johnson reported there were approximately ten volunteers for the recent road clean-up. She noted that the signs were moved further to the south and will check on that.

Barbara Hjelle will comment on the history of the weed problem in Dammeron Valley at the annual meeting on Saturday.

Alan Strebeck reported that there was no burn pile last Saturday, but that it would be open this coming Saturday. The burn pile will remain open as long as the Fire Chief gives permission. Only vegetation can be dumped there. Landowners are asked to split stumps when dumping them, as they will not burn well otherwise. There has been a change of location of the county dump facility from Brookside to Central. It is open to anyone as it is a county facility and will remain open as long as the service is not abused.

Lance Cornwall is scheduled to step down as chairman of the Architectural Guidelines committee but agreed to remain in place until someone volunteers to take his place.

5. Unfinished Business:
a. Annual Meeting Planning - Annual Meeting to be held May 16, 2009
The statuses of the duties assigned each board member for the annual meeting were reviewed. The five board members plus four more volunteers are needed to pre-call the landowners regarding the meeting.

Barbara Hjelle indicated the need to have a meeting after the annual meeting to elect officers, determine trustee duties, and review the annual meeting process.

The current board members can continue in needed duties until the new officers are elected.

Books with the by-laws, articles, and CCRs are to be given the new board members at the annual meeting. Attestations are to be secured from them by the next meeting to be held on May 26, 2009.

If Brooks Pace indicates he has the right to vote, the issue will need to be addressed in a special meeting by the board.

Board members are to be at the fire house at 6:30 a.m. on May 16, 2009, and begin signing in people at 7:00 a.m.

Articles indicate that a quorum is 51% of the members of the DVLA. Ken Mandell has volunteered to help count.

b. Discussion on the Board decision of January 27, 2004, to approve the revised Architectural Guidelines
Sally Musemeche listed a brief history of previous voting records by past boards regarding Architectural Guidelines. There are some issues with the Architectural Guidelines as they now exist.

MOTION made by Sally Musemeche to adopt the current existing architectural guidelines pending future
changes. Barbara Hjelle stated that the Board had already adoped the current existing architectural guidelines, so no motion was necessary. She added that it is the intent of the Board to clean-up the documentation on current architectural guidelines through research, member input, and committee involvement. The motion was withdrawn by Sally.

6. New Business:
a. Guidelines for Minute Preparation of Board Meetings
This issue to be determined by the next board if it is deemed necessary.

b. Discussion on the minutes regarding February 24, 2009, Board decision on lot HS-27 building
Barbara Hjelle proposed the following language be included in the February 24, 2009, minutes to clarify the Board's decision on the lot HS-27 building:
"The Board considered the plans of Jordan and Betty Ann Strebeck, HS-27, for a garage and studio
addition. The plans exceeded the general guideline for size set forth in the Architectural Guidelines
so the ARC referred the decision to the Board to determine whether the size was appropriate under the
circumstances. The size would be a little less than 2500 sq. ft.

The Board discussed the fact that the plans met County guidelines and that the CCRs for the
Homesteads contain no square footage restrictions. Lance Cornwall and the builder represented that
the submitted documents, fee, and the setbacks and color were in compliance and that there was no
restroom included in the building. The owners stated that the building would not be used for dwelling
purposes. Barbara Hjelle noted that the guidelines state that "˜The guidelines must be consistent with
and in fulfillment of the CCRs"¦' and that "˜Accessory buildings shall generally not exceed 2,000
sq. ft. in area.' She interpreted these guidelines to allow for consideration of larger buildings if the
CCRs do not prohibit them. However, if the building is to be larger than the general guideline, it
should have some architectural detail to offset the impact of the size. This building reflected
considerable architectural detail and was not merely a rectangular structure.

Cyndy Johnson expressed concern that the decision was inconsistent with her understanding of the
scope of the architectural guidelines and decisions of past boards.

No adverse comments were received from others present.

MOTION was made by Barbara Hjelle to approve the plans. Mike Barker seconded the motion. The
motion was passed. Alan Strebeck abstained from the vote."

