Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Minutes - DVLA Board Meeting 09/28/10

Draft Minutes of the DVLA Board Meeting of September 28, 2010

Monthly DVLA Board Meeting was held at the Fire House.  Nine landowners were in attendance.
Board Members attending:  Lance Cornwall, Mark Ahrenholtz, Jim Johnson, Von Mason.                 Absent:  Bill King

President Lance Cornwall called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 

1.  Approval of agenda:
          MOTION made by Jim Johnson and SECONDED by Mark Ahrenholtz that the agenda be approved after it was determined that a landowner request concerning the new member package would be discussed under "Comments and discussion by landowners".  Motion carried.

2.  Review and approval of the minutes of the August 31, 2010, Monthly DVLA Board meeting.
     MOTION was made by Mark Ahrenholtz to approve the August 31, 2010, monthly DVLA board meeting minutes.  SECONDED by Jim Johnson, and the motion carried.
3.  Old Business:
     a.  Update on two Eagle Scout projects by Zach and Nicholas Ballif
          Zach Ballif was not present and will update his project at next month's meeting.
          Per Nicholas Ballif, Mr. Holt, a plumber, and John Page, a mason, will aid in completing the installation of the water fountain in the park.  The fountain will be installed just to the northeast of the pavilion.  Per Lance Cornwall, Brooks Pace has approved use of water for this purpose.  Comment was made that since the water to the park is shut off in the winter, the installation will not have to be winterized.  The fountain will have a spigot three feet from the ground and a step which will be incorporated into the stone foundation of the fountain.  The Board asked Nicholas that Chief Talbot be kept informed of the project since he is well aware of the logistics of the park area.  Mark Ahrenholtz made a MOTION that the water fountain project be approved.  SECONDED by Jim Johnson, and the motion was approved.   
     b.  Update on the status of  Bylaws and Architectural Guideline proposed amendments
          Barbara Hjelle volunteered to contact Attorney Ed Robbins to determine the status of his consideration of the Bylaws and Architectural Guidelines.
     c.  E-mail status
          Per Lance Cornwall, the e-mail notice from the association did not go out in this month's water bill, but will be included in the next mailing.  A MOTION was made by Mark Ahrenholtz that an Infowest representative be contacted regarding setting up an Infowest e-mail account.  SECONDED by Jim Johnson, and the motion carried.  Mark Ahrenholtz volunteered to contact them about the account.

4.  New Business:
     a.  Proposed assessment against landowners of increased lien filing fees.  Lance Cornwall,  after researching governing documents, questioned if the association membership would have to vote on the issue of assessing additional fees, such as increased lien filing fees.  Bill King is researching the legality of such assessments.
     b.  Easement issue for porch addition on Lot ME-34.  Landowner Barbara Hjelle asked if the Board members had any issue with the addition of a back porch forty-five feet from the back of her property.  There is a 12-foot utility easement by the Bureau of Land Management at the property line which may affect the required County easement.  Barbara is to contact Washington County and can indicate that the DVLA Board is open to the addition, if the County has no problems with it.

5.  Reports:
      a.  President's message - None presented.
      b.  Fire Department Report
           Chief Craig Bennett indicated there were no fire calls or brush fires during the past month.  There were eight medical calls including fall, ATV, and motorcycle accidents.  Brush II truck overheated, but major damage does not seem to have occurred.  The Department is looking at the two brush trucks that are for sale right now in the U.S.  The one that is here in St. George is a 4-door, 750 gallon, 4-wheel drive vehicle that would be ready the end of October or the beginning of November.  Chief Bennett displayed the extraction tool recently purchased by the Department which included jaws, cutter, ram, and power source. 
          On October 6, Mac Thomson is to meet with State and Washington County emergency personnel.  The State owes Dammeron Valley about $20,000 in work or equipment, and volunteers are needed to update the Dammeron Valley plan that was submitted several years ago.  He also requested a member of the Board to serve as a contact to the Board.  The burn pile will be open October 10, if there is no conflict with the Fire Department training schedule.  Chief Talbot has also secured quotes and information on fire insurance policies.              
      c.  ARC Report
           Lance Cornwall reported that there was no activity during the month of September, 2010.
      d.  Reports from Trustees on their Areas of Responsibility
           i.  Lance Cornwall:  Park contract - Lance would like to see a change in the park maintenance contract next year to keep the volley-ball area weed-free.
           ii.  Mark Ahrenholtz :  Mark Ahrenholtz made a MOTION that funding be provided for use in freshening  the  small colored rocks at the valley entrances, approximately $250.00.  SECONDED by Jim Johnson, and the motion carried.  Michael Duvall volunteered to contact Washington County personnel to determine if lights could be used to illuminate the Dammeron Valley rock.  A MOTION was made by Lance Cornwall and SECONDED by Jim Johnson that the rock be lighted if approved by the County.          
     f.  Financial/Secretarial Report - Carol Clason
     In response to the intention of the Board to visit each new landowner to the valley, a Welcome packet was given to them for the new owners of Bud and Barbara Balagna's previous home.  It includes an introductory letter, a telephone listing, copy of the CCR's for their particular subdivision, copy of the by-laws and architectural guidelines, and an information up-date sheet requesting their telephone numbers and e-mail addresses.
     Last month's uncollected dues were $13,614; this month, they are $11,584.  Many thanks to the Board members for taking part in the collection process as it has made a great difference in member payments.
     Nine more liens were filed this past month on all properties with unpaid dues, except for those landowners who are on partial payment agreements.
     Mark Ahrenholtz made a MOTION that the financial report be approved as submitted, and Jim Johnson SECONDED the motion.  Motion carried.
6.  Comment and discussion by landowners:
     Crystal Phillips suggested adding to the Welcome packet a sheet listing local activity information.  The sheet would list such items as  information on the Yoga Group and other groups, the Bulletin Board, the marathons down Highway 18, the Red Dog menu, and a map of the area.  Kim Ahrenholtz and Crystal Phillips volunteered to compile this listing and distribute the Welcome packets to new landowners.
     Carol Clason asked that the Board consider snow/ice removal at the mail boxes during the winter.  Also, there is no longer anywhere to leave copies of the minutes as the DVLA box was broken.  Frank Shearer or Karl Sammons were listed as persons who might be able to help with the mail box bulletin board.  Mark Ahrenholtz is to talk to his neighbor about helping with the snow/ice removal.

7.  Adjournment:
      MOTION made by Mark Ahrenholtz to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 p.m.  SECONDED by Jim Johnson, and the motion carried.
Carol Clason
Recording Secretary