Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Minutes - DVLA Board Meeting 04/29/08

Minutes of the Regular Monthly DVLA Board Meeting April 29, 2008

Board Members attending: Cyndy Johnson, Mike Barker, Alan Strebeck, Jerry Yurek, Crystal Phillips
Twenty four landowners were in attendance.

President Cyndy Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. 

1.  Approval of Agenda
MOTION was made by Jerry Yurek to approve the agenda.  Crystal Phillips seconded the motion.  It was passed.

2.  Annual meeting phone calls - Karen Sharkey
Karen Sharkey distributed phone lists and made assignments for calling.  Volunteers would start by May 13th and call to remind landowners of the May 17th Annual Meeting.

3.  Review and approve minutes of the March meeting
Alan Strebeck asked that the last two forms mentioned in the draft be struck from the final minutes.  The forms had not been approved.

MOTION was made by Crystal Phillips to approve the March minutes as amended.  Mike Barker seconded the motion.  It was passed.

4.  President's Message
Cyndy Johnson thanked the Board members for their efforts over the past year.  She felt they had accomplished that which they were elected to do.  She appreciated the good attendance of all the Board members.

5.  Financial Reports - Stella Callagee
Stella reported no unusual expenses.  Costs for the Annual Meeting - primarily refreshments, copying and supplies would be hitting the books in May.

MOTION was made by Jerry Yurek to approve the financial reports.  Mike Barker seconded the motion.  It was passed.

6.  Reports
a. Fire Department
Captain Maciej Szcerbiak gave the report for the fire department.  There were no fires but there were five EMS calls.  These included two car crashes - one in the Valley and one in Diamond Valley.

The recent engine training event in the Valley involved 27 engines.  The teams learned by responding to different scenarios in Pinion Hills.  Fire fighters learned how to triage structures.  The training was considered a great success.

Fire department volunteers are participating in "flashover training".  This entails having volunteers placed in a trailer which is heated to 700 - 900 degrees.  They get to see what this type of fire threat feels like.

The Dammeron Valley fire department is the first in Washington County to receive its S190 certification from the BLM.  This "red card" certification means that the volunteers are trained and ready to fight wildland fires.

Alan Strebeck said that the burn pile would be open on May 24th.  This would be the last time it would be open for dumping until next Fall.

Captain Szcerbiak said that Bud Balagna would come out to a home owner's property to give them an assessment and tips on how to safeguard their home and lot.

b.  ARC
Lance Cornwall, chair of the ARC, gave the report for the past month.  A new home in Pinion Hills had been approved.  Final approvals with refunds were done on OF2-04 and CT-19.  Three more properties are going to be inspected for a final approval and refund.

c.  Trustee Reports
Alan Strebeck reported that the burn pile openings have been going well.  The burn pile is receiving for the most part combustibles like trees and brush.  The pile does not take stumps. 

Cyndy Johnson said that there is a concern for the trees in the old park.  There is a need for Brooks Pace to water the trees. 

Cyndy is working with Stan and Johnna Evans on the DVLA website.   The Board has been experimenting with the new set-up for the past month.   There will be a new DVLA email: mydlva.org.  Landowners will be able to go to a bulletin board to read posted messages/alerts as well as participate in discussions.  There is a need to get the website information updated.  Kim Ahrenholtz volunteered to get electronic copies of all the CC&Rs so they can be posted.

MOTION was made by Crystal Phillips to go ahead with the move to the new website.  Mike Barker seconded the motion.  It was passed.

Crystal Phillips reported that the contractor for the park has been selected.  It is Southern Design Landscape & Maintenance - owner Will Packer.

Crystal Phillips said that she had looked into recycling.  The service is currently not available in Dammeron Valley.

Crystal reported that the community  center is almost done.  It will be open on the day of the Annual Meeting so landowners can take a tour.  There are plans for the community center to be used for yoga classes, parties, slideshows, etc.  The community center will be open for landowner use and a donation will be requested.

As liaison to the fire safe committee, Jerry Yurek encouraged everyone to fill out the fire wise forms.  The forms can be given to Mac Thomson or Karen Sharkey.  Ned Cordery is the committee contact for the chipper which is one of the services provided by the State. 

7.  Unfinished Business
A landowner asked about possible ballot issues.  Discussion clarified that only the dues policy would be decided on the Annual Meeting ballot.  The Board decided to handle the dues collection policy by incorporating the late fee into the budget presentation. A $15/month late fee will be indicated for each partial or full month after the due date.

8.  New Business
a.  The decision was made to give the Board candidates time at the Annual Meeting to introduce themselves and answer landowner questions.

b. Karen Sharkey talked about the Christmas and Fourth of July Valley parties.  Attendance at both has been low.  She suggested it was time to come up with alternative social gatherings.  Karen suggested something like an "art in the park" event.  Cyndy Johnson suggested that a survey be done at the Annual Meeting. 

9.  Adjournment
MOTION was made by Jerry Yurek to adjourn the meeting.  Crystal Phillips seconded the motion.  The meeting was adjourned at 9:35pm.

Stella Callagee
Recording Secretary