Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Minutes - DVLA Board Meeting 08/30/11

Draft Minutes of the DVLA Board Meeting of August 30, 2011
The monthly DVLA Board Meeting was held at the Fire House. Eleven landowners were in attendance.
Board Members attending: Bill King, Julie Cropper, Jim Johnson, Mac Thomson,
President Bill King called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
1. Approval of the agenda:
MOTION made by Julie Cropper and SECONDED by Jim Johnson that the agenda be approved. Motion carried.
2. Review and approval of the minutes of the July 26, 2011, monthly DVLA Board meeting
MOTION was made by Julie Cropper to approve the July 26, 2011, monthly DVLA Board meeting minutes.
SECONDED by Jim Johnson, and the motion carried.
3. Old Business:
a. Nomination considerations for the open board member position
MOTION was made by Jim Johnson and SECONDED by Julie Cropper to nominate Terry Taylor to fill the vacant board member position. The motion carried.
b. Update on attorney consultation
The attorney has a few more issues to research with the Fair Housing Administration and will then submit a written report than can be disseminated to the landowners regarding legal issues surrounding the rehabilitation center in the valley and the by-law legalities.
c. Safety guard rails to line the step entrance up to the DV Fire Station training room
McArthur's has given the Association a bid to build, powder coat, and install railings for only $100 more than the original company contacted, who was not going to do the powder coating. McArthur's bid has been accepted, and
the railings are to be in place before the next monthly meeting is held.
4. New Business:
a. Request for setback variance from landowner
The setback requirement for Lot 25, Homesteads Subdivision, is 30 feet on each side, as opposed to the 10 feet for other lots. The landowner is requesting a variance for a carport 20 feet by 36 feet which would come no closer than 10 feet
to the property line. Jim Johnson MADE A MOTION that the variance be granted by the Board with the stipulation that there is no violation of Architectural Guidelines and that a member of the Architectural Committee follow-up with the
closest neighbors to verify that they have no issue with the proposed structure. Julie Cropper SECONDED the motion, and the motion carried.
5. Reports:
a. President's Report - Bill King
During the past several years, sometimes people come to the meetings with chip on their shoulder and take up everyone's time with fantasies about how great everything was in the past, and how some people did such a fantastic job before. Instead of taking up time at the board meetings, I would appreciate if members could contact me beforehand to attempt to resolve these issues. If it is a problem that needs to be discussed at the meetings, it can be added as an agenda item for discussion. We are here in the present day, not the past, and need to work together as a group instead of this group following their agenda and that group over there following another. We are going to get the legal issues addressed by the attorney straightened out; we are going to straighten out the by-law issues; and we are going to straighten out any legality issues with the Association itself.
b. Fire Department Report: Kyle Talbot
During the past month, there have been two Federal fires, 3 days spent at the Diamond Valley fire, and 1 day at the Volcano fire. Medical calls have been many. A fender was torn off Brush I at the Diamond Valley fire. We are attempting
to sell Brush II before the year is out. Two members of the Fire Department were lost due to family commitments, and Alan Strebeck has recently joined the Department. The landowners association is reimbursed for some of the fires fought by our firefighters. Firefighters are reimbursed by the hour; the cheapest brush truck is reimbursed at $104 per hour, and the engine truck at $400 per hour. Those monies are deposited into the fire department operating account for reimbursement of the fire fighters and maintenance on the equipment. Whenever fire trucks are sent out of the area, one-half of the equipment is held in Dammeron Valley to cover any needs of this community.
c. Committee Updates:
i. Public Safety - Mac Thomson:
There were no close fires to the Valley within the previous month.
ii. Social - Jim Johnson:
It was suggested that Terry Taylor could help on this committee as it could develop into a large project
iii. Architectural Review - Gary Jensen:
One new home in Pinion Hills III, an addition in Pinion Hills III, a hay barn in the Meadows, a fence in the Homesteads, and a structure color change were approved during the previous month. One landowner asked about the metal storage containers that are present on several homeowner lots. These storage containers are temporary only, are present only to help a neighbor who had to leave the area, and will be gone as quickly as possible.
iv. Public Properties - Julie Cropper:
Julie Cropper compiled a book of photographs of the areas maintained by the Association. This book is to serve as evidence of any changes and maintenance needed.
A checklist was given to Robyn Jensen to provide information to Julie on how the community center is operated and the rules under which it functions.
The community center acts as a storage unit and all the historical records of the Dammeron Valley Landowners Association are located there. Preservation of these records is needed. Some records will need professional scanning and
preservation. Jan Yergensen volunteered to help with this project as she has scanning equipment, printers, and business machines that can be used. Bill King asked that the community be informed when this work is scheduled so that others can help. Also, if monies are needed for supplies or professional work, the Board needs to be informed of what it will cost.
An enclosed board that can be locked needs to replace the cork board at the mail boxes. Dimensions are to be furnished to Bill King so that this board can be ordered.
One landowner asked that the Board look into ordering new flags as the ones currently used at the Fire House often appear tattered and torn.
Karen Sharkey is to send an e-mail asking that those landowners who post notices on the large boards, to date those notices, and remove them within thirty days. The purpose is to keep the boards updated and oganized.
f. Financial/Secretarial Report - Carol Clason
Regarding welcome packets, Bill King has asked that I post on the Bulletin Board any new landowners to the Valley of which I have knowledge and am sending welcome packets. I will post that monthly about the middle of the month so that it
does not interfere with the busy time around the end of the month when the monthly DVLA meetings are scheduled. It will be posted under the DVLA Board section.
An audit of the books is scheduled for the beginning of November, with the intention of a completed report for the November monthly meeting. An accountant has been asked if they are interested in completing the audit and are to get back to us regarding what they would charge for the service.
Our Federal and State Tax Returns were completed and filed during the month of August. The accountant completed the return two different ways - as a 1120 Corporation Return and also as a 1120 Homowners Return. The DVLA is able to file whichever return is most advantageous for the association and can switch the filing at will. This year a 1120 Corporation return was filed because this return resulted in no tax due on either the State or Federal return. However, $100 had to be paid for the State as this is their minimal fee charged for filing a state corporation return (even though no tax was owed).
Regarding the financial statements, if you look at the balance sheet for August 30, 2011, you will see that the first item listed is a CD for $50,000.00. That CD was bought because the interest paid under the savings account resulted in about
$13 per month paid to the association. The CD will pay approximately $85 per month. This money is liquid and can be withdrawn at any time and for any amount needed, with the only penalty being a loss of interest on the money taken.
Page 2 of budget versus year-to-date sheet, line 11.0 includes the additional information requested last month (how many landowners billed, current dues paid to date, landowners owing all dues or partial dues on their lot). I looked back three
years and no previous budget sheet had this information listed. I think last year we had a temporary report listing this information. In order to maintain the same format of the budget sheet, but furnish the information needed, I have included
all the additional information under line 11.0.
A MOTION WAS MADE by Jim Johnson to accept the financial report. It was SECONDED by Terry Taylor, and the motion carried.
6. Comment and discussion by landowners:
Julie Cropper announced the HOA Law Forum that is being held Saturday, September 24, 2011, 9:00 a.m. at 1:00 p.m.
at the Hilton Garden Inn in St. George for anyone interested. The Board members and secretary/treasurer will be reimbursed if any of them attend.
7. Adjournment:
Jim Johnson MADE A MOTION to adjourn the meeting which was SECONDED by Terry Taylor. The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m.
Carol Clason
Recording Secretary