Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Minutes - DVLA Board Meeting 06/30/09

Draft: Minutes of the DVLA Board Meeting of June 30, 2009

Board Members attending: Barbara Hjelle, Sally Musemeche, Bill King, Lance Cornwall, Von Mason
Meeting was held at the Fire House.  Four landowners were in attendance.               
President Barbara Hjelle called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 

1.  Approval of agenda
Since the owner of Lot 53, Farms, withdrew his application for an addition to his residence, item "d" under old business is changed to a general discussion on casitas, instead of the possible reconsideration of Lot 53, Farms, request as listed.  With this change, the agenda was approved.  

2.  Review and approve minutes of the May 26, 2009, regular meeting
MOTION made by Bill King to approve the minutes for the May 26, 2009, DVLA Board meeting as submitted.  Seconded by Lance Cornwall, and the motion carried.

3.  President's message
Barbara Hjelle requested that the 6:00 pm working meeting be included in the regular meeting agenda.  This meeting will consist of an informal discussion concerning the governing documents of the Dammeron Valley Landowners' Association. An informal meeting was held this evening at 6:00 p.m.  This working meeting will not be held during the month of July, but will continue again in August.  

4.  Review financial reports - Carol Clason
Carol Clason, Treasurer, presented the current financial statements and indicated that the figures shown will be close to the fiscal year final figures on June 30, 2009.  Documentation for the 2008-2009 fiscal year will be taken to the accountants of Savage Esplin  Radmall, PC during the month of July, 2009.  As of June 29, 2009, 252 landowners had paid the current dues, and 145 landowners still owed for the 2009-2010 year.  When the Fire Department budget is credited with $1,000.00 towards personnel appreciation monies for the 2008-2009 fiscal year, every major budget category endedunder budget, except for the unpaid landowners' fees and dues (-$665.00).                                                            
MOTION was made by Bill King to accept the financial report for filing.  The motion was seconded by Sally Musemeche and was passed.

5.  Reports:
a.  Fire Department
Chief Kyle Talbot indicated there have been no fires in the Valley.  He listed a number of medical calls that had been answered:  a fall down the stairs, a seizure, camper burns from propane, diabetic shock, ATV rollover in Veyo, etc.  There are three new members in the Fire Department:  Lance Cornwall, Russ Eardley, and Jordan Hall, cadet.  Presently there are a total of 22 members in the Fire Department .  Most of the personnel on the medical team are EMT certified.  No grants were applied for this year by  the Fire Department.  Last Saturday fire vehicle safety training was held.  Thursday evening there will be additional training - interior fire attack training.  Six vertex hand-held radios are all unoperable and need work. Up to this date, the State has not cancelled fireworks for the Holiday.

b.  ARC - Trustee Assignments:  June-Sally Musemeche
    i.  Trustee Assignments - There was no activity over the past month to report. 

    ii.  ARC - Lance Cornwall reported that the Strebeck garage was completed and that the plans for the Lot 53, Farms were recalled.  Mac Thomson presented an update on the Community  Center.  All work is completed except the rest room is not yet handicapped accessible, the septic tank needs to be checked, and door handles and sink grab bars are needed.  
MOTION made by Sally Musemeche that the committee for the renovation of the community center be allowed to spend up to the amount budgeted for repairs without specific approval from the Board based upon review and approval of the board member in charge (Sally).  This motion was seconded by Lance Cornwall, and passed.

6.  Old Business:
a.  SSD change update
Brooks Pace has indicated he is not willing to deed the land on which the fire station and community stand to the Dammeron Valley Landowners' Association, but that should not be a problem for the overall transfer from the SSD to the DVLA.  The bank which holds the loans on these buildings is to get back with Barbara Hjelle regarding their position on the deed of land from  the SSD to the DVLA.

b.  Future trustee assignments
When questions arise, the President, then the Vice President will be the "go-to" person to contact in that order.

ARC support - July:  Von Mason - August:  Bill King - September:  Barbara Hjelle - October:  Sally Musemeche
(Then the rotation will recycle again.)

MOTION made by Sally Musemeche that Von Mason finalize a letter addressing weeds in Dammeron Valley to be given to Brooks Pace for inclusion in the this month's water bill.  Motion was seconded by Sally Musemeche, and motion carried.

The secretary is to attempt to locate a maintenance contract that was originally presented to the landscaper (Southern Design Landscape and Maintenance) who is maintaining the park.  Lance Cornwall is to contact this landscaper to clarify what duties are expected to be performed and what contract will be instituted to maintain all entrances.

d. General discussion on casitas/guest houses
Early subdivisions have less restrictions regarding casitas/guest houses.  Later subdivisions specifically mention and allow them.  There are restrictions when building a casita/guest house based on functionality, size, no full kitchen. 
MOTION made by Sally Musemeche to include in the next Board meeting, consideration of guidelines in the construction of casitas/guest houses in Dammeron Valley.  Lance Cornwall seconded the motion, and the motion carried. 

7.  New Business:
a. The discussion concerning the community advertising on the Bulletin Board website will be included on next month's agenda under old business.

b. The adopt-a-highway contract change stretching the distance to three miles will be discussed on next month's agenda under old business.  The secretary is to send the new address and name of the contract signator to the Department of Transportation.
8.  Comment and Discussion by Landowners

9.  Adjournment
Meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m.    

Carol Clason
Recording Secretary