Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Minutes - DVLA Board Meeting 09/29/09

Draft: Minutes of the DVLA Board Meeting of September 29, 2009

Board Members attending: Barbara Hjelle, Sally Musemeche, Bill King, Von Mason.  Absent:  Lance Cornwall

Working DVLA Board meeting to discuss governing documents of the DVLA was not held this evening. 

Monthly DVLA Board Meeting was held at the Fire House.  Four landowners were in attendance.               
President Barbara Hjelle called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 

1.  Approval of agenda:
MOTION by Bill King to approve the agenda.  Seconded by Von Mason, and the motion  carried.

2.  Review and approval of the minutes of the August 25, 2009, DVLA Board meeting
MOTION made and seconded to approve the minutes for the August 25, 2009, DVLA Board meeting as submitted.  The motion carried.

3.  President’s message
Barbara Hjelle announced that a meeting will be set up for any Board member who wishes to attend to meet at Carol Clason’s home to review the financial accounts. 

4.  Reports:
a.  Financial Report –Carol Clason
Carol Clason, Treasurer, presented the current financial statements.  The fire trucks are paid off. For the rest of the year.  As of September 29, 2009, there are 24 landowners who owe dues for the 2009-2010 year.  During the past month two liens were released that were full paid from title companies, and three liens were filed against landowners whose properties were in the process of changing hands.  The Board indicated that liens should be filed against those landowners still owing their 2009-10 membership dues.  The treasurer will also contact the loan company for a release of lien on the fire trucks.

MOTION made by Sally Musemeche that there be an annual review on fire truck insurance.  Seconded by Von Mason, and the motion carried.    

b.  Fire Department-Kyle Talbot
Chief Kyle Talbot indicated there were no fires in the past month.  There were a number of medical calls – diabetic shock incident, motorcycle accident, child locked in a car, domestic fight, HTV wreck, fall by an elderly person, abdominal pain complaint.  He indicated there is a seventy percent mandatory attendance required on the fire team.  The resignations of three team members have been requested due to failure to meet this requirement.  There was recent training on building structure fires, and two engineers attended a two-day National certified required course on driving emergency vehicles.

Chief Talbot discussed the absolute need for fire personnel to see address numbers on Dammeron Valley properties.  He presented a sample post with a reflective house number on all four sides. 

He also cautioned landowners who store wood for the winter to store only enough wood for several weeks next to the home.  If  several cords or more are being stored, they need to be away from the house.

After some discussion by the Board on the need for house numbers visible from the street, Sally Musemeche was asked to draft a notice on this subject (IN BOLD) to put in the Bulletin Board and in the water bill. 
c.  Trustee Assignments:
The following schedule for the Board member in charge of the ARC and planning commission agenda monitoring for the next two months is as follows:  October – Barbara Hjelle;  November – Sally Musemeche

ARC Report:  Bill King indicated several sets of plans were reviewed and approved during the past month.

5.  Old Business:

a. Amended park maintenance contract and bid procedure – Bill King and Lance Cornwall
Bill King stated that Lance Cornwall has the preliminary bid procedures information for the maintenance contract for next year and will have to present it at a later time.  Barbara requested that the procedures be reviewed by the Board before implementing them.

b.  SSD update on deed transfer – Barbara Hjelle
The Dammeron Valley Landowners’ Association has not yet received the deed from the county, and it is anticipated that it will be received by the October DVLA meeting.

c.  Consideration of guidelines in the construction of casitas/guest houses in Dammeron Valley – Barbara Hjelle

MOTION by Sally Musemeche that the guidelines, drafted by Barbara Hjelle and reviewed by the Board, be approved when considering the construction of casitas/guest houses in Dammeron Valley.

These guidelines state: “The various CC&Rs for the Dammeron Valley Subdivisions require that only one single family residence be constructed on one lot, but many also provide for guest houses with varying provisions as to size.  The CC&Rs that provide for guest houses are more restrictive, as a whole, than those that have no provision specific to guest houses.  For this reason, it is reasonable to interpret the less restrictive CC&Rs to allow for guest houses.

The applicable County Code places restrictions on the nature and use of accessory dwelling units.

The DVLA Board of Trustees may approve guest houses in subdivisions where the applicable CC&Rs do not specifically authorize or provide standards for approval.  The DVLA may approve guest houses that meet currently applicable County standards and other applicable provisions of the CC&Rs and guidelines.  Before the DVLA will consider approval of a guest house, the owner must have received conditional use approval from the County Commission.”

Seconded by Bill King, and the motion carried.

d.  Adopt-a-Highway contract changes – Cyndy Johnson
Renewal contracts are to be mailed to the Dammeron Valley Landowners’ Association in the future.  The area covered by the Dammeron Valley landowners is now from mile marker 14 to 171/2.  One-half mile was added when the sign was put up.  It will be left as it is until the next renewal when it will be re-addressed.  Cyndy offered to talk to the Adopt-a-Highway contact to determine when the State schedules it clean-up of the area  (i.e. after the Marathon, etc.) 

6.  New Business:

E-mail communication process – Sally Musemeche
MOTION made by Bill King that a postcard, as drafted by Sally Musemeche and reviewed by the Board, be mailed  to all landowners in the water bill, if possible, asking if they are interested in being placed on a e-mail list maintained by the association.
Seconded by Von Mason, and the motion carried.

7  Comment and Discussion by Landowners

One landowner requested that the minutes include a REQUEST  THAT  DRIVERS  ABIDE  BY  THE  SPEED  LIMIT  IN  THE  VALLEY,  WHICH  IS  25  MILES  PER  HOUR.   

8.  Adjournment - Meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.    

Carol Clason, Recording Secretary