Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Minutes - DVLA Board Meeting 04/14/09

Minutes of the Special DVLA Board Meeting of April 14, 2009

Board Members attending:  Cyndy Johnson, Sally Musemeche, Mike Barker, Alan Strebeck, Barbara Hjelle

Meeting held at the Fire House.  One landowner was in attendance.

President Cyndy Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

1.    Finalization of the Annual Meeting procedures and mailing packet

Barbara Hjelle indicated she approved of the last revision of the proxy form as submitted by Alan Strebeck; this form includes the limited proxy as default and lists the fax number of (435) 574-0523. 

MOTION was made by Sally Musemeche that Alan Strebeck complete the final revision of the proxy form; seconded by Barbara Hjelle, and the motion carried.

MOTION made by Sally Musemeche that ballots not be mailed out in the packet; seconded by Barbara Hjelle, and the motion carried.

The letter in the mailing packet is to include the names of the two persons who have volunteered to be candidates for board members, along with their candidate information.  If any other member comes forward before the packets are mailed, their information will also be included.  Alan Strebeck is to finalize the back of the cover letter so that packet can be sent to the printer tomorrow.

It was clarified that a quorum is determined by the majority of the total number of landowners, whether in good standing or not.  A landowner must be in good standing to vote. 

MOTION was made by Barbara Hjelle to accept the revisions to the cover letter as submitted by Alan Strebeck. 

Regarding clarification of the Annual Meeting agenda, candidates will have two minutes to present their views.  Sally Musemeche is to present the appreciation plaques during her trustee report.  Rick Johnson was appointed to oversee the counting of the ballots.  He will need four to six counters.  Ballots will not be accepted before the time specified in the agenda for completion and collection of the ballots.  Attestation forms will be available to be signed by those elected. 

MOTION made by Sally Musemeche to remove the agenda item "Discussion on Need for Revision of Governing Documents".  It was seconded by Barbara Hjelle, and discussion called for by Alan Strebeck.  After discussion, the motion carried.

Sally Musemeche requested clarification of what building clean-up entails, as expected by Kyle Talbot.  Her husband will help oversee clean-up in the event she has to leave early.

Carol Clason,  Stella Callagee, and anyone available are to meet at Carol's home Tuesday evening, April 21, 2009, at 6:30 p.m. to stuff envelops for mailing out. 

MOTION made by Barbara Hjelle to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Mike Barker.  The meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.

Carol A. Clason
Recording Secretary