MOTION was made by Alan Strebeck that the minutes be amended to include additional comments from the Board to clarify their decision for supporting this Building HS-27 motion. Sally Musemeche seconded the motion, and the motion carried.

Because he had not done so in the previous discussion, Alan Strebeck withdrew his original motion made at the special meeting on April 7, 2009, that the Board decision of January 27, 2004, to approve the ballot
measure to revise the Architectural Guidelines be reversed.

7. Adjournment
MOTION was made by Barbara Hjelle to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded by Sally Musemeche, and the meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

Carol Clason
Recording Secretary

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Minutes - DVLA Board Meeting 04/14/09

Minutes of the Special DVLA Board Meeting of April 14, 2009

Board Members attending:  Cyndy Johnson, Sally Musemeche, Mike Barker, Alan Strebeck, Barbara Hjelle

Meeting held at the Fire House.  One landowner was in attendance.

President Cyndy Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

1.    Finalization of the Annual Meeting procedures and mailing packet

Barbara Hjelle indicated she approved of the last revision of the proxy form as submitted by Alan Strebeck; this form includes the limited proxy as default and lists the fax number of (435) 574-0523. 

MOTION was made by Sally Musemeche that Alan Strebeck complete the final revision of the proxy form; seconded by Barbara Hjelle, and the motion carried.

MOTION made by Sally Musemeche that ballots not be mailed out in the packet; seconded by Barbara Hjelle, and the motion carried.

The letter in the mailing packet is to include the names of the two persons who have volunteered to be candidates for board members, along with their candidate information.  If any other member comes forward before the packets are mailed, their information will also be included.  Alan Strebeck is to finalize the back of the cover letter so that packet can be sent to the printer tomorrow.

It was clarified that a quorum is determined by the majority of the total number of landowners, whether in good standing or not.  A landowner must be in good standing to vote. 

MOTION was made by Barbara Hjelle to accept the revisions to the cover letter as submitted by Alan Strebeck. 

Regarding clarification of the Annual Meeting agenda, candidates will have two minutes to present their views.  Sally Musemeche is to present the appreciation plaques during her trustee report.  Rick Johnson was appointed to oversee the counting of the ballots.  He will need four to six counters.  Ballots will not be accepted before the time specified in the agenda for completion and collection of the ballots.  Attestation forms will be available to be signed by those elected. 

MOTION made by Sally Musemeche to remove the agenda item "Discussion on Need for Revision of Governing Documents".  It was seconded by Barbara Hjelle, and discussion called for by Alan Strebeck.  After discussion, the motion carried.

Sally Musemeche requested clarification of what building clean-up entails, as expected by Kyle Talbot.  Her husband will help oversee clean-up in the event she has to leave early.

Carol Clason,  Stella Callagee, and anyone available are to meet at Carol's home Tuesday evening, April 21, 2009, at 6:30 p.m. to stuff envelops for mailing out. 

MOTION made by Barbara Hjelle to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Mike Barker.  The meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.

Carol A. Clason
Recording Secretary

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Minutes - DVLA Board Meeting 04/07/09

Minutes of the Special DVLA Board Meeting of April 7, 2009

Board Members attending: Cyndy Johnson, Mike Barker, Alan Strebeck, Barbara Hjelle         Absent: Sally Musemeche

Meeting held at the Fire House.

Two landowners were in attendance.
President Cyndy Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. 

1.    Discussion of mailing and planning for the upcoming May 16, 2009, Annual Meeting of the members

Landowner Mac Tomson stated that if there were fewer than three candidates for the three upcoming Board positions, he would accept a nomination from the floor to run as a candidate.

Stella Callagee needs the mail-out package to announce the annual meeting by 04/13/2009, at the latest.
Adjustments were made to update the 2009 meeting agenda to include "Discussion on need for revision of Governing Documents" .  Ballots will not be included in the mail-out.

There are currently 397 lots with 11 who have not paid their dues.  If not up-to-date on payments, a landowner in attendance at the annual meeting, in person or by proxy, is not eligible to vote but is still included in the totals to determine a quorum. If dues and late fees are received before the annual meeting, that landowner may participate and vote at the annual meeting.

