Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Minutes - DVLA Board Meeting 08/25/09

Draft: Minutes of the DVLA Board Meeting of August 25, 2009

Board Members attending: Barbara Hjelle, Sally Musemeche, Bill King, Lance Cornwall, Von Mason

Working DVLA Board meeting to discuss governing documents of the DVLA was held from 6:00 to 7:00 p. m. 

Monthly DVLA Board Meeting was held at the Fire House.  Eight landowners were in attendance.               
President Barbara Hjelle called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. 

1.  Approval of agenda:
Sally Musemeche asked that the report on the Community Center repairs be given as the second item on the agenda.  She made a motion that the amended agenda be approved.  Motion seconded and carried.

2.  Community Center Report:
Mac Thomson displayed the certificate of occupancy issued by Washington County, and indicated the only items left to be completed are better support for the swamp cooler and to locate the septic tank to determine if it needs any attention.

3.  Review and approve the minutes of the June 30, 2009, DVLA Board meeting and the July 28, 2009, adjourned DVLA Board meeting:
MOTION made by Sally Musemeche to approve the minutes for the June 30, 2009, DVLA Board meeting as submitted.  Seconded by Von Mason , and the motion carried.
MOTION made by Sally Musemeche to approve the July 28, 2009, minutes for the adjourned DVLA Board meeting.  Seconded by Bill King, and the motion carried.   

4.  President's message
Barbara Hjelle indicated that a working meeting consisting of an informal discussion concerning the governing documents of the Dammeron Valley Landowners' Association was held this evening from 6:00 p.m to 7:00 p.m. These meetings are being held due to questions raised about these documents by Board members during the past year or so.  This working meeting will again be held on September 29, 2009, from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
5.  Review financial reports -Carol Clason
Carol Clason, Treasurer, presented the current financial statements showing that there was nearly $600.00 spent during the first two months of the fiscal year on bringing the Community Center up to code.  However, very little else should be spent for this purpose for the rest of the year.    The required tax return for the 2008-2009 fiscal year was completed by Savage Esplin  Radmall, PC and has been filed.  No monies are due on the tax return.    As of August 25, 2009, there are 30 landowners who owe dues for the 2009-2010 year.  The largest expense for the fire department is the repair and maintenance of the fire vehicles.  The bond for the treasurer position is up for renewal, and has covered $15,000 in previous years.  The Board was asked to consider raising this amount to be more in line with the risk to the Dammeron Valley Association.                                                            
MOTION was made by Sally Musemeche  to raise the bond amount to $100,000.00  The motion was seconded, and carried.
MOTION was made by Sally Musemeche to accept the financial reports, seconded by Lance Cornwall, and the motion carried.

6.  Reports:
a.  Fire Department
Chief Kyle Talbot indicated there were seven fires in the area within 48 hours.  One fire required ten men and two trucks for 18 hours.  The department will be reimbursed $5,000.00, one-half to go to the fire department budget, and one-half to the firemen involved.  Contents of a quanset hut were lost in one fire, and there was a vehicle roll-over in Brookside.  The Brush 1 fire truck still needed maintenance - an alternator, battery, and fuel system repairs.  The military truck lost a tire, and due to the inavailability of correct sized military tires, the fire department is transitioning to semi-truck tires.  12 mobile radios have been programmed; 15 more need to be updated.  The State has no open burning at the present time.  It is usually the middle of October before open burning is allowed.  Chief Talbot has been approved to participate in a web site which announces weather conditions.  There are 2 sets of 2 trailers available; one trailer in each set as a lab and the other to hold 50 patients in case of a medical disaster.  All hydrants are working and have been certified; 3 hydrants are drippers.
b.  Trustee Assignments:
The following schedule for the Board member in charge of the ARC and planning commission agenda monitoring for the next three months is as follows:  September - Bill King;  October - Barbara Hjelle;  November - Sally Musemeche

Sally Musemeche is to e-mail a copy of the referral form for concerned issues to the President and Secretary so that it may be posted on the Bulletin Board.

ARC Report:  Lance Cornwall announced that there will be one house and two garages under construction in the next month.

Concerning park maintenance, Lance Cornwall and Bill King are to reword the maintenance contract for next year and open it up for bid.  Weeds and watering issues, including the sprinklers along the playground, need to be addressed.

7.  Old Business: 
a.  SSD change update:
Barbara Hjelle announced that Brooks Pace provided a letter offering no objections for the deed transfer from the SDD to the DVLA.  The bank is presently trying to determine what needs to be done legally to make this happen.

b.  Entrance maintenance update:  Maintenance to continue as presently set up until the contract for next year is rewritten.

c.  Consideration of guidelines in the construction of casitas/guest houses in Dammeron Valley:
Per Bill King, landowners would need to secure a conditional use permit from the county first; next secure approval from the DVLA, and then secure the building permit from the county.  The basis for the consideration of casitas is that most of the recent protective covenants, which are generally more restrictive, allow for casitas, so it seems reasonable that the older, less restrictive subdivision should also allow for casitas, given that other relevant language in the covenants is virtually identical. The Board policy statement on casitas/guest houses is to be redrafted for the September meeting.

d.  Community advertising on Bulletin Board website:
Barbara Hjelle read a previously-drafted policy statement on the posting of services provided by and for Valley residents on the Bulletin Board.  Bill King is to ask the web coordinators to coordinate with him on any decisions that reject posting submissions. 
MOTION made by Sally Musemeche to allow postings on the DVLA Bulletin Board of services available to DVLA residents by DVLA residents.  Bill King seconded the motion, and would like a form approved by the DVLA Board  on which to list services.  Sally Musemeche, Lance Cornwall, and Barbara Hjelle approved the motion; Bill King and Von Mason did not approve, and the motion carried.

e.  Adopt-a-highway contract changes:
This item is to be addressed during the September DVLA Board meeting by Cyndy Johnson. 

8.  New Business:
Update on the 80-foot tower originally proposed to be built at the Red Dog Restaurant site by Frank Shearer, community representative:
Frank Shearer commented on the need for telephone trees and e-mail lists in the Valley for better communication in getting accurate information to the residents.  The Board member in charge for each month is to check the county web site regularly for county meeting agenda items.  Sally Musemeche is to look into a method for e-mail communication from the DVLA to its members.  The planning commission has postponed the additional hearing on the cell tower.  Barbara summarized the current status with the DVLA Board as not having received specific information in response to its letter to the county, providing no basis for further action at this time.

9.  Comment and Discussion by Landowners
A landowner asked about plans for the fall festival.  No one has come forward to head the festival, and no plans have been made to have one this year. The budget has funding to support a festival if a volunteer committee is formed to make it happen.

9.  Adjournment
Meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m.    

Carol Clason
Recording Secretary