Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Minutes - DVLA Board Meeting 08/31/10

Draft Minutes of the DVLA Board Meeting of August 31, 2010

Monthly DVLA Board Meeting was held at the Fire House.  Six landowners were in attendance.
Board Members attending:  Lance Cornwall, Mark Ahrenholtz, Jim Johnson, Bill King, Von Mason.

President Lance Cornwall called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 

1.  Approval of agenda:
          MOTION made by Mark Ahrenholtz and SECONDED by Bill King that the agenda be approved.  Motion carried.

2.  Review and approval of the minutes of the July 27, 2010, Monthly DVLA Board meeting.
     MOTION was made by Mark Ahrenholtz to approve the July 27, 2010, monthly DVLA board meeting minutes.  SECONDED by Bill King, and the motion carried.
3.  Old Business:
     a.  Update on two Eagle Scout projects by Zach and Nicholas Ballif
          The participants were not present. 
     b.  Update on agreement presented by PacifiCorp
          Per Bill King, Attorney Ed Robbins indicated that Dammeron Valley has prescriptive easements on PacifiCorp property due to almost thirty years of unrestricted use.  He did not recommend that the PacifiCorp agreement be signed by the Board members of the Dammeron Valley Landowners' Association. 
     c.  Update on the status of  Bylaws and Architectural Guideline proposed amendments
          Bill King has submitted the documentation to the attorney who is to review it and determine what he would charge to pursue a solution.
    d.  Annual meeting checklist
          The annual meeting checklist was updated, with input from all present, and will be available for use when planning next year's meeting.
     e.  E-mail status
     Lance Cornwall made a MOTION that an e-mail distribution list be compiled for notices, dealing only with DVLA business, to be sent to interested landowners.  SECONDED by Jim Johnson, and the motion carried.  The notice requesting landowner interest in a DVLA e-mail list is to go out in this month's water bill.  A list will be finalized from the information received.  Barbara Hjelle and Mark Ahrenholtz volunteered to compile the e-mail distribution list.  An e-mail is to be sent once to any landowner for which the association has an e-mail address asking if they are interested in receiving notices dealing only with DVLA business.  The secretary will post a notice on the Bulletin Board asking for landowner interest in the e-mail distribution list.

4.  New Business:
     a.  Discussion on donation processes for Eagle Scout projects and delinquent dues.
Raising monies for Eagle Scout projects is part of the process and needs to be secured from neighborhood residents by the scouts.  The delinquent dues collection process will be examined as landowners are being contacted by Board members.

5.  Reports:
      a.  President's message - Listed below.
      b.  Fire Department Report
            Mark Ahrenholtz indicated there was a call to a small fire in Veyo in the past month.  Fire Department personnel attended numerous training sessions during the month.  It will be October 1, 2010, before the Federal and State lists will be published  listing the brush trucks available for purchase.
      c.  ARC Report
            Lance Cornwall reported that there was no activity during the month of August, 2010.
      d.  Reports from Trustees on their Areas of Responsibility
            i.  Mark Ahrenholtz :  Community Garden - 16 families participated in the community garden this summer (22 plots).  The harvest was good; there are some orchard trees in the garden.  A shed will be erected at the site as an Eagle Scout project.  Mark Ahrenholtz asked if the Board members would approve  using the one blank area left on the lower right-hand corner of the home page of the DVLA web site to post information and pictures on the community garden.  He would like to work with Johnna Evans to do this.  Von Mason suggested that www.homestead.com be looked into as a possible site.  Mark Ahrenholtz made a MOTION that the blank page of the DVLA web site be used to post information on the community garden.  Jim Johnson SECONDED the motion, and the motion carried.
          The burn pile has been well managed this summer by Mac Thomson.  It is in need of a burn-off, possibly at the end of September.
          Dead trees were trimmed in the park .  There are some large, totally dead, trees in the west side of the valley that are going to be removed - approval has been secured by nearby residents. 
          Planning for the kiosk to house flyer boxes for the DVLA notices is in process.
          There is a need for a concrete or railroad tie border edging between the park and the fire station.  The dirt area needs to be rocked to prevent soil erosion and weed growth.  The soil erosion is undermining the asphalt driveway on the back side of the fire station.  Possible cost is $1,000 which would need to be included in next year's budget under park development. 
          Small  rocks have been washing away at the entrances, and some beautification work is needed.  Russ Feller will be asked what the cost would be for the entrance improvements.
          ii.  Lance Cornwall:  The park has looked pretty good this summer.  Envirocare  personnel has been very responsive to suggestions and additional park care.  Additional weed treatment should be considered next season for some added cost.
          iii.  Jim Johnson:  County personnel has been contacted regarding the road cleanup agreement by the DVLA.  Presently, the prisoner crew is cleaning the highway in our area twice a month.
          iv.  Von Mason:  Weed abatement is needed.  Suggestions were made by several landowners that a picture of a goatshead could be posted on the Bulletin Board asking owners to destroy them wherever they appear.  Also hints on how to control weeds could be posted on the kiosk for landowner information.
     e.  President's Messsage: 
     Lance Cornwall proposed that Board members visit new landowners to give them copies of the CCR's and introduce themselves.  The secretary is to provide a list of new landowners as they become available.
     Bill King indicated that the water system at the Dammeron Valley Water Works will be totally revamped by the end of the season.

     Mac Thomson is spear-heading the activity to address the storm run-off  problem.  He has met with  County personnel who now have grant money to address the problem and are using the packet that was submitted several years ago by Dammeron Valley residents.
     f.  Financial/Secretarial Report - Carol Clason
     $70,000 of the recent dues collected were transferred into the DVLA savings account.  For the first time, income taxes were paid to the Federal Government and Utah State - this was due to interest received from the savings account.  The income tax returns were filed during the month of August, 2010.  The accountant charged the DVLA $500 this year, instead of $400, to prepare the returns.  Additional services are provided by the accountant in addition to preparing the returns - free notary service (which is a big item), annual preparation of the depreciation schedules, closing entries at the end of the fiscal year.  $120 "excess deposit fees" for the months of June and July were  reversed by Wells Fargo Bank when bank personnel were reminded of the amount of deposits in the DVLA bank accounts.  $130 has been paid out thus far for sprinkler head repairs for the park.  $500 has been budgeted for park maintenance, in addition to the monthly landscaping work, so there should be enough for this season and to begin next spring.  $13,614 membership dues are still owing for 2010-2011.  Board members have been calling landowners who are delinquent with their dues, and this figure is down from $21,390 on last month's financial report.

     Jim Johnson asked if additional penalties should be assessed against the landowner when a lien must be filed - $200 or $250 per lien.  The question arose if the Board had the authority to level such a penalty without the approval of the general membership.  This subject is to be added to next month's meeting agenda.                              

     Mark Ahrenholtz made a MOTION that the financial report be approved as submitted, and Jim Johnson SECONDED the motion.  Motion carried.

     The Board members  and the Secretary/Treasurer are to meet Tuesday evening, September 7, 2010, at 7:00 p.m. to determine what liens need to be filed on properties whose owners are delinquent in this year's membership dues.     

6.  Comment and discussion by landowners:
       None presented.
7.  Adjournment:
      MOTION made by Bill King to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 p.m.  SECONDED by Mark Ahrenholtz, and the motion carried.
Carol Clason
Recording Secretary