Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Minutes - DVLA Board Meeting 04/07/09

Minutes of the Special DVLA Board Meeting of April 7, 2009

Board Members attending: Cyndy Johnson, Mike Barker, Alan Strebeck, Barbara Hjelle         Absent: Sally Musemeche

Meeting held at the Fire House.

Two landowners were in attendance.
President Cyndy Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. 

1.    Discussion of mailing and planning for the upcoming May 16, 2009, Annual Meeting of the members

Landowner Mac Tomson stated that if there were fewer than three candidates for the three upcoming Board positions, he would accept a nomination from the floor to run as a candidate.

Stella Callagee needs the mail-out package to announce the annual meeting by 04/13/2009, at the latest.
Adjustments were made to update the 2009 meeting agenda to include "Discussion on need for revision of Governing Documents" .  Ballots will not be included in the mail-out.

There are currently 397 lots with 11 who have not paid their dues.  If not up-to-date on payments, a landowner in attendance at the annual meeting, in person or by proxy, is not eligible to vote but is still included in the totals to determine a quorum. If dues and late fees are received before the annual meeting, that landowner may participate and vote at the annual meeting.

Proxies are included when determining a quorum.  Proxies are included on the lists at the tables on the day of the meeting, and if revoked, should be reported to the Secretary.  A change should be made to the proxy form to state that they are available to members only, and that the proxy giver must be in good standing to vote.  Also, the member should make sure that the proxy designee will be present at the meeting. President Cyndy Johnson is to approach Brooks Pace regarding his status in the landowners' association.

Minutes of Board meetings will be posted to the bulletin board and will no longer be e-mailed to landowners.  Hard copies will continue to be placed in the box.    

The following duties were assigned in preparation for the meeting:

a.    Cyndy is to edit the information sheet and bulletin board promotion.  She is to approach the owners of the Red Dog Cafe regarding catering the meeting, to include coffee, muffins, juices.  (The amount of muffins is to be reduced from last year.)  She will also contact persons to secure volunteer help for the meeting.  She is to give a notice to Carol Thorpe to be included in the upcoming water bills.
b.    Barbara is to redo the proxy form, including the insertion of an alternate in the event the proxy cannot attend/vote, with the President as the default proxy.  Barbara is to arrange the Pledge of Allegiance ceremony.                  
c.    Alan is to revise the notice of meeting cover letter, and help with the meeting set-up.  He will    
contact someone to give the opening prayer.
d.    Mike is to help with the meeting set-up.
e.    Sally is to be in charge of clean-up after the meeting.
f.    Kim Ahrenholtz agreed to make signs to post in the neighborhood.

All board members and the recording secretary are to meet at 6:30 a.m. on the morning of May 16, 2009, to help with set-up. A list will be given to board members at the April 25, 2009, meeting to be used in calling members.

2.  Continuation of discussion of By-Law Amendments

After a general discussion by the board members and landowners regarding by-law amendments submitted to the agenda by landowner Alan Strebeck 60 days prior to the scheduled annual meeting date, Alan agreed to withdraw his submission; he also agreed to post the proposed amendments to the bulletin board with the intent to secure feedback from the landowners. The next Board could develop a by-law committee, rewrite the current by-laws, and submit them at a latter date for approval.

3.  Continuation of discussion of the Architectural Guidelines

Alan Strebeck made a motion that the Board decision of  January 27, 2004, to approve the revised Architectual Guidelines be reversed.  Although there was no verbal second, discussion on this issue focused on further research and study to be undertaken before proceeding.

MOTION  was made by Barbara Hjelle that the meeting be adjourned.  Mike Barker seconded the motion, and the meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m.


Carol Clason
Recording Secretary