Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Minutes - DVLA Board Meeting 02/24/09

Minutes of the DVLA Board Meeting of February 24, 2009

Board Members attending: Cyndy Johnson, Mike Barker, Alan Strebeck, Barbara Hjelle                      Absent: Sally Musemeche

Meeting held at Fire House.

Ten landowners were in attendance.
President Cyndy Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. 

1.  Approval of Agenda
Annual meeting preparation was added under New Business as item 7a.

MOTION was made by Alan Strebeck to accept the agenda.  Mike Barker seconded the motion.  The motion was passed.

2.  Review and approve minutes of the January regular board meeting
Alan Strebeck asked for a revision in the draft minutes to indicate that he is working on "proposed" revisions to the by-laws. 

MOTION was made by Mike Barker to approve the January meeting minutes as amended.  Alan Strebeck seconded the motion.  The motion was passed.

3.  Review financial reports - Stella Callagee
Chief Talbot submitted the budget for the fire department.  The total is $21,750.  This number is lower than the estimate used during the January budget meeting.  A quick calculation indicated it would drop the proposed dues amount for the coming fiscal year from $300 to $291/year.

The Board discussed with Chief Talbot their plan to keep the amount of the Beck engine payment in the budget calculation after that loan payment ends in August 2009.  They planned to use this monthly payment amount to build the DVLA reserves - including equipment reserves for the fire department.

Chief Talbot said that the large military style vehicle loaned to the department by the State needs to be replaced.  It is difficult to drive and specific in its use - for going off road into rough terrain.  Currently the BLM has some great deals on brush trucks.  He could get a five person cab brush truck for around $30,000.  His overall concern is the safety of the volunteers and the best coverage for the Valley.  A brush truck would much better serve the department's needs than the military style truck.

In response to a question from the Board the Chief said that in the coming year the volunteers would go out to help fight fires on both local and state lands.  The Valley is reimbursed for going out to help on state lands but not to other communities as the DVLA fire department is part of a mutual aid agreement. 

The Board concluded that keeping the proposed dues amount of $300/year would allow for building the reserve and help fund a future fire department replacement vehicle. 

MOTION was made by Barbara Hjelle to accept the financial report for filing.  The motion was seconded and passed.

4.  Reports:
a.  Fire Department
Chief Talbot gave the report for the fire department.  There were no fires in the past month.  The fire department did answer a call to rescue a dog that had fallen through the ice in Sand Cove.  The department also responded to a rollover accident in Veyo.  Troy Johnson has returned from his LDS mission and has rejoined the department volunteers. 

Twelve members of the department have been recertified for their "red card".  This certification allows them to go out and help fight fires on State lands.  Five more department volunteers will be taking the "red card" class in the future.  The Chief talked about the rigorous agility test the volunteers have to pass as part of this process.

All six of the department vehicles have passed their safety inspections.  The State has money allocated for the painting of that brush truck.  The vehicle is owned by the State and loaned to the DVLA department.  It is State money that will be used to paint the truck.

The Chief discussed the ongoing problem with the pagers.  This is due to the issue of a viable repeater set-up.  The Dammeron Valley fire department is working around this problem but it is a county wide issue that is far from being resolved.

The Chief told the Board that he is nervous about flooding from the spring run off.  He asked to use approximately $350 to buy red cinders for sandbag use.  The Board unanimously approved this expenditure.

b.  ARC - Trustee Assignments: March - Alan Strebeck; April - Mike Barker; May - Barbara Hjelle

The Board considered the plans of Jordan and Betty Ann Strebeck, HS-27, for a garage and studio addition.  The plans exceeded the general guidelines for size set forth in the Architectural Guidelines so
the ARC referred the decision to the Board to determine whether the size was appropriate under the
circumstances.  The size would be a little less than 2500 sq. ft.

The Board discussed the fact that the plans met County guidelines and that the CCRs for the Homesteads contain no square footage restrictions.  Lance Cornwall and the builder represented that the submitted documents, fee, and the setbacks and color were in compliance, and that there was no restroom included in the building.  The owners stated that the building would not be used for dwelling purposes.  Barbara Hjelle noted that the guidelines state that "The guidelines must be consistent with and in fulfillment of the CCRs  and that "Accessory buildings shall generally not exceed 2,000 sq. ft. in area." She interpreted these guidelines to allow for consideration of larger buildings if the CCRs do not prohibit them.  However, if the building is to be larger than the general guideline, it should have some architectural detail to offset the impact of the size.  This building reflected considerable architectural detail and was not merely a rectangular structure.

MOTION was made by Barbara Hjelle to approve the plans.  Mike Barker seconded the motion.  The motion was passed.  Alan Strebeck abstained from the vote.

c.  Trustee Reports
1.  Alan Strebeck said he would hold a by-law committee meeting on Wed., March 17th at 7:00 pm in the firehouse.  This would be an open meeting. 

The burn pile will be open on the upcoming Saturday.

2.  Cyndy Johnson said that a highway clean-up would be planned in the future.  Right now it is too wet.  She will talk with Rick Smith who heads the highway clean-up effort.

Cyndy reported that she is working with landowners to help keep the entrances sign free.  There is a real estate kiosk at the mailbox cluster for real estate flyers.

3.  Barbara Hjelle reported that she is looking for guidance on the issue of weeds from the Board.  There are divergent views in her committee.  She thinks that reminders in the minutes and information on the DVLA Bulletin Board may be the way to disseminate information.  Landowners can be given tips for dealing with weeds as they appear at different times of the year.  Alan Strebeck said that one of the problems is the lots with absentee owners.  Since the DVLA cannot levy fines there is little that can be done.  Cyndy Johnson said that letters to landowners had been done in the past to fix fencing along the greenbelt and that effort had been successful.  Letters may be one of the ways to help with the absentee owner weed problem.  Barbara Hjelle said that a letter in the water bill could also be a way of passing on information.

5.  Unfinished Business:
a. Board policies
The Board had met and worked on the Board policies document.

MOTION was made by Mike Barker to accept the Board policies document that Barbara Hjelle had revised and sent out to the Board.  Alan Strebeck seconded the motion.  The motion was passed.

6.  New Business:
a. The Board set the date for the Annual Meeting for Saturday, May 16th. 
b.  Mac Thomson reported for the Fire Safe Committee.  The State is working on fire breaks around the Valley. 

7.  Adjournment
MOTION was made by Mike Barker to adjourn the meeting.  Alan Strebeck seconded the motion.  The meeting was adjourned at 9:00pm.

Stella Callagee
Recording Secretary