Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Minutes - DVLA Board Meeting 03/30/10

Minutes of the DVLA Board Meeting of March 30, 2010

Board Members attending: Barbara Hjelle, Jim Johnson, Bill King, Lance Cornwall    Absent: Von Mason

Monthly DVLA Board Meeting was held at the Fire House.  Seven landowners were in attendance.   
President Barbara Hjelle called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 

1.  Approval of agenda
MOTION made and seconded that the agenda be approved.

2.  Review and approval of the minutes of the February 23, 2010, and the March 10, 2010, DVLA Board      meetings
MOTION made by Lance Cornwall and seconded by Bill King to approve the minutes for the February 23, 2010, and the March 10, 2010, DVLA Board meetings as submitted.  The motion carried.

3.  Reports
     3a.  President's message           
     Barbara Hjelle indicated that the DVLA Board members had spent considerable time during the past year examining the by-laws and architectural guidelines.  Since approval of fifty-one percent of the DVLA members is required to amend these governing documents, it is hoped that the landowners will study the suggested changes which are being mailed out in the annual meeting packets.  Because questions have been raised as to the validity of the current versions of these documents, we need a clearly approved set of bylaws and guidelines.  These amendments will be voted on at the annual meeting.

     3b.  Financial Report -Carol Clason
     Carol Clason reported that no additional payments were received on delinquent dues from the past two years during the month of March, 2010.  Landowners who had paid only partial payments for the 2009/2010 year were notified in writing that liens will be filed on the remaining amounts owing if not paid by April 30, 2010.  Barbara Hjelle secured bids from printing companies on the cost of one mailing to the landowners.  The result was between $1200 and $1500.  Based on this information, it was recommended that the cost of printing and mailing be increased in next year's budget.
MOTION MADE by Bill King and seconded by Lance Cornwall that the financial report be approved, as submitted.  The motion carried 

     3c.  Fire Department-Kyle Talbot
     Chief Kyle Talbot indicated there were no fires in the past month.  There was one medical call (heart attack).  Currently there are 22 fire fighters on the team, 3 of whom are cadets.  All fire hydrants were tested in March. 

     Open burning is now in effect until May 1, 2010.  Please call Chief Talbot at (435)705-1345 when you are planning to burn.  The young people from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints were outside pulling weeds, but were having a difficult time doing it due to the winds and bad weather.  Four more hand automatic sand fillers were purchased.  Alan Strebeck has resigned as the manager of the burn pile.  Barbara Hjelle noted that Alan has performed a valuable service to the Valley, and we should all express our thanks to him.  The personnel of the fire department will try to keep it open for another year, but A  NEW  MEMBER  IS  NEEDED  TO VOLUNTEER  TO  TAKE  OVER  COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY  FOR  MANAGING  THE  OPERATION.  That volunteer would need to open the gates and make sure the volunteers who are manning the burn pile are there when scheduled.  Landowners can temporarily call Chief Talbot to arrange to open the pile.  If no volunteer comes forward, the burn pile will close.

     The printer at the fire department gave out in March.  If anyone has one they would like to donate, it would be appreciated.  It would need to have a flat top for scanning capabilities.

     The ISO review took place March 29 and 30.  Personnel examined all records, training reports, vehicle titles, repair records, hoses, water company records, tanks, pumps, hydrants.  All trucks met their requirements.  One afternoon was spent testing hydrants.  The only problem that surfaced was the fact that when spinning the wrench to open/close the hydrants, the wrench was hitting the concrete pads underneath.  It will be up to six months before the review comes back to the fire department. It is hoped that the rating will continue to be high enough to keep insurance rates lower in the Valley than would otherwise be the case.
     3d.  ARC Report - Lance Cornwall
     A set of plans for a privacy fence were reviewed by the committee in March.

4.  Old Business
     4a.  Amended park maintenance contract and bid procedure - Bill King and Lance Cornwall
Regarding the draft contract that was submitted, one change was suggested - that the four entrances (eight corners) need to be included in the areas to be maintained by the sub-contractor. 
MOTION MADE by Bill King that the contract be accepted, including the change.  Seconded by Lance Cornwall, and the motion carried.  Lance is to send out the notices requesting bids.  The notice and amended contract are to be e-mailed to Carol Clason so that she can place them on the DVLA letterhead.  Anyone who wants to suggest a sub-contractor is to contact Lance Cornwall for inclusion on the mailing list.

     4b.  Annual meeting planning
      i.    Budget - Every fire fighter is required to have a hand-held operator, and that requirement is reflected in this year's budget request.  Barbara Hjelle asked if the board wanted to further discuss a discretionary fund for the Chief to be able to reward the fire fighters for their service (for example, $300 per each fire fighter who is current with his/her DVLA dues and meets Chief Talbot's requirements for the team) to follow up on the last budget discussion.  The firefighters work very hard in their volunteer efforts, resulting in substantial savings to the landowners on fire insurance.  The appreciation line item was established at $6900.

     Bill King asked if the budget item for vehicle maintenance for the fire department was realistic, in light of the spending on that line item in prior years.  The line item was increased to $7,500 to more accurately reflect prior spending.

     Barbara noted that the line item for salary for the secretary/treasurer is at $6,000, which would provide for a raise to $500 per month from the current salary of $300 per month.  She noted that Carol Clason provides highly valued skills in accounting as a professional, and that the work load is substantial, especially during the time of preparation for the annual meeting and for dues collection.  She suggested that it is important to keep this salary at some reasonable minimum in order to retain qualified people, since they cannot be paid for extra work they do that is not covered by the baseline salary.

