Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Minutes - DVLA Board Meeting 01/26/10

Final Minutes of the DVLA Board Meeting of January 26, 2010

Board Members attending: Barbara Hjelle, Bill King, Lance Cornwall.  Absent:  Von
Mason, Sally Musemeche

Working DVLA Board meeting to discuss governing documents of the DVLA was held this evening from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.  The next working DVLA meeting to discuss the governing documents will be held at 5:30 p.m. on February 23, 2010.    

Monthly DVLA Board Meeting was held at the Fire House.  Four landowner were in attendance.               
President Barbara Hjelle called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 

1.  Approval of agenda:
A change to the agenda was made to include "Resignation of Board member" under New Business, section e.  MOTION MADE by Lance Cornwall to approve the agenda, SECONDED by Bill King, and agenda approved.

2.  Review and approval of the minutes of the December 1, 2009, DVLA Board meeting.  
After a change to the wording in the paragraph under section 7, a  MOTION was made by Lance Cornwall and SECONDED by Bill King to approve the minutes for the December 1, 2009, DVLA Board meeting as submitted.  The motion carried.

3.  President's message
No President's message presented.

4.  Presentation by Jennifer Harris, Recycling Coordinator of Washington County on the recycling program and commodity monies.  The Dammeron Valley Landowners Association is to receive $171.55 in commodity monies from the 2009 program based on the number of households in the community.  During 2010 they are attempting to distribute the commodity monies based on tonnage of recycling collected per community.

5.  Reports:
a.  Financial Report -Carol Clason
Carol Clason presented the current financial statements.  The fire house loan was renegotiated in November, 2009.  The fire house will be paid off in five years, instead of fifteen more years, and the monthly payment is now $60.00 per month less, based on a substantial reduction in the loan interest paid.

The electricity bill for the Community Center was quite high during December, 2009.  A check was made with the users of the center, and they are keeping the heat turned down to the lowest thermostatic temperature when the building is not in use.

A working meeting to discuss the current budget and this year's annual meeting preparation is to be held at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday evening, February 9, 2010, at the Fire house.

MOTION MADE by Lance Cornwall, and SECONDED by Bill King that the Board authorize up to $100.00 per project for payment of clerical work completed by a worker, not an employee of the Dammeron Valley Landowners Association, when additional work is needed on specific projects, subject to proper verification of subcontractor status and completion of required paperwork.  The motion carried.
Since the minutes of the Board meeting of December 1, 2009, are being published at this time, it was recommended that further action concerning nonpayment of dues by 18 landowners be postponed one month with the request that these landowners make arrangements to pay before the next DVLA Board meeting on February 23, 2010.      

b.  Fire Department Report
Maciej Szczerbiak from the Fire Department reported 7 medical emergencies, 1 structural fire, 4 car crashes, and 3 other incidents during the previous month.  He emphasized that the Intersection at Highway 18 and Diamond Valley is extremely dangerous, and caution should be taken when approaching that area.  The members of the fire department have sand bags ready for use in case of possible flooding from flooding mountain snow.  Sandbags are not provided for preventive use.  Six fire department members attended fire school during the past month.

c.  ARC Report by Lance Cornwall
A refund for Pinion Hills 105 was issued, and a set of plans for a new home was received during the past month.

The trustee for February is Barbara Hjelle and Bill King for March.

6.  Old Business:
Amended park maintenance contract and bid procedure - Bill King and Lance Cornwall
The preliminary bid procedures information for the maintenance contract for next year will be presented at the February Board meeting.

7.  New Business
a.  Casita application for North Canyon Trails lot.
Since the landowner failed to attend the Board meeting and provide information, his application for temporary living quarters and casita approval was tabled.

b.  Discussion of storage/stockpiling of construction and landscape material on residential lots.
     i.  Barbara Hjelle is to draft a letter to the landowner of  Lot OF2-08 citing violations of the protective covenants and the need to clean their property of construction and landscape material, with a copy forwarded to the County.  Lance Cornwall and Bill King will unofficially contact the owner requesting compliance.

     ii. Lance Cornwall is contacting the landowner regarding the small shed built on the green belt and will report during the next DVLA Board meeting.

     iii.  Rental home needing cleanup - Barbara Hjelle is drafting a letter to the landowner requesting compliance and proposing an organized cleanup, if required.

c.  Payment of fees due under Protective Covenants upon sale of 18 Pinion Hills lots.
Barbara Hjelle is to contact the title company requesting information on the closing paperwork on the 18 lots.  A study of the governing covenants plus developer rights will be conducted, and the issue is to be table until the February, 2010, DVLA board meeting.

d.  Bylaw and architectural guideline amendments
The completed draft of amended bylaws and architectural guidelines are to be presented to the landowners for a one-month comment period.  (51% of landowner approval is needed to pass the amendments.)  The proposed amendments, along with a cover message from the President Barbara Hjelle, will be posted on the bulletin board and placed in the box at the mail boxes.  Each Board member and the Secretary will have copies available for distribution.  Comments from the landowners need to be received by February 19 (the Friday before the next DVLA Board meeting). 

e.  Resignation of DVLA Board member
A letter of resignation from Sally Musemeche was read by Barbara Hjelle, and she declared the position vacant.  Lance Cornwall is to contact a prospective candidate; board members are to talk with him by telephone; and an interview is to be set up with him to be held during the budget meeting, if possible.

8.  Comment and discussion by landowners
None forthcoming

9.  Adjournment
At 9:35 p. m. MOTION by Bill King that the meeting be adjourned and SECONDED by Lance Cornwall.  Motion carried

Barbara Hjelle made a MOTION that the meeting be reopened to address a new landowner's failure to pay full dues for the 2010 fiscal year.  She is to draft a letter indicating that the full dues are owing.

MOTION made at 9:40 p. m. by Bill King that the meeting be adjourned and SECONDED by Lance Cornwall.  The motion carried.

Carol Clason
Recording Secretary