Proxies are included when determining a quorum.  Proxies are included on the lists at the tables on the day of the meeting, and if revoked, should be reported to the Secretary.  A change should be made to the proxy form to state that they are available to members only, and that the proxy giver must be in good standing to vote.  Also, the member should make sure that the proxy designee will be present at the meeting. President Cyndy Johnson is to approach Brooks Pace regarding his status in the landowners' association.

Minutes of Board meetings will be posted to the bulletin board and will no longer be e-mailed to landowners.  Hard copies will continue to be placed in the box.    

The following duties were assigned in preparation for the meeting:

a.    Cyndy is to edit the information sheet and bulletin board promotion.  She is to approach the owners of the Red Dog Cafe regarding catering the meeting, to include coffee, muffins, juices.  (The amount of muffins is to be reduced from last year.)  She will also contact persons to secure volunteer help for the meeting.  She is to give a notice to Carol Thorpe to be included in the upcoming water bills.
b.    Barbara is to redo the proxy form, including the insertion of an alternate in the event the proxy cannot attend/vote, with the President as the default proxy.  Barbara is to arrange the Pledge of Allegiance ceremony.                  
c.    Alan is to revise the notice of meeting cover letter, and help with the meeting set-up.  He will    
contact someone to give the opening prayer.
d.    Mike is to help with the meeting set-up.
e.    Sally is to be in charge of clean-up after the meeting.
f.    Kim Ahrenholtz agreed to make signs to post in the neighborhood.

All board members and the recording secretary are to meet at 6:30 a.m. on the morning of May 16, 2009, to help with set-up. A list will be given to board members at the April 25, 2009, meeting to be used in calling members.

2.  Continuation of discussion of By-Law Amendments

After a general discussion by the board members and landowners regarding by-law amendments submitted to the agenda by landowner Alan Strebeck 60 days prior to the scheduled annual meeting date, Alan agreed to withdraw his submission; he also agreed to post the proposed amendments to the bulletin board with the intent to secure feedback from the landowners. The next Board could develop a by-law committee, rewrite the current by-laws, and submit them at a latter date for approval.

3.  Continuation of discussion of the Architectural Guidelines

Alan Strebeck made a motion that the Board decision of  January 27, 2004, to approve the revised Architectual Guidelines be reversed.  Although there was no verbal second, discussion on this issue focused on further research and study to be undertaken before proceeding.

MOTION  was made by Barbara Hjelle that the meeting be adjourned.  Mike Barker seconded the motion, and the meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m.


Carol Clason
Recording Secretary

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Minutes - DVLA Board Meeting 03/24/09

Minutes of the DVLA Board Meeting of March 24, 2009

Board Members attending: Cyndy Johnson, Mike Barker, Alan Strebeck, Barbara Hjelle; Sally Musemeche

Meeting held at Fire House.

Six landowners were in attendance.
President Cyndy Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. 

1.  Approval of Agenda

MOTION was made by Mike Barker to accept the agenda.  Alan Strebeck seconded the motion.  The motion was passed.

2.  Review and approve minutes of the February regular board meeting

MOTION was made by Barbara Hjelle to approve the February meeting minutes.  Mike Barker seconded the motion.  The motion was passed.

3.  President's Message
President Cyndy Johnson noted that there was a great team going forward with the current Board.  So far there have been no candidates for the three openings.  She urged all landowners to consider this important service to the community.

3.  Review financial reports - Stella Callagee
Stella Callagee, Treasurer, reported that several delinquent properties have paid the late dues.  The amount of unpaid dues is down to $3,672.00 which represents 12 lots.  There were no unusual expenses during the prior month.

MOTION was made by Barbara Hjelle to accept the financial report for filing.  The motion was seconded and passed.

