Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Minutes - DVLA Board Meeting 04/28/09

Draft: Minutes of the DVLA Board Meeting of April 28, 2009

Board Members attending: Cyndy Johnson, Alan Strebeck, Barbara Hjelle; Sally Musemeche                     Absent: Mike Barker

Meeting was held at Fire House.

Ten landowners were in attendance.

President Cyndy Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

1. Approval of agenda
MOTION was made by Barbara Hjelle to accept the agenda as amended. Sally Musemeche seconded the motion. The motion was passed.

2. Review and approve minutes of the March regular and April special meetings
MOTION was made by Sally Musemeche to approve the March meeting minutes as amended. Alan Strebeck seconded the motion. The motion was passed.

MOTION was made by Barbara Hjelle to approve the special meeting minutes of April 7, 2009, as amended. Cyndy Johnson seconded the motion. The motion was passed.

MOTION was made by Cyndy Johnson to approve the special meeting minutes of April 14, 2009, as amended. Alan Strebeck seconded the motion. The motion was passed.

3. President's message
President Cyndy Johnson presented appreciation plaques to Karen Sharkey (secretary, fall festival chair and independent e-mail messenger) and Stella Callagee (secretary/treasurer) in appreciation of their many hours of involvement with the Dammeron Valley Landowners Association.

3. Review financial reports - Stella Callagee
Stella Callagee, Treasurer, reported that several delinquent properties have paid their late dues. There are now 10 lots still owing unpaid dues. There were no unusual expenses during the prior month.

MOTION was made by Alan Strebeck to accept the financial report for filing. The motion was seconded by Sally Musemeche and was passed.

4. Reports:
a. Fire Department
Craig Bennett gave the report for the fire department. Ron Johnson and Jay Workman have been selected as the two new engineers. They will be in training for six months with James Peterson.

For the first time in the Dammeron Valley Fire Department, a fireman was injured on the job - James Peterson was injured when a hydrant cap came loose and struck him.

Brush 1 truck is down and being fixed for approximately $1,000.00

b. ARC - Trustee Assignments: April - Mike Barker; May - Barbara Hjelle
There was no activity over the past month to report.

At this point, Von Mason and James Cunningham, two candidates running for election as board members, gave brief comments about themselves and their reasons for wanting to become trustees.

c. Trustee Reports
Cyndy Johnson reported there were approximately ten volunteers for the recent road clean-up. She noted that the signs were moved further to the south and will check on that.

Barbara Hjelle will comment on the history of the weed problem in Dammeron Valley at the annual meeting on Saturday.

Alan Strebeck reported that there was no burn pile last Saturday, but that it would be open this coming Saturday. The burn pile will remain open as long as the Fire Chief gives permission. Only vegetation can be dumped there. Landowners are asked to split stumps when dumping them, as they will not burn well otherwise. There has been a change of location of the county dump facility from Brookside to Central. It is open to anyone as it is a county facility and will remain open as long as the service is not abused.

Lance Cornwall is scheduled to step down as chairman of the Architectural Guidelines committee but agreed to remain in place until someone volunteers to take his place.

5. Unfinished Business:
a. Annual Meeting Planning - Annual Meeting to be held May 16, 2009
The statuses of the duties assigned each board member for the annual meeting were reviewed. The five board members plus four more volunteers are needed to pre-call the landowners regarding the meeting.

Barbara Hjelle indicated the need to have a meeting after the annual meeting to elect officers, determine trustee duties, and review the annual meeting process.

The current board members can continue in needed duties until the new officers are elected.

Books with the by-laws, articles, and CCRs are to be given the new board members at the annual meeting. Attestations are to be secured from them by the next meeting to be held on May 26, 2009.

If Brooks Pace indicates he has the right to vote, the issue will need to be addressed in a special meeting by the board.

Board members are to be at the fire house at 6:30 a.m. on May 16, 2009, and begin signing in people at 7:00 a.m.

Articles indicate that a quorum is 51% of the members of the DVLA. Ken Mandell has volunteered to help count.

b. Discussion on the Board decision of January 27, 2004, to approve the revised Architectural Guidelines
Sally Musemeche listed a brief history of previous voting records by past boards regarding Architectural Guidelines. There are some issues with the Architectural Guidelines as they now exist.

