Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Minutes - DVLA Board Meeting 10/22/08

Minutes of the DVLA Board Meeting of October 22, 2008

Board Members attending: Sally Musemeche, Mike Barker, Barbara Hjelle, Alan Strebeck                       Absent: Cyndy Johnson

Meeting held at Fire House.

Six landowners were in attendance.
Vice President Sally Musemeche called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. 

1.  Approval of Agenda
Sally Musemeche said that Robert Mitchell would attend the November Board meeting to talk about the report he had submitted concerning withdrawing from the Washington County Water Conservancy District.  The awards presentation was also postponed until the next meeting. 

2.  Review and approve minutes of the September meeting
MOTION was made by Barbara Hjelle to approve the September minutes.  Mike Barker seconded the motion.  The motion was passed.

3.  Review financial reports and dues collection update - Stella Callagee
Stella Callagee reported that unpaid dues still total $4,896.00 which represents 4.0% of the total amount billed.  She will begin taking action to place liens on the properties.

MOTION was made by Mike Barker to accept the financial report for filing.  Barbara Hjelle seconded the motion.  It was passed.

The Board discussed the meeting date in November.  Due to the Thanksgiving holiday and the fact that some officers will be away, it was decided to change the meeting date to Tuesday, November 18, 2008.

Sally reported that she is working on the DVLA phone set-up.  Karen Sharkey has resigned as secretary and the Board members will be handling the calls to the DVLA on a monthly rotation.   This will also include emails sent to the DVLA.   The system being set-up will make the process transparent to the landowners and others who are contacting the DVLA.

4.  Reports:
a.  Fire Department - Chief Kyle Talbot
Chief Talbot reported that there were no fires in the past month.  The department responded to a number of very serious medical calls.  These included a vehicle wreck and a rattlesnake bite in Diamond Valley. 
The department needs a good quality medical vehicle.  The Blazer and Brush one are being outfitted with medical supplies so they can be used if needed as a 3 way response. 

The lead engineer will be conducting upcoming training on driving safety and vehicle maintenance.

The Chief talked about concerns he has about the volunteer roster, particularly for medical calls.  One of the officers was injured in connection with his work and is currently off the team.  Another volunteer has been hired as a full time fireman in Las Vegas.  Craig Bennett said that over the years seven volunteers from the Dammeron Valley fire department have gone on to full time fire department jobs.  This is a testimony to the way that Chief Talbot runs the department. 

The Chief reminded landowners that they should have their chimney cleaned if they will be burning wood this winter.

Burn permits will be available through the winter.  Landowners can call the Chief for a permit.  Guidelines for granting a permit are: - burning to be done 20 feet from a building and there is no wind.  The landowner must stay with the burn until it is extinguished.  A burn also has to be completed by 1:00pm.  The Chief would appreciate at least a day's notice so he can review conditions and issue the permit.

The burn pile is going well.  Discussion indicated that the Board hopes to get volunteers to man the gate every other Saturday.  Available dates will be posted at the mailbox area.

Sally Musemeche asked the Chief to extend the Board's deep appreciation to the fire department volunteer team.

b.  ARC - Trustee Assignments: October - Alan Strebeck; November - Mike Barker, December - Cyndy Johnson
There was no report for the ARC.  Alan Strebeck made a trustee report that two projects had been reviewed for their deposit return.

c.  Trustee Reports
a.  Barbara Hjelle asked the Board to approve the draft of a letter to the County concerning the SSD.  This issue had been discussed at last month's meeting.  The Board approved the draft as presented.

b.  Alan Strebeck reported that there is free firewood available at the young women's camp in the Cedar City area.  The wood is pine and aspen.

5.  Unfinished Business:
a.  Board Policies - Barbara Hjelle 
This discussion was tabled for a later date.

6.  New Business:
a.  The Board discussed use of the $1,375 collected for last year's Valley Christmas fund.  A request was made by the fire department for use of these funds. 
MOTION was made by Sally Musemeche to allocate last year's Christmas fund collection to Chief Talbot in support of the fire department.  This will be a one time allocation to the fire department as a discretionary amount to be used by the Chief.  The motion was seconded and approved by a unanimous vote.
7.  Adjournment
MOTION was made to adjourn the meeting.  The motion was seconded.  The meeting was adjourned at 7:55pm.

Stella Callagee
Recording Secretary