4.  Reports:
a.  Fire Department
Chief Talbot gave the report for the fire department.  The department had responded to one false alarm - in conjunction with a controlled burn being done.  There were also two medical calls.  The department will be doing extrication training on the coming Saturday.  This session would help train the volunteers when responding to traffic accidents.  There are two new members on the team - Ron Johnson and Don Collier.   This brings the department up to a total of 24 fire fighters and medical team volunteers.

The old military 6x6 vehicle has had brake problems.  The department was able to make the necessary repairs.  The Rescue vehicle is occasionally going dead.  There is a lot of equipment on board that drains the batteries. 

The Chief said that the fire house is starting to show signs of use.  The carpet is showing wear and the doors need to be painted.  The asphalt around the station is cracking and separating in places.  Next year the Valley will need to treat the surface.  For the present the Chief will do some temporary sealing.

The Chief purchased red cinders for sandbagging in anticipation of the Spring run off. 

The Chief reported that he had to submit a Workmen's Compensation claim for volunteer Jim Petersen.  Jim was conducting training when a pressure cap blew off the hydrant and hit him in the thigh.  He was taken to Work Med but the accident had not caused anything to be broken, just some serious bruising.  Jim is expected to make a full recovery.

The Chief is able to issue burn permits through April 15th.  After that the burn season will close.  Landowners can call the Chief on his cell phone: 703-0931.

b.  ARC - Trustee Assignments: April - Mike Barker; May - Barbara Hjelle

There was no activity over the past month to report.

c.  Trustee Reports
For the Weed Committee, Barbara Hjelle encouraged landowners to pull and spray as the weeds start to come up.

Mike Barker said that he would get together with the Chief before his term ended so they could review the contents in the fire house to be sure the insurance policies correctly reflected those numbers.

Cyndy Johnson had spoken with Rick Smith about a date for highway clean-up.  Rick has scheduled one for April 25th starting at 8:00am.

Sally Musemeche discussed the Community Center reservation policy.  She asked that it be posted to the Bulletin Board and Stella Callagee said she would get that done.  Sally congratulated the committee helping to run the Community Center.  She said that Robyn Jensen is keeping the schedule.

Sally also reported on the CCR violations referral committee that she had headed.  She said it was agreed that no committee should determine legal action to be pursued.  The role of the committee would be to do research and bring a recommendation to the Board.  The Board would make the decision on action to be taken.  She said that those bringing a complaint would need to identify themselves so that a response could be given to them.  Anonymous complaints would not be accepted.  She would be seeking feedback on a referral form.

Sally Musemeche discussed the ARC approval passed by the Board at the last meeting.  She said that there had been discussion at that original ARC about the legality of the Architectural Guidelines.  She asked the other Board members where we stand in relation to the Guidelines.  Should this issue be discussed at the annual meeting?  Alan Strebeck noted that the CCR's always "trump" the Architectural Guidelines.

Alan Strebeck reported that the burn pile was going well.  The volunteers were doing a great job at the gates.

Cyndy Johnson recognized a speaker on an eagle scout project to repair the fence around the mailbox area.  Greg and Gavin Hall were leading the project.    A group of volunteers would work on a Saturday to pull out the old fencing and replace it with matching two rail, round fencing.  The scouts had collected donations from landowners to complete the project.

MOTION was made by Alan Strebeck to allow the project to proceed as planned.  Barbara Hjelle seconded the motion.  Discussion clarified that the DVLA was not funding the project, it was being covered by donations.  The motion was passed.

5.  Unfinished Business:
a. Annual Meeting Planning - Annual Meeting to be held May 16, 2009
1.  Proposed By-Law Revisions:  The Board members discussed Alan Strebeck's proposed by-law revisions.  Sally Musemeche expressed her concern that the document had not been the result of a committee effort.  She had thought from earlier discussions that Alan would form a committee which would work on the issue over the year.  The current presentation was being made by Alan in a personal status, as a landowner.  Barbara Hjelle added that she had volunteered to be on the committee and she had been aware that other landowners had volunteered too.

