Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Minutes - DVLA Board Meeting 04/26/11

Final Minutes of the DVLA Board Meeting of April 26, 2011

Monthly DVLA Board Meeting was held at the Fire House.   Six landowners were in attendance. 

Board Members attending:  Lance Cornwall, Mark Ahrenholtz, Bill King, Von Mason
                 Absent:  Jim Johnson
President Lance Cornwall called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 

1.  Approval of the agenda:
     MOTION made by Mark Ahrenholz and SECONDED by Bill King that the agenda be approved.  Motion carried.  

2.  Review and approval of the minutes of the March 29, 2011, monthly DVLA Board meeting
     MOTION was made by Mark Ahrenholtz to approve the March 29, 2011, monthly DVLA Board meeting minutes.  SECONDED by Bill King, and the motion carried.

3.  Old Business:  
     a.  Update of Wild Herb commercial enterprise status
     There has been no response from the owner of this property to the formal request for information.  Bill King MADE A MOTION that the Board contact the three attorneys (on the list of attorneys submitted by Attorney Mitchell) who have experience in home owner association laws.   $500 will be allotted for an initial consultation to determine what action, if any, should be taken in the future so that this information would be available for the annual meeting.  Mark Ahrenholtz SECONDED the motion, and the motion carried.  Lance Cornwall volunteered to contact those attorneys.
     b.  Use of monies from the Washington County recycling program
     One and one/half dump truck loads of road base were spread at the mail box site.  Per Mac Thomson, one more truckload of road base spread on the east side of the boxes would do a better job of surfacing.  The south side is now very good, and the north and west are thick. One more truck load will be ordered to finish the area.  Lance Cornwall is to research what it would cost to asphalt the area in the future.
     Per Bill King, a suggestion has been proposed that the mail boxes be formatted in a straight line so that a smaller cover over the boxes can be constructed to allow drainage off the back side.  Also, the recycling bins could be placed on the existing concrete, and the mail boxes could be located where the bins are now.  Any other ideas or suggestions from the landowners would be appreciated.   

4.  New Business:  None Proposed       
5.  Reports:
      a.  President's Message:  Please attend the annual meeting next month.          
      b.  Fire Department Report:  
     Per Lance Cornwall, there were no fires this past month, but there were several medical calls.  Some fire department personnel have fire training this coming weekend.
      c.  ARC Report - Lance Cornwall:
     Plans for construction of a residence was approved for Lot 7, High Grounds.
      d.  Reports from Trustees on their areas of responsibility          
          i.  Mark Ahrenholtz:   Mac Thomson, Robert Mitchell, Don Quayle, Tim Eicher, Jay Workman, Frank Callagee, Lance Cornwall, Nick Ballif, Cody Lofthouse, Brenna Lofthouse,  Tony Morentin, Wayne Staab, Mark and Kim Ahrenholtz did a tremendous job in cleaning the entranceways.  Several persons have volunteered to keep the weeds down by spraying, and the person doing the lawn maintenance is to be contacted about maintaining  the entrance areas. 
      e.  Financial/Secretarial Report
     The budget versus year-to-date sheet looks a little different than those of the past several months.  The grant monies and monies spent by the DVLA itself on the two used vehicles that were recently purchased have been listed differently to more accurately display the figures.  The previous year's monies carried over, the state grant monies received, and the current year's budget amounts for the trucks had to be listed without upsetting this year's bottom-line budgeted figures.  The DVLA actually paid out $32,000 when the vehicles were purchased.  On line 8, the $24,169 budgeted from the previous year is listed as "carry over".  For the year 2010-11, we allowed $5,834 more to provide $30,000 for the trucks.  When purchased, $2,000 was taken from the contingency fund to provide the total cost of $32,000.  When the grant money of $20,000 was received from the State, that money was needed to outfit and paint the trucks.  Since Chief Talbot still had $23,500 in his account (because the $20,000 grant money was deposited there), but the budget sheet was only showing $3,500, I have now listed that $20,000 as a grant on line 3 to more accurately list the monies.

     Mark Ahrenholtz MADE A MOTION that the financial reports be approved.  Bill King SECONDED the motion, and the motion carried.               
6.  Comment and discussion by landowners:
     In response to a question from the floor, Lance Cornwall indicated that four or five months ago Brooks Pace approached the Board about a new pipeline being constructed that will bring water from the springs to the west side of the valley.  Per Bill King, one of the purposes of this pipeline is to get better water flow so that the Pinion Hills tank will fill faster.  It will also provide water for future development in the area.
     An open meeting was set for Tuesday, May 3, 2011, at 8:00 p.m. to count the ballots for the proposed by-law amendments.  The quorum number will be determined at that meeting as well.  Those in attendance will review the By-Laws and Articles of Incorporation to ensure the correct number is defined.
     The list of duties for the participants at the annual meeting was reviewed to assure that everyone was prepared and all assignments were made.
     A question was raised as to the status of the scout projects for the park - the cooking grills and the water fountain.  The scouts need to raise the monies for their projects and will need to solicit donations from the landowners at this time.
     Per complaints by numerous landowners, the construction materials and trailer at the west and north of the mail boxes are an eyesore at their present location.  They are being used for the construction of the new pipelines.  Although there are other properties in the valley that have similar equipment stored on the lots, none are as visible to the public as those by the mail boxes.  Lance Cornwall indicated he would approach Brooks Pace to see if the trailer and materials could be moved to a more appropriate location.     
7.  Adjournment:      
      MOTION made by Mark Ahrenholtz at 7:45 p.m. to adjourn the meeting.  SECONDED by Bill King,  and the motion carried.  

Carol Clason, Recording Secretary