Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Minutes - DVLA Board Meeting 06/26/07

Minutes of the Regular Monthly DVLA Board Meeting June 26, 2007

Board Members attending: Cyndy Johnson, Jerry Yurek, Crystal Phillips, Alan Strebeck, Mike Barker

Seven landowners were in attendance.

President Cyndy Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. 

1.  Approval of Agenda

Added to the agenda: Alan Strebeck asked to be placed under New Business to report on a meeting he attended concerning the Lake Powell pipeline.  Jerry Yurek also asked to add a discussion of a Welcome Committee.

MOTION was made by Crystal Phillips to accept the agenda as amended, Alan Strebeck seconded the motion.  The motion was passed.

2.  Review & approve minutes of the April Board meeting and 5/29/07 special meeting.

MOTION was made by Jerry Yurek to approve the minutes presented for review.  Mike Barker seconded the motion.  The motion was passed

3. President's Message - Cyndy Johnson

Cyndy Johnson reminded the Board members that as they fielded calls, it was important to research CC&Rs and other guiding documents.  Landowners should be able to refer back to references in the specific governing documents.

4.  Review & approve financial reports - Stella Callagee

Stella Callagee explained that she was preparing the end of year financial documents in order to take them to the accountant for preparation of the tax returns.  The DVLA fiscal year ends on 6/30.  She will make a report on the year end financial status at the next meeting.

5. Reports

a. Fire Department

Chief Talbot gave the report for the fire department.  Over the past month there have been no fires or medical calls.  The department currently has 14 volunteer firefighters and 3 medical personnel.  Currently there are no cadets.  The Chief is going to be more proactive in finding volunteers for the department.  He is planning on putting up a banner which will advertise training times.

The department vehicles have all passed Dept. of Transportation and fire fighting requirements.  They are up to speed and ready to go.

Two Valley homes have been inspected and certified by the department.  This process was discussed at the Annual Meeting.  Landowners should call Bud Balagna if they want a review of their home and lot for fire defensibility.

The fire hydrants are being tested.  Homeowners need to be aware of trees and bushes that may be encroaching on the hydrants.  The hydrants are required to have a 3 foot clearance.  The fire department will need to clear that area if the landowner has not.

The Chief recognizes that the closing of the burn pile is a concern for many landowners.  This has been the only fire department in the area that has offered such a dumping area.  There are bins in Central and Veyo where landowners can bring their  debris.

The Chief is concerned about the groups using the firehouse.  Each group needs to have one individual responsible for making sure doors are locked, lights are out and air conditioning/heating is adjusted back down.

The fire restrictions are not total yet.  A charcoal barbeque is OK on your patio.  Smoking outside a vehicle or building must be within a three foot cleared area.  Fireworks are not allowed at all.  Cutting, grinding or welding of metal can only be done inside of a structure.  If landowners have any questions about restrictions they should call the County Fire Warden.

b. ARC
Trustee Assignments: July - Alan Strebeck, August - Mike Barker

Lance Cornwall, Chair, reported for the ARC.  There were five refund approvals.  A question came to the ARC about solar panels on a roof.  The Board discussed the issue and Lance will be getting more information from the landowner.

c. Trustee Reports

Alan Strebeck reported on the Firewise Committee.  He will be attending a meeting in Cedar City on July 14th.  Alan is also handling sign issues and he is talking with the County.

Cyndy Johnson reported that weeds have been mowed along the roadside.  She continues to work on getting the dead trees removed from the County right of way.  Cyndy also read a letter that will be sent out to greenbelt landowners.  It will ask them to look over their fencing and vegetation in the greenbelt area.  There are several areas of fence that are falling down.  The CC&Rs for these areas state that it is the landowner's responsibility to maintain the fence and vegetation.  Along with the letter a copy of the specific CC&Rs will be sent.

Jerry Yurek continues to work with the County concerning signs for parking in Pinion Hills. 

6.  Old Business

a. Cyndy Johnson reported that the realtor kiosk will probably not be in place before school starts.  She is working on that project with Kim Ahrenholtz.  The kiosk will provide a place for landowners to advertise their properties, like the set-up at the Veyo Merc.  This is intended to cut out the signs at the entrances.

7. New Business

a.  Alan Strebeck led a discussion of the email protocol.  The Board needs to distinguish between getting into personal email conversations with landowners vs. responses for the Board.  Putting more information up on the website seems to be the direction to go.  The concern of  putting names into the minutes which would be posted to the website could be taken care of by referring to lot number.  Alan is also working on getting the CC&Rs all scanned so they can be posted to the website.
b. Jerry Yurek said that he and has wife Mikkie were volunteering to make welcoming visits with new landowners.  They would bring the welcome package now mailed.  This contact would help newcomers with questions and give them the applicable CC&Rs and other materials.

d.  Alan Strebeck reported on a meeting he attended concerning the Lake Powell pipeline.  There was a debate between the Washington County Water Conservancy head and Dammeron Corp developer, Brooks Pace.  It was a forum designed to help County residents become informed about the issues involved.  It was agreed that the pipeline will bring a lot of growth to Washington County.  It was also pointed out that Lake Powell is currently a 100 feet down in volume.  Alan gave the following contact points for those who would like information: http://www.lakepowellpipeline.org
or call the Conservancy District at 673-3517.

9. Adjournment 9:10pm- MOTION was made by Jerry Yurek to adjourn the meeting.  Mike Barker seconded the motion.  The motion was passed.

Stella Callagee
Recording Secretary