Barbara said that she did not believe a major revision of the by-laws should be presented in this manner.  She expressed concern that there could be unintended consequences.  She felt the variety of viewpoints from landowners was important in drafting these types of legal documents.  She also did not feel that there could be a meaningful discussion at the annual meeting. She would recommend that landowners vote against the revisions.

Alan Strebeck said it was arrogant to say this board or the few members who came to monthly meetings had the ability to make a decision for all landowners. 

Sally Musemeche said that when the landowners elected her to the board they gave her the responsibility to represent the body's interest.  She had thought she was going to have an opportunity to make input into the by-law revisions.  By allowing the current revisions document to go out she did not feel she was serving the body that had elected her.

Cyndy Johnson said that Alan, as a landowner, had every right to send out his revisions.  He had met the requirements of the by-law that allowed a landowner to propose changes.  She added that she had also thought that Alan had been in agreement with the board to work with a committee to draft the revisions.

Barbara Hjelle said she was not trying to deprive the landowners of something.  She would have preferred that there had been several months of review and input by landowners and the board.  She would have liked to see pro and con statements sent along with the revisions.

Alan Strebeck pointed out that if a landowner had submitted this document within the correct timeframes they would have to go out as submitted and the board had no authority to change them.  He felt that an individual board member's recommendation to vote against the proposed revisions was a personal slight. 

Discussion to be taken under consideration.

2. Architectural Guidelines
The Board discussed whether the current architectural guidelines had been voted in under the necessary quorum requirements.  Barbara Hjelle said she had served on the Board which had proposed the current guidelines.  There had been a lot of board and landowner involvement in the current document.  There had been committee and board meeting discussions.  The question is what is the range of the board's discretion in respect to the guidelines.  The current guidelines had been drafted in response to concerns that restrictions were getting more and more extreme.  The guidelines had been an effort to moderate the position of the DVLA.  The guidelines had been mailed out to the landowners and approved by a majority of respondents. 

Alan Strebeck cited earlier guideline documents and what had been the approval numbers for those revisions.  Problem, were the current guidelines approved by the necessary numbers mandated in the current governing documents?

Barbara Hjelle said the questions leave room for the Board to review the document and make recommendations. 

Sally Musemeche felt the Board had to do the right thing.  This might require going back to the last legally passed document.  Alan Strebeck pointed out that By-law 8.3 required guidelines be passed by 51% of the landowners.

Alan Strebeck said the Board should take this discussion under advisement.

6.  New Business:
a. Protocol for change in meeting dates
Cyndy Johnson said there could be a protocol established for a change in meeting dates. 

Barbara Hjelle felt that the regularly scheduled meeting dates should be kept in place.  As long as the Board had a quorum to conduct business then the meeting date should stand.  Otherwise it was a picking and choosing of which members could be at a meeting.

b. Email archives
The Board discussed keeping an email archives.  The ones to keep were those that required board action.  Many were informational and did not need board consideration/action. 

c. Vote for new Secretary/Treasurer
MOTION was made by Alan Strebeck to appoint Carol Clason as the new DVLA Secretary/Treasurer.  Barbara Hjelle seconded the motion.  The motion was passed by a unanimous vote.

d. Community Garden
Mark Ahrenholtz talked to the Board about a plot of land donated by Brooks Pace for a community garden.  Brooks had donated three acres of land and would fence the area as well as provide water.  There would be family size gardens.  April 22nd there would be a groundbreaking event.  The intention was that extra produce would be sold and help to continue the gardens and also be donated to Care and Share.  Those wanting information could call Mark at 668-3824.

7.  Adjournment
Meeting was adjourned at 9:25pm.

Stella Callagee
Recording Secretary

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Minutes - DVLA Board Meeting 02/24/09

Minutes of the DVLA Board Meeting of February 24, 2009

Board Members attending: Cyndy Johnson, Mike Barker, Alan Strebeck, Barbara Hjelle                      Absent: Sally Musemeche

Meeting held at Fire House.

Ten landowners were in attendance.
President Cyndy Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. 

1.  Approval of Agenda
Annual meeting preparation was added under New Business as item 7a.

MOTION was made by Alan Strebeck to accept the agenda.  Mike Barker seconded the motion.  The motion was passed.