     A contingency reserve was set at $8,525.

     The dues would remain at $300 per landowner.
MOTION MADE by Lance Cornwall to accept the budget as proposed.  It was seconded by Jim Johnson, and the motion passed.

     ii.   Board candidates - If anyone is interested in being a candidate for the Board, please let the DVLA Board know.  Jim Johnson, who has volunteered to be a candidate, is to furnish a short biography to be published.  The Board discussed giving gift certificates to retiring Board members, in place of plaques. 

     iii.  Mailing packets - Board members and volunteers are to meet Thursday evening at 6:00 p.m. to stuff envelops for mailing the annual meeting packets.

     4c.  Update on enforcement issues
Regarding the rocks and vehicles on the property on North Old Farms Road, most of the vehicles are gone.  The rocks have not been removed, and this property will remain on the agenda for examination for the next meeting.  Lance Cornwall approached the renter of the property that needs cleaning.  She indicated she "would work on it".  The telephone contact information for the landowner of that property is not current, so Lance was unable to contact him/her.

     4d.  Discussion on payment of fees due under protective covenants upon sale of 18 Pinion Hills lots
Brooks Pace has agreed to pay the $200 per lot transfer fee ($3600) now and to guarantee that the dues will be paid upon the lot sales from the current owner to the next purchaser.  Barbara recommended, given the bulk sale of the lots, Brooks' promise to pay the $3600 up front and his representation that he has transferred his rights to his purchaser to delay the payment of dues until the lot sale, that the Board accept his offer. 
MOTION MADE by Lance Cornwall to rescind the original motion that liens be placed on the 18 lots if the transfer fees and dues were not paid upon the original sale of the lots.  Seconded by Jim Johnson, and the motion carried.
MOTION MADE by Lance Cornwall that the agreement as proposed by Brooks Pace be accepted.  Seconded by Jim Johnson, and the motion carried.

5.  New Business
     Discussion of standards for privacy walls, request for approval of block wall enclosing approximately 5,500 square feet area - Approval has been requested for a solid block privacy wall that would surround the back yard at Lot 16, Canyon Trails.  The wall would be built of aesthetically pleasing block that would blend with its surroundings, and trees left on the property that would help cover the wall.  The main consideration in this request is whether the wall, as proposed, can be interpreted in accordance with the architectural guidelines as in "close proximity to the house", which is the central consideration in approving construction of a privacy wall in the valley.  The size of this privacy wall could make it a "precedent-setting" decision.  Ryan Anderson stated that there are a number of other solid fences or walls in the valley that are similar in nature to this one, which is planned to provide privacy and protection for a swimming pool.  The Board members decided to view the property before a final vote on the issue was taken.

6.  Adjournment
     The meeting was adjourned at 10:20 p.m. to be reconvened at 11:30 a.m. on Wednesday, March 31, 2010, at Lot 16, Canyon Trails, for further consideration of the request for approval of a block privacy wall on the property.   
Carol Clason
Recording Secretary  

The Board reconvened on the site of Lot 16 Canyon Trails on Wednesday, March 31, at 11:30 a.m.   In attendance were Barbara Hjelle, Lance Cornwall and Jim Johnson, as well as the lot owners.  Those present walked the area and examined the proposed location of the residence, swimming pool and wall.  They also discussed the idea of looking at the block wall on a nearby lot.  After the discussion, the lot owners stated that they would reconsider their plans in light of the discussion and let Lance Cornwall know if they decided to amend the plans.  The meeting was adjourned to be reconvened after the lot owners submitted final proposed plans.
The Board reconvened at the Community Center at 6:00 p.m. April 8.  In attendance were Barbara Hjelle, Lance Cornwall, Bill King and Von Mason.  The owners of lot 16 Canyon Trails had amended their proposal by lowering the height of the block wall to five feet and limiting the extent of the solid wall to end just past the swimming pool on each side.  From that point, the wall would no longer be solid but would have a 2' 8" course of split face block with wrought iron extending another 2'-4" feet above, to a final height of 5'0".  After lengthy discussion Lance Cornwall moved to approve the wall as proposed based upon the following factors that render the wall as designed in this location appropriate.  Bill King seconded the motion and passed unanimously.  The factors considered in approving the wall as designed included the following.
--    The lot owners worked constructively with the board to find a solution that would address concerns regarding their design and made changes to accommodate concerns expressed by the board.
--    The lot is sloped downward from the front, with a "berm"at the front that limits the view of the rear of the lot from the street.
--    The view of the lot is limited from anywhere but the street and immediately adjacent lots so the wall as proposed will not block views of surrounding scenery viewed from a distance.
--    The wall is attached to the house and extends only so far as necessary to provide privacy between the house and the swimming pool on both sides.
--    The wall is well within the setbacks specified for the lot.
--    The wall is to the rear of the house, not in front.
--    The owners are planning on landscaping around the solid portion of the wall with lilacs or similar vegetation which will provide a screen.
--    The surrounding landscape has native trees that will partially hide the wall from view.
--    The wall will be split face block, with the color designed to blend with the surrounding soil color.
--    The wall does not form a solid line with the walls of the house, thereby avoiding a "compound" appearance.
--    The footprint of the house and wall are not excessive in comparison to other structures that would normally be permitted on the lot.
--    A solid wall of similar dimensions was approved for a lot nearby.