Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Minutes - DVLA Board Meeting 04/27/10

Draft: Minutes of the DVLA Board Meeting of April 27, 2010

Board Members attending: Barbara Hjelle, Jim Johnson, Bill King, Lance Cornwall    Absent: Von Mason

Monthly DVLA Board Meeting was held at the Fire House.  Five landowners were in attendance.   
President Barbara Hjelle called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 

1.  Approval of agenda
     MOTION made and seconded that the agenda be approved.

2.  Review and approval of the minutes of the March 30, 2010, DVLA Board meeting
     MOTION made by Bill King and seconded by Lance Cornwall to approve the minutes for the March 30, 2010, DVLA Board meeting as submitted.  The motion carried.

3.  Reports
     3a.  President's message           
     Barbara Hjelle indicated that the DVLA needs procedural check lists to be passed on to new Board members for future use.  Presently check lists are being compiled for this purpose.    
     3b.  Financial Report -Carol Clason
     Carol Clason reported that one more landowner paid their delinquent 2009-2010 dues this month.One lot that was on the delinquent list under John and Jean Oakes was returned to the Dammeron Corporation, so no dues have been paid on that lot for 2009-2010.
     $3,600.00 was received from Brooks Pace in payment of the transfer fees of $200 each for the 18 Pinion Hills lots that were recently transferred to a new owner.

    MOTION made and seconded that the financial report be approved.

     3c.  Fire Department Report
     The fire report was presented by Lance Cornwall.  There were no fires the past month and three medical calls.  Two brush trucks needed a total of $700.00 repair.    
     3d.  ARC Report - Lance Cornwall
     Plans were submitted and approved for a new house at Dammeron Valley Heights - lot 4, a new garage at Meadows - Lot 12, and pergola at Canyon Trails - Lot 1 in the past month.  There were requests from Pinion Hills for solar equipment to be installed on the top of a residence and a new garage.
     Barbara Hjelle is to be the ARC trustee until May 15, 2010, after which Bill King and Jim Johnson will fill in.

     4.  Old Business
     4a.  Amended park maintenance contract and bid procedure - Bill King and Lance Cornwall
     Fourteen bids for the 2010 season for the park and entrance maintenance contract were opened and read to those in attendance.  EnviroCare was chosen based on being the lowest bid in compliance with the request for proposals.  Their bid consisted of $300 per month for the park, $30 for the entrances, and $45.00 per hour rate for additional labor.
     MOTION made by Bill King to accept EnviroCare as the subcontractor, seconded by Jim Johnson, and the motion passed.
     Lance is to respond to the participants in the bidding process, notifying the contractor who secured the bid and thanking the others for their interest.
     4b.  Annual meeting planning
     Volunteers were listed for the following duties:
          i.   Purchase restaurant gift certificates of $50.00, provide copies of CCR's, update mailing list, secure name tags and pens - Carol Clason
MOTION was made by Lance Cornwall and seconded by Jim Johnson that $50.00 restaurant gift certificates be presented to retiring DVLA Board members, and the motion carried.  Barbara Hjelle requested that no gift be purchased for her.
          ii.   Sign-in table  CCR table - Kim Ahrenholtz (She will call for volunteers)
          iii.  Telephone calls to all landowners - Donna Geer, Ken Mandell, DVLA Board
          iv.  Table set-up - Volunteers to be at the meeting at 7:00 a.m.
          v.   Clean-up crew - Sherri Mandell
          vi.  Greeter, flag ceremony - Mark Ahrenholtz
          vii.  Invocation - Ken Mandell to ask Al Painter; if he is not available Mark Ahrenholtz to handle
          viii. Ballot boxes, creamers, sugar, cups (hot, cold), stir sticks, napkins, plates - Barbara Hjelle to check community center, or purchase.
          ix.. Ballot counters - (Cyndy Johnson volunteered to arrange for ballot counters after the meeting adjourned.)
          x.   PA system, microphones, tables for Board - Lance Cornwall to call
          xi.  Coffee - Sally Musemeche
          xii. Purchase drinks, OJ, donuts, milk, coffee, tea, cocoa - Barbara Hjelle and Bill King
          xiii.Water (sports coolers, ice) - Cyndy Johnson
          xiv. Circuit breakers and remove fire trucks - Kyle Talbot (Lance Cornwall to e-mail Kyle)
     Board members are to meet Friday evening, May 14, 2010, at 7:00 p.m. to document mailed-in ballots.  This will be an open meeting of the Board so that members can attend to observe the process.
5.  New Business
     5a.  Based on prior practice, the majority of new lots sold have paid prorated dues depending upon the month sold.  MOTION made by Lance Cornwall and seconded by Jim Johnson that this be the ongoing practice, and that any landowner who has paid in excess of this be refunded what is due to them.  The motion carried.
     5b.  MOTION made by Lance Cornwall and seconded by Jim Johnson that lots returned to the original developer not be required to pay dues until resold.  The motion carried.

6.  Comment and discussion by landowners
     None presented.
7.  Adjournment
     The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.   
Carol Clason
Recording Secretary