2.  Review and approve minutes of the January regular board meeting
Alan Strebeck asked for a revision in the draft minutes to indicate that he is working on "proposed" revisions to the by-laws. 

MOTION was made by Mike Barker to approve the January meeting minutes as amended.  Alan Strebeck seconded the motion.  The motion was passed.

3.  Review financial reports - Stella Callagee
Chief Talbot submitted the budget for the fire department.  The total is $21,750.  This number is lower than the estimate used during the January budget meeting.  A quick calculation indicated it would drop the proposed dues amount for the coming fiscal year from $300 to $291/year.

The Board discussed with Chief Talbot their plan to keep the amount of the Beck engine payment in the budget calculation after that loan payment ends in August 2009.  They planned to use this monthly payment amount to build the DVLA reserves - including equipment reserves for the fire department.

Chief Talbot said that the large military style vehicle loaned to the department by the State needs to be replaced.  It is difficult to drive and specific in its use - for going off road into rough terrain.  Currently the BLM has some great deals on brush trucks.  He could get a five person cab brush truck for around $30,000.  His overall concern is the safety of the volunteers and the best coverage for the Valley.  A brush truck would much better serve the department's needs than the military style truck.

In response to a question from the Board the Chief said that in the coming year the volunteers would go out to help fight fires on both local and state lands.  The Valley is reimbursed for going out to help on state lands but not to other communities as the DVLA fire department is part of a mutual aid agreement. 

The Board concluded that keeping the proposed dues amount of $300/year would allow for building the reserve and help fund a future fire department replacement vehicle. 

MOTION was made by Barbara Hjelle to accept the financial report for filing.  The motion was seconded and passed.

4.  Reports:
a.  Fire Department
Chief Talbot gave the report for the fire department.  There were no fires in the past month.  The fire department did answer a call to rescue a dog that had fallen through the ice in Sand Cove.  The department also responded to a rollover accident in Veyo.  Troy Johnson has returned from his LDS mission and has rejoined the department volunteers. 

Twelve members of the department have been recertified for their "red card".  This certification allows them to go out and help fight fires on State lands.  Five more department volunteers will be taking the "red card" class in the future.  The Chief talked about the rigorous agility test the volunteers have to pass as part of this process.

All six of the department vehicles have passed their safety inspections.  The State has money allocated for the painting of that brush truck.  The vehicle is owned by the State and loaned to the DVLA department.  It is State money that will be used to paint the truck.

The Chief discussed the ongoing problem with the pagers.  This is due to the issue of a viable repeater set-up.  The Dammeron Valley fire department is working around this problem but it is a county wide issue that is far from being resolved.

The Chief told the Board that he is nervous about flooding from the spring run off.  He asked to use approximately $350 to buy red cinders for sandbag use.  The Board unanimously approved this expenditure.

b.  ARC - Trustee Assignments: March - Alan Strebeck; April - Mike Barker; May - Barbara Hjelle

The Board considered the plans of Jordan and Betty Ann Strebeck, HS-27, for a garage and studio addition.  The plans exceeded the general guidelines for size set forth in the Architectural Guidelines so
the ARC referred the decision to the Board to determine whether the size was appropriate under the
circumstances.  The size would be a little less than 2500 sq. ft.

The Board discussed the fact that the plans met County guidelines and that the CCRs for the Homesteads contain no square footage restrictions.  Lance Cornwall and the builder represented that the submitted documents, fee, and the setbacks and color were in compliance, and that there was no restroom included in the building.  The owners stated that the building would not be used for dwelling purposes.  Barbara Hjelle noted that the guidelines state that "The guidelines must be consistent with and in fulfillment of the CCRs  and that "Accessory buildings shall generally not exceed 2,000 sq. ft. in area." She interpreted these guidelines to allow for consideration of larger buildings if the CCRs do not prohibit them.  However, if the building is to be larger than the general guideline, it should have some architectural detail to offset the impact of the size.  This building reflected considerable architectural detail and was not merely a rectangular structure.

