Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Minutes - DVLA Board Meeting 06/24/08

Minutes of the Special DVLA Board Meeting of June 24, 2008

Board Members attending: Cyndy Johnson, Mike Barker, Alan Strebeck, Barbara Hjelle,                  Sally Musemeche
Fourteen landowners were in attendance.  Brooks Pace was also in attendance - representing Water Company and Dammeron Corp development.

President Cyndy Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. 

1.  Approval of Agenda
MOTION was made by Sally Musemeche to approve the agenda.  Mike Barker seconded the motion.  It was passed.

2. County Representative presentation on recycling
Presentation was made by Jenifer Harris, County Recycling Coordinator.  (Telephone numbers - Office:435-673-2813; Cell:435-619-2152  Email:wcsw4@hi-speed.us)

Jenifer explained that "binnies" for recycling will be placed in Dammeron Valley.  Participation is voluntary.  All taxpayers have contributed for sometime towards recycling.  The money raised over the years is being used to purchase the "binnies" as well as a special flatbed truck that will make the pick-ups. Currently Dammeron Valley is scheduled for a weekly pick-up. The County will sell the commodities collected.  The money will be turned back to individual communities for their use.  The recycling effort will be introduced during "Don't Waste Dixie Week"  - 9/22/08.  There will also be an education component that will be introduced into the County school systems.

Decisions that need to be made by the DVLA: 1) where will the "binnies" be placed 2) what will be the designated use for the money turned back to Dammeron Valley.  Landowner offered suggestion of using the money for "community improvement".  Barbara Hjelle is the recycling contact for the Board.  She will return to the Board with recommendations.

3.  Review and approve minutes of the April and May meetings
Board discussed several issues in connection with the minutes. 
a.    remarks made at a public meeting cannot be excluded from the minutes
b.    current minutes are an extract of discussion made by recording secretary - they are not a transcript
c.    past practice has been to have drafts emailed to Trustees for corrections/additions and ability to review minutes prior to meeting
1.    Alan Strebeck pointed out that it had been two months since the April Board meeting and it was difficult to reconstruct discussions that long in the past.  Recording secretary apologized for delay in getting draft to Trustees.  She explained that in past years the special meeting following the annual meeting had been only to elect officers.  The May 27th meeting agenda had been amended to include a number of items.  If she had realized the meeting was to be more extensive and the Board wanted the April minutes she would have prepared them.  Stella also pointed out during the month between the annual meeting and the June Board meeting  she was preparing invoice mailing, processing receipts as well as fiscal year end close.  Past Boards had not asked for the minutes earlier but she would make every effort to make the process more timely. 
2.    What to include in minutes was discussed.  Brooks Pace noted that he had served on boards where the only information recorded were the agenda items and any motions which were made.  Several board members felt that current format is OK as it gives some background to discussion. 

MOTION was made by Mike Barker to accept the April and May minutes.  Sally Musemeche seconded the motion.  It was passed.

4.  Review financial reports - Stella Callagee
Stella Callagee reported a donation from Leonard and Shirley Rice for fire protection.  She had also received the first donations for use of the new Community Center.

Stella Callagee explained that the fiscal year for the DVLA will end 6/30.  Because the fire season had not been active yet, the fire department did not have extensive expenses as in some prior years.  She was able to give a summary and estimate of unrestricted funds to carry forward into the new year.

The DVLA has five bank accounts including the one that has the escrow funds for outstanding construction projects.  That account is not included in the reserve count as those monies will be returned to landowners when the construction is completed.

At US Bank there are accounts for the Fire Truck loan, Fire House loan and Fire Department.  At Wells Fargo the DVLA has its main Operating account and the Escrow Account.  Estimated year end balances in each account are:

US Bank - fire truck    $4,838 - July and Aug payments (this is an automatic deduction acct)
US Bank - fire house    $4,227 - July and Aug payments (this is an automatic deduction acct)
US Bank - fire dept.    $3,000 - remainder of $5K advance on new year budget
Wells Fargo - operating $39,236 - prior yr carryover and current year remainder

        Total    $51,301
Commitments against that total are:
            ($1,375) - Christmas fund donations for Comm Ctr  park
            ($2,000) - fire hydrant repair
            ($310)    - Comm Ctr donations
            ($5,188) - ARC planning fees and tree bonds - earmarked for registration of                                Fire truck
Unrestricted carryover    $42,428

Stella will be completing the year end reconciliation after 6/30 and then take the documentation to the accountant for preparation of the tax returns.

MOTION was made by Sally Musemeche to accept the financial report for filing.  Barbara Hjelle seconded the motion.  The motion was passed.

5.  Reports:
a.  Fire Department - representative was not available and report not given
b.  ARC Report - final approvals CT-30, FA-22, and PHI-20; new construction approvals - OF2-29, ME-23
c.  Trustee Reports:
    1. Mike Barker said that Stella had given him the insurance policies and he would be reviewing the value of the insurance on the buildings.  The basic coverage seemed to be in order.

    2.  Sally Musemeche is the contact for the Community Center.  She reported that she had met with the Committee and praised them for the process that had been set-up for Valley use.  Crystal Phillips thanked Sally for meeting with them so quickly and helping to get the rules in place.  One of the issues that Sally said the committee had addressed was how to recognize the contribution made by all landowners towards the Community Center through their dues payment.  To that end every landowner would have the right to use the Community Center for one event during the year with no charge.  Subsequent events would be charged at $5.00 for the first hour and $2.50 for each following hour.  These rates had been set-up by looking at utility and insurance costs for the Community Center over the past year.
    Sally said she would be heading up the committee to address landowner "concerns".  She was working on finding a good contact with the County.  She was still working through her thoughts on the set-up of the committee and was not ready yet to solicit volunteers to serve.