MOTION made by Sally Musemeche to adopt the current existing architectural guidelines pending future
changes. Barbara Hjelle stated that the Board had already adoped the current existing architectural guidelines, so no motion was necessary. She added that it is the intent of the Board to clean-up the documentation on current architectural guidelines through research, member input, and committee involvement. The motion was withdrawn by Sally.

6. New Business:
a. Guidelines for Minute Preparation of Board Meetings
This issue to be determined by the next board if it is deemed necessary.

b. Discussion on the minutes regarding February 24, 2009, Board decision on lot HS-27 building
Barbara Hjelle proposed the following language be included in the February 24, 2009, minutes to clarify the Board's decision on the lot HS-27 building:
"The Board considered the plans of Jordan and Betty Ann Strebeck, HS-27, for a garage and studio
addition. The plans exceeded the general guideline for size set forth in the Architectural Guidelines
so the ARC referred the decision to the Board to determine whether the size was appropriate under the
circumstances. The size would be a little less than 2500 sq. ft.

The Board discussed the fact that the plans met County guidelines and that the CCRs for the
Homesteads contain no square footage restrictions. Lance Cornwall and the builder represented that
the submitted documents, fee, and the setbacks and color were in compliance and that there was no
restroom included in the building. The owners stated that the building would not be used for dwelling
purposes. Barbara Hjelle noted that the guidelines state that "˜The guidelines must be consistent with
and in fulfillment of the CCRs"¦' and that "˜Accessory buildings shall generally not exceed 2,000
sq. ft. in area.' She interpreted these guidelines to allow for consideration of larger buildings if the
CCRs do not prohibit them. However, if the building is to be larger than the general guideline, it
should have some architectural detail to offset the impact of the size. This building reflected
considerable architectural detail and was not merely a rectangular structure.

Cyndy Johnson expressed concern that the decision was inconsistent with her understanding of the
scope of the architectural guidelines and decisions of past boards.

No adverse comments were received from others present.

MOTION was made by Barbara Hjelle to approve the plans. Mike Barker seconded the motion. The
motion was passed. Alan Strebeck abstained from the vote."

MOTION was made by Alan Strebeck that the minutes be amended to include additional comments from the Board to clarify their decision for supporting this Building HS-27 motion. Sally Musemeche seconded the motion, and the motion carried.

Because he had not done so in the previous discussion, Alan Strebeck withdrew his original motion made at the special meeting on April 7, 2009, that the Board decision of January 27, 2004, to approve the ballot
measure to revise the Architectural Guidelines be reversed.

7. Adjournment
MOTION was made by Barbara Hjelle to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded by Sally Musemeche, and the meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

Carol Clason
Recording Secretary

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Minutes - DVLA Board Meeting 04/14/09

Minutes of the Special DVLA Board Meeting of April 14, 2009

Board Members attending:  Cyndy Johnson, Sally Musemeche, Mike Barker, Alan Strebeck, Barbara Hjelle

Meeting held at the Fire House.  One landowner was in attendance.

President Cyndy Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

1.    Finalization of the Annual Meeting procedures and mailing packet

Barbara Hjelle indicated she approved of the last revision of the proxy form as submitted by Alan Strebeck; this form includes the limited proxy as default and lists the fax number of (435) 574-0523. 

MOTION was made by Sally Musemeche that Alan Strebeck complete the final revision of the proxy form; seconded by Barbara Hjelle, and the motion carried.

MOTION made by Sally Musemeche that ballots not be mailed out in the packet; seconded by Barbara Hjelle, and the motion carried.

The letter in the mailing packet is to include the names of the two persons who have volunteered to be candidates for board members, along with their candidate information.  If any other member comes forward before the packets are mailed, their information will also be included.  Alan Strebeck is to finalize the back of the cover letter so that packet can be sent to the printer tomorrow.

It was clarified that a quorum is determined by the majority of the total number of landowners, whether in good standing or not.  A landowner must be in good standing to vote. 

MOTION was made by Barbara Hjelle to accept the revisions to the cover letter as submitted by Alan Strebeck. 

Regarding clarification of the Annual Meeting agenda, candidates will have two minutes to present their views.  Sally Musemeche is to present the appreciation plaques during her trustee report.  Rick Johnson was appointed to oversee the counting of the ballots.  He will need four to six counters.  Ballots will not be accepted before the time specified in the agenda for completion and collection of the ballots.  Attestation forms will be available to be signed by those elected. 