MOTION was made by Barbara Hjelle to approve the plans.  Mike Barker seconded the motion.  The motion was passed.  Alan Strebeck abstained from the vote.

c.  Trustee Reports
1.  Alan Strebeck said he would hold a by-law committee meeting on Wed., March 17th at 7:00 pm in the firehouse.  This would be an open meeting. 

The burn pile will be open on the upcoming Saturday.

2.  Cyndy Johnson said that a highway clean-up would be planned in the future.  Right now it is too wet.  She will talk with Rick Smith who heads the highway clean-up effort.

Cyndy reported that she is working with landowners to help keep the entrances sign free.  There is a real estate kiosk at the mailbox cluster for real estate flyers.

3.  Barbara Hjelle reported that she is looking for guidance on the issue of weeds from the Board.  There are divergent views in her committee.  She thinks that reminders in the minutes and information on the DVLA Bulletin Board may be the way to disseminate information.  Landowners can be given tips for dealing with weeds as they appear at different times of the year.  Alan Strebeck said that one of the problems is the lots with absentee owners.  Since the DVLA cannot levy fines there is little that can be done.  Cyndy Johnson said that letters to landowners had been done in the past to fix fencing along the greenbelt and that effort had been successful.  Letters may be one of the ways to help with the absentee owner weed problem.  Barbara Hjelle said that a letter in the water bill could also be a way of passing on information.

5.  Unfinished Business:
a. Board policies
The Board had met and worked on the Board policies document.

MOTION was made by Mike Barker to accept the Board policies document that Barbara Hjelle had revised and sent out to the Board.  Alan Strebeck seconded the motion.  The motion was passed.

6.  New Business:
a. The Board set the date for the Annual Meeting for Saturday, May 16th. 
b.  Mac Thomson reported for the Fire Safe Committee.  The State is working on fire breaks around the Valley. 

7.  Adjournment
MOTION was made by Mike Barker to adjourn the meeting.  Alan Strebeck seconded the motion.  The meeting was adjourned at 9:00pm.

Stella Callagee
Recording Secretary

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Minutes - DVLA Board Meeting 01/27/09

Minutes of the DVLA Board Meeting of January 27, 2009

Board Members attending: Cyndy Johnson, Sally Musemeche, Mike Barker, Alan Strebeck;                    Barbara Hjelle

Meeting held at Fire House.

Six landowners were in attendance.
President Cyndy Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. 

1.  Approval of Agenda

MOTION was made by Mike Barker to accept the agenda.  Barbara Hjelle seconded the motion.  The motion was passed.

2.  Review and approve minutes of the November regular board meeting and the special meeting of January 20, 2009 concerning the budget

MOTION was made by Sally Musemeche to approve the November meeting minutes.  Mike Barker seconded the motion.  The motion was passed.

MOTION was made by Barbara Hjelle to approve the special meeting minutes of Jan. 20, 2009.  Mike Barker seconded the motion.  The motion was passed.

3.  President's Message
The Board is looking for applicants for the Secretary/Treasurer job.

4.  Review financial reports - Stella Callagee

MOTION was made by Barbara Hjelle to accept the financial report for filing.  Sally Musemeche seconded the motion.  It was passed.

5.  Reports:
a.  Fire Department
A representative was unavailable so there was no report for the fire department.

b.  ARC - Trustee Assignments: February - Sally Musemeche;  March - Alan Strebeck; April - Mike Barker; May - Barbara Hjelle

Lance Cornwall, Chair of the ARC, gave the report.  Two plans were approved - for PHI-06 and PHV105. 

c.  Trustee Reports
1.  Alan Strebeck reported that the burn pile is working well.  He has had no problem finding volunteers to man the gate.  The Chief did a burn about eight weeks ago.

Alan is working on the by-law revisions.  A document will be ready for the annual meeting mail out. Alan explained that the purpose of this effort will be to get wording back to the original intent of the by-laws.  The proposed revisions will also clear up ambiguities.

