Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Minutes - DVLA Board Meeting 07/31/07

Minutes of the Regular Monthly DVLA Board Meeting July 31, 2007

Board Members attending: Cyndy Johnson, Jerry Yurek, Crystal Phillips, Alan Strebeck                 Absent: Mike Barker

Fifteen landowners were in attendance.

President Cyndy Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. 

1.  Approval of Agenda

Under old business was added fence proposal and under new business highway cleanup.

MOTION was made by Jerry Yurek to accept the agenda as amended, Crystal Phillips seconded the motion.  The motion was passed.

2.  Review & approve minutes of the June meeting.

MOTION was made by Jerry Yurek to approve the minutes presented for review.  Alan Strebeck seconded the motion.  The motion was passed

3.  Review & approve financial reports -- Stella Callagee

Stella Callagee explained that the DVLA's fiscal year runs from 7/1 to 6/30.  She presented the year end report.  The year end documentation is going to the CPA firm who will prepare the tax documents.  She reported that the DVLA will carry over a reserve of $29,000 into the new fiscal year.

MOTION was made by Crystal Phillips to accept the June 30th financial reports, Alan Strebeck seconded the motion.  The motion was passed.

4. Reports

a. Fire Department
Craig Bennett gave the report for the fire department.  The department will be participating in mutual aid responses from the area of Mountain Meadows to Diamond Valley.  They do not have the number of volunteers that will allow them to go as far a field as they have in the past several years.  During the recent power line fire three trucks and eight volunteers participated.  The department also responded to a fatality on Sand Cove Road due to a rollover.

The fire department has signed on three new members.  Department members will be going door to door to sign up volunteers.  They are needed for all types of duties – from directing traffic to fire fighting.  In response to a question from the Board, the department will be getting out the minimum requirements.

If landowners want to have their homes and lots evaluated for fire defensibility, they should contact Bud Balagna.

b. ARC
Trustee Assignments: August - Mike Barker, September - Cyndy Johnson, October - Crystal Phillips, November - Jerry Yurek

Lance Cornwall, Chair of the ARC, gave the report.  A refund was approved for PHIII-49.  Plans for a new home on PHIII-65 were reviewed.  There are variance issues with elevations and setbacks that are being considered by Dammeron Corp.  The house on lot ME-09 was approved for change from wood siding to stucco.  A horse barn was approved on ME-34.

c. Trustee Reports

1. Alan Strebeck attended a Firewise meeting with Ned Cordery.  He reported that there was good information presented and a number of vendors at the event.  He discussed some of the most interesting items - such as foam retardant which can be sprayed when fire is imminent and plants which are fire resistant.  Landscaping can be made both fire resistant and & nice looking.  Alan thanked Mac Thomson and the other committee members who have helped with the firewise efforts.  In response to a question from Cyndy Johnson as to how to get information out to landowners, Alan said that the DVLA website could be an effective way to post the information.

Mac Thomson said that Chief Talbot has a book of property pre-inventory reviews.  If a property cannot be fixed in 15 minutes the fire fighting team will move on to the next property. 

2. Alan Strebeck reported that per the CC&Rs, signs on properties can only be 5 square feet - such as a for sale sign.

3. Cyndy Johnson has been working on signage in the mailbox area.  The contractors delivering the mail will have directional signs put up.

4. Cyndy continues to work on dead trees in the County easements.  She is talking with the County about getting the dead trees taken down.

5. Crystal Phillips reported on the Community Center.  There are plans to have the outside sprayed as the siding was replaced on one side.  The inside also needs to be taped and textured.  Crystal will be setting up a work party.

6. Jerry Yurek said that he as resubmitted a letter to the County requested road parking signage in Pinion Hills.  He was told that the prior paperwork he submitted had been lost.

7. Jerry reported on the Valley entrances.  Cyndy Johnson asked if he can get landowners to adopt a corner.  Possibly an email can go out to solicit interest.

5.  Old Business
a. OHVs
Jim Sclimenti gave the Board a petition with 26 signatures which read:

The following residents of Dammeron Valley are petitioning the Dammeron Valley Landowners Association (DVLA) board to be our representatives to Washington County and appropriate agencies, for the purpose of addressing problems inherit to the operation (transition) of OHVs through Dammeron Valley to public lands and on or adjacent to Dammeron Valley roads (county roads) and state highway rights-of-way.  Transition of OHVs through Dammeron Valley at times is less than 600 feet from private residences.  The situation is the cause of the following residents concerns: Dust (health concerns); Noise; Traffic safety.

The Board had asked the Washington County Sheriff’s Office for a representative to speak to the issue of OHVs.  Attending the meeting was Sgt. Croft.  He passed out copies of the laws and codes on OHV use.  Several landowners shared their personal experiences as well as pictures documenting abuses.  They cited misuse involving ATVs and dirt bikes.  Sgt. Croft took down a list of the problem locations and times.  He explained that landowners need to call and sign a complaint if they have problem use near them.  Vehicles can be impounded and fines levied.  Improper operation is a Class 3 misdemeanor.

Craig Bennett said that he has lived in the Valley 11 years.  He expressed caution in trying to ban OHV use as Dammeron Valley is in an area that can provide access to recreational riding areas.  There are many riders who ride their OHVs responsibly and this needs to be recognized.

Sgt. Croft was asked if OHVs can go along the property lines and along the highway.  Operation in these areas is illegal and that would include Sand Cove Road which is a County Road.  He also said that responsible use will not cause complaints and citations, allowing riders to safely get to public land access points.

The Board thanked Sgt. Croft for coming and addressing the concerns.  They encouraged neighbor to neighbor contact if there is a problem. The Board also decided to write a letter to the Valley outlining the rules and concerns about OHV use.  They would contact the Water Company to see if the letter could be sent to all landowners in the next billing.  Alan Strebeck volunteered to draft a letter.

b. Fence Proposal
Cyndy Johnson asked the Board to consider approval of a fence on lot OF2-03, one of the greenbelt lots.  This had been a request made to the Board which had not been resolved.  It is a vinyl fence which would go along the side of the property in the color which matched the weathered fence.  A neighbor, Jim Cunningham, said he had no objection to the fence and its color.  The Board viewed a sample of the color called.

MOTION was made by Crystal Phillips to approve the request, Jerry Yurek seconded the motion.  It was passed.

6. New Business
a. Highway Cleanup
Cyndy Johnson reported that highway cleanup would be tried on a weekday morning rather than a weekend.  A sign-up sheet had been placed at the mailboxes. 

b. Welcome Package
Karen Sharkey gave the Board information she had taken off the web concerning septic systems.  She suggested that this information be included in the welcome package that goes out to new landowners.

c. Fourth of July Party
Karen Sharkey reported that there were about 100 attendees at the Fourth of July party.  The Board suggested that a survey go out to landowners to see if they wanted to continue this event or try something new.  One suggestion was a Fourth of July breakfast.  Landowners should send suggestions to the Board.

7. Adjournment 8:45pm MOTION was made by Jerry Yurek to adjourn the meeting, Crystal Phillips seconded the motion.  The motion was passed.

Stella Callagee