MOTION made by Sally Musemeche to remove the agenda item "Discussion on Need for Revision of Governing Documents".  It was seconded by Barbara Hjelle, and discussion called for by Alan Strebeck.  After discussion, the motion carried.

Sally Musemeche requested clarification of what building clean-up entails, as expected by Kyle Talbot.  Her husband will help oversee clean-up in the event she has to leave early.

Carol Clason,  Stella Callagee, and anyone available are to meet at Carol's home Tuesday evening, April 21, 2009, at 6:30 p.m. to stuff envelops for mailing out. 

MOTION made by Barbara Hjelle to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Mike Barker.  The meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.

Carol A. Clason
Recording Secretary

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Minutes - DVLA Board Meeting 04/07/09

Minutes of the Special DVLA Board Meeting of April 7, 2009

Board Members attending: Cyndy Johnson, Mike Barker, Alan Strebeck, Barbara Hjelle         Absent: Sally Musemeche

Meeting held at the Fire House.

Two landowners were in attendance.
President Cyndy Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. 

1.    Discussion of mailing and planning for the upcoming May 16, 2009, Annual Meeting of the members

Landowner Mac Tomson stated that if there were fewer than three candidates for the three upcoming Board positions, he would accept a nomination from the floor to run as a candidate.

Stella Callagee needs the mail-out package to announce the annual meeting by 04/13/2009, at the latest.
Adjustments were made to update the 2009 meeting agenda to include "Discussion on need for revision of Governing Documents" .  Ballots will not be included in the mail-out.

There are currently 397 lots with 11 who have not paid their dues.  If not up-to-date on payments, a landowner in attendance at the annual meeting, in person or by proxy, is not eligible to vote but is still included in the totals to determine a quorum. If dues and late fees are received before the annual meeting, that landowner may participate and vote at the annual meeting.

Proxies are included when determining a quorum.  Proxies are included on the lists at the tables on the day of the meeting, and if revoked, should be reported to the Secretary.  A change should be made to the proxy form to state that they are available to members only, and that the proxy giver must be in good standing to vote.  Also, the member should make sure that the proxy designee will be present at the meeting. President Cyndy Johnson is to approach Brooks Pace regarding his status in the landowners' association.

Minutes of Board meetings will be posted to the bulletin board and will no longer be e-mailed to landowners.  Hard copies will continue to be placed in the box.    

The following duties were assigned in preparation for the meeting:

a.    Cyndy is to edit the information sheet and bulletin board promotion.  She is to approach the owners of the Red Dog Cafe regarding catering the meeting, to include coffee, muffins, juices.  (The amount of muffins is to be reduced from last year.)  She will also contact persons to secure volunteer help for the meeting.  She is to give a notice to Carol Thorpe to be included in the upcoming water bills.
b.    Barbara is to redo the proxy form, including the insertion of an alternate in the event the proxy cannot attend/vote, with the President as the default proxy.  Barbara is to arrange the Pledge of Allegiance ceremony.                  
c.    Alan is to revise the notice of meeting cover letter, and help with the meeting set-up.  He will    
contact someone to give the opening prayer.
d.    Mike is to help with the meeting set-up.
e.    Sally is to be in charge of clean-up after the meeting.
f.    Kim Ahrenholtz agreed to make signs to post in the neighborhood.

All board members and the recording secretary are to meet at 6:30 a.m. on the morning of May 16, 2009, to help with set-up. A list will be given to board members at the April 25, 2009, meeting to be used in calling members.

2.  Continuation of discussion of By-Law Amendments

After a general discussion by the board members and landowners regarding by-law amendments submitted to the agenda by landowner Alan Strebeck 60 days prior to the scheduled annual meeting date, Alan agreed to withdraw his submission; he also agreed to post the proposed amendments to the bulletin board with the intent to secure feedback from the landowners. The next Board could develop a by-law committee, rewrite the current by-laws, and submit them at a latter date for approval.

3.  Continuation of discussion of the Architectural Guidelines

Alan Strebeck made a motion that the Board decision of  January 27, 2004, to approve the revised Architectual Guidelines be reversed.  Although there was no verbal second, discussion on this issue focused on further research and study to be undertaken before proceeding.

MOTION  was made by Barbara Hjelle that the meeting be adjourned.  Mike Barker seconded the motion, and the meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m.


Carol Clason
Recording Secretary