2.  Mike Barker said that he still needs to get a hold of Chief Talbot to do an estimate of the contents of the fire house.  His review of the DVLA insurance policies has indicated the building contents coverage skewed between the community center and the fire house.

Concerning flooding, money is an issue for the state and county entities.  Mike does not expect anything to get done in the immediate future.  Brooks Pace would like the DVLA to look into funding an engineering study. 

3.  Cyndy Johnson reported that she continues to work on the website with Johnna Evans.  Sally Musemeche suggested a topic on the bulletin board which would allow landowners to post available resources in the Valley.  Johnna Evans said she would look into setting something up.  Technically there is no problem setting up another forum. 

4.  Sally Musemeche said that she received a fax from a title company looking to settle a lien placed on a property back in 2002.  The current owners purchased the property without the lien being cleared.  Now they are refinancing and the old lien needs to be cleared.  The Board decided to accept a payment of $808 to clear the lien.  Sally will send a letter from the Board indicating this to the title company.

5.  Barbara Hjelle said that the weeds committee will be meeting soon.  She also will be checking with the County recycling effort to see when the Valley might expect a check.

5.  Unfinished Business:
a. Board policies
The Board decided to have a special meeting next week to go over the draft that Barbara has prepared.

6.  Comment and Discussion by landowners
a. Frank Shearer talked with the Board concerning the transportation SSD.  He described his efforts to get information out to the landowners.  The Board discussed the need to educate and inform the landowners even when something is a political issue that the Board will not be involved in.

7.  Adjournment
MOTION was made by Alan Strebeck to adjourn the meeting.  Barbara Hjelle seconded the motion.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:05pm.

Stella Callagee
Recording Secretary

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Minutes - DVLA Board Meeting 01/20/09

Minutes of the Special DVLA Board Meeting of January 20, 2009

Board Members attending: Cyndy Johnson, Sally Musemeche, Barbara Hjelle, Mike Barker, Alan Strebeck

Meeting held at Fire House

President Cyndy Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00pm

Two landowners were in attendance.

Stella Callagee presented the Board with documentation of year to date expenses for the past five years with a conservative estimate for the present fiscal year.  She pointed out that with a 6/30 fiscal year end date the DVLA is only half way through yearly spending.  The biggest factor in this as in any year is the fire season activity.  Though spending is currently on track a heavy fire season could cause the DVLA to temporarily dip into reserves to meet immediate fire fighting needs.

Stella said that there is approximately $40K in reserves which represents year end unused funds carried over from the past several years.  The goal previously set by the Board is to get the DVLA reserve to $50K.  This is an amount that has been recommended to HOAs of the DVLA's size.

Specific budget items discussed:

1. Sally Musemeche pointed out that the Community Center bathroom needs to be made ADA compliant.  She is going to obtain bids for that work.

2.  Sally advised that the new DVLA telephone set-up is now costing $25.00/month.  Stella pointed out that when the line was originally in her house it was approximately $41/month.  When Karen Sharkey served as secretary she was able to add a line on to her current home set-up and the cost to the DVLA was around $15/month.  The new set-up has required Sally to put a separate line in to her home in order to preserve the DVLA telephone number.  That is why the new cost is slightly higher.

3. The DVLA currently carries two loans - one for the Beck (large) fire engine and the other for the fire house.  Both are in good standing.  The fire engine loan will be paid up in August 2009.  The Board discussed incorporating that monthly payment back into the dues amount in order to build the reserve,  save for upcoming fire house loan closing costs as the fire house loan is renegotiated, and replacement fire department equipment.  The fire house loan with US Bank comes up for renewal at the end of 2009 but the Board thought it would be beneficial to start negotiations now.

4. The Board designated $950 for social events - $550 total for the Annual Meeting and $400 for the fall festival or other designated Valley event.

Stella will incorporate the Board recommendations and bring the revised budget draft to the 1/27/09 regular board meeting for continued discussion.

5.  Adjournment
MOTION was made by Sally Musemeche to adjourn the meeting.  Mike Barker seconded the motion.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:20pm.

Stella Callagee
Recording Secretary