Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Minutes - DVLA Board Meeting 07/26/11

Draft Minutes of the DVLA Board Meeting of July 26, 2011

The monthly DVLA Board Meeting was held at the Fire House.   Ten landowners were in attendance. 
Board Members attending:  Bill King, Julie Cropper, Jim Johnson, Mac Thomson,
Vice President Julie Cropper called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
1.  Approval of the agenda:
     MOTION made by Bill King and SECONDED by Mac Thomson that the agenda be approved.  Motion carried.  

2.  Review and approval of the minutes of the June 28, 2011, monthly DVLA Board meeting
     MOTION was made by Bill King to approve the June 28, 2011, monthly DVLA Board meeting minutes.  SECONDED by Mac Thomson, and the motion carried. 

3.  Election of President to fill vacancy
     Bill Feeney respectfully declined to accept an appointment as Board member to the Dammeron Valley Landowners Association.  Jim Johnson MADE A MOTION that Bill King be appointed President to fill the vacancy left by Mark Ahrenholtz.  The motion was SECONDED by Mac Thomson, and the motion carried.  As President, Bill King took charge of the meeting at this time.  Consideration will be given to nomination of an additional board member and will be addressed at next month's meeting. 

4.  Review of Section 7 of the Bylaws
     There were no questions regarding the review of Section 7 of the Bylaws.

5.  Old Business: 
      a.  Update on Committee Formations
           i.  Public Safety - Mac Thomson:  It appears the weed control work by the County did not take place as scheduled.  Since Mac Thomson just returned from a 3-week absence, no contact has taken place as yet with the county to follow up on this project.
           ii. Social - Jim Johnson:  No update reported
           iii.Architectural Review - Bill King:  Gary Jensen is acting as head of the architectural review, with landowners communicating with him directly.  There were two houses in Pinion Hills approved during last month, and plans were submitted for a third in Pinion Hills.  Presently five houses are under construction in the Valley.
          iv. Public Properties - Julie Cropper:  Julie Cropper asked for further clarification on the responsibilities of the public properties committee.  That committee will oversee the upkeep and maintenance of the community center, the fire station, the park, and the entrances, working with those already in place, i.e. Chief Talbot.  Mac Thomson reported that the outside of the community center had been stained at the end of  last month, and that the monies came from last year's overflow under the community center budget.  Bill King asked that the heads of committees be encouraged to attend monthly DVLA meetings to personally report on their progress. 
         v.  Finance - No one in place as head of this committee due to one vacancy on the Board
         vi.  Dammeron Valley Welcome Packets -  Kim Ahrenholtz had headed the committee to deliver welcome packets to newly-arrived landowners that were living in the Valley.  Copies of the CCR's from the applicable sub-division, the by-laws, the architectural guidelines, the landowner list, and a covering letter from the DVLA were furnished to the committee by the Secretary.  Maps and additional area information were added by the committee to form the welcome packet.  Board members are to consider what they would like included in the packets, and Kim Ahrenholtz will be contacted regarding the format of the present packets being distributed.        
6.  New Business: 
     a.  Safety guard rails to line the step entrances to the Dammeron Valley Fire Station training room
          i.  Bill King volunteered to oversee the project of the safety guard rails  
7.  Reports:
      a.  President's Report - None presented
      b.  Fire Department Report:  Chief Talbot had called indicating that fire department personnel were scattered in several different areas, and there was no one available to be present at the meeting to report on last month's activities.
       c.  ARC Report - Bill King
          Information was presented during the Architectural Guidelines committee report in 7,a,iii.
      d.  Web site - Julie Cropper
          Johnna Evans is the person who oversees the function of the Dammeron Valley web site.  While she and her husband are unpaid volunteers, there is the yearly service provider fee to maintain the site.
     e.  Financial/Secretarial Report - Carol Clason
          The order to purchase the Utah HOA handbooks and 2009 HOA Utah Statute books for each of the Board members has been submitted, and the books should arrive within the next few weeks.  These handbooks are to be passed on to new board members by those vacating the position involved. 
          Regarding the financial statements, this is the first month of the fiscal year, so the expense column figures are pretty low to date.  We again had good collections in the past month for very old accounts.  During July almost $3000 was collected in dues that were owed for 2009 and 2010 from sale of properties, and from two other landowners who paid up 2009 and 2010 on their own.
          Page 2, Line item 11.0 show $22,510.00 unpaid dues for the 2011-12 fiscal year.  This is made up of 73 landowners who have paid nothing on their dues for this year and four landowners who have paid part of their dues.  I am now in the process of sending the second and final invoice indicating that if the dues are not paid by the end of August, liens will be filed.
          Regarding past due monies, there are four major problem landowners who owe for four years, and six more that owe for three years.  I would look at these ten owners as persons who will probably continue in this mode.  The next step would be to search county records to determine if there are any mortgages against the lots to determine if further collection against the property would be feasible.
          The information to complete the 2010 fiscal year tax returns for the Association has been finalized and submitted to the accountants for preparation of the state and federal returns.
          If any landowner needs additional copies of the current landowners list, please let me know as there are a number of copies available.     
         MOTION WAS MADE by Julie Cropper to approve the financial report as submitted.  The motion was SECONDED by Jim Johnson, and the motion carried.  
8.  Comment and discussion by landowners:  
       One landowner questioned when an audit would be performed on the accounting books.  Monies have been set aside in this year's budget for an audit, and the budget will be performed after the busy season of invoicing and dues payments is finished.           
9.  Adjournment:      
      Julie Cropper MADE A MOTION to adjourn the meeting which was seconded by Mac Thomson.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
Carol Clason, Recording Secretary