    3. Cyndy Johnson reported that Rick Smith had reported 14 bags of trash were collected during the highway clean-up held on Saturday morning, June 7th .  He sent his thanks on behalf of the entire Valley to the following landowners who came out to help: Ryan Butts, Larry and Donna Geer, Vaughn and Marleen Bussma, Wayne and Lou Staab, Eric Watts, Cyndy Johnson, Jeannette Cutner and son, Cole, and Terry Smith.  The next "detail" is planned for the early fall.

    Cyndy said that the new community bulletin board has 46 landowners registered.  It is still in the experimental stage.  She hoped that landowners would be willing to give it a try.  Currently the website needs to be updated and the web committee was looking for volunteers to help write the updates.  Volunteers can contact Cyndy.

    4.  Barbara Hjelle said she is heading up the weed committee.  She is asking for volunteers.  Brooks Pace said he was willing to volunteer.  Barbara said she had some thoughts about getting those with tractors to volunteer to help mow down weeds.  She was looking for ideas as to how to get those with problem lots to participate in this effort.  She was also looking into what help could be expected from the County.  She will plan a meeting of this committee next week.

    5. Alan Strebeck said the burn pile process had run well over the past season.  Due to fire restrictions the burn pile is closed until Fall.

    Alan is heading up the committee to review the by-laws.  He is planning the first meeting in July and is looking for volunteers. 

6.  Unfinished Business
a.  Party surveys - Karen Sharkey
Karen Sharkey reported that the consensus of the surveys indicated no interest in a Fourth of July or Christmas Party.  Discussion was of an alternative social event - like an art in the park or similar event.  Sally Musemeche said there was a need to get the restroom in the Community Center ADA compliant.  The cost would be around $1,300.  The Board asked Karen to meet with interested landowners and bring recommendations for alternative events back to the next meeting.  This item would be placed on next month's agenda.

b.  Board policies and procedures
Board policies and procedures had been adopted by the Board in January 2004.  Cyndy Johnson asked the Board to look over the document and see if there was anything that conflicted with the current governing documents.  Also, the Board should see if anything needed to be updated.  Alan Strebeck said it was a good place to start.  A landowner asked where they could get a copy of the document.  Stella Callagee said she would place it on the Community Bulletin Board.  Cyndy said this item would be placed on next month's agenda.

7.  New Business
a.  Lance Cornwall asked the Board to approve Ken Mandell as a member of the ARC.
MOTION was made by Barbara Hjelle to approve Ken Mandell as a member of the ARC.  Sally Musemeche seconded the motion.  The motion was passed.

b. Annual Meeting Procedures
Alan Strebeck discussed a problem with annual meeting procedures.  There had been a problem when a landowner who had given their proxy to someone showed up at the meeting.  Since there were multiple sign in sheets there was some confusion finding where the proxy had been signed in.  Karen Sharkey noted that when the initial sign-in rush happens it would be a big hold up to make those with proxies move from alphabetical station to station.  Alan Strebeck noted that the $100 incentive was worthless.  Landowners still had to be called to get a quorum.  Brooks Pace suggested changing the size of the quorum - maybe to something like 25%.  The Board discussed what constitutes a quorum.  Cyndy Johnson mentioned the need to limit the presentations by the candidates.  It was suggested that the candidates be given a specific time limit.

c. Brooks Pace reported that the water conservation tariff had been approved.  Information will be sent to landowners in the water bill. 

Brooks Pace said that his purchase of State Institution Trust Lands had been put on hold.  He hoped to begin development in 2009/2010.  His intent is to develop 250 lots that would be 2 acres in size.  He was asked if these would become part of the DVLA.  He said it was his intent to make them part of the DVLA.  Barbara Hjelle said her concern about this was the voting impact of this new development on the land use in the older subdivisions.  The Board discussed whether new subdivisions could change land use in the older subdivisions.

Brooks Pace said that Veyo was circulating a petition to withdraw from the Water Conservancy District.  He said that 10% of the property tax goes to the Water Conservancy District.  Sally Musemeche asked why Veyo is raising the issue.  It was discussed that use of recreational areas is also covered by the District.  Attorney Robert Mitchell, a landowner, offered to do research on the issue and get back to the Board.

8.  Comment and Discussion by Landowners
a.  Robert Mitchell said that the highway noise is loud.  He asked if the DVLA can get the speed limit reduced.    Brooks Pace suggested planting a line of trees along the highway.  A study had been done by the State a few years ago and it did not support lowering the speed limit.

b.  Ken Mandell asked the status of the incorporation petition.  Alan Strebeck said that this is not a DVLA issue.  He would be glad to discuss the petition after the meeting.  Cyndy Johnson added that the DVLA Board had been criticized for getting involved in this effort.  The Board's intent had been to keep landowners informed, not to support the issue.

6.  Adjournment
MOTION was made by Barbara Hjelle to adjourn the meeting.  Sally Musemeche seconded the motion.  The meeting was adjourned at 9:15pm.

Stella Callagee
Recording Secretary