Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Minutes - DVLA Board Meeting 10/26/10

Final Minutes of the DVLA Board Meeting of October 26, 2010

Monthly DVLA Board Meeting was held at the Fire House.  Six  landowners were in attendance.
Board Members attending:  Lance Cornwall, Mark Ahrenholtz, Bill King                Absent:  Jim Johnson, Von Mason.

President Lance Cornwall called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 

1.  Approval of agenda:
          MOTION made by Mark Ahrenholtz and SECONDED by Bill King that the agenda be approved after it was requested that the Eagle Scout project by Zach Ballif be scheduled later in the evening when he would be able to attend.  Also it was requested that the Fire Safety Report be scheduled under "Comment and discussion by landowners" .  Motion carried.

2.  Review and approval of the minutes of the September 28, 2010, Monthly DVLA Board meeting.
     MOTION was made by Mark Ahrenholtz to approve the September 28, 2010, monthly DVLA board meeting minutes.  SECONDED by Lance Cornwall, and the motion carried.
3.  Old Business:
     a.  Update on the Eagle Scout project by Zach  Ballif
          Zach Ballif was not present and was scheduled later in the evening when he will be able to attend.                
     b.  Update on the status of  Bylaws and Architectural Guideline proposed amendments
          Barbara Hjelle volunteered to contact Attorney Ed Robbins to determine the status of his consideration of the Bylaws and Architectural Guidelines.  She was not present at this time, and the topic will be rescheduled for the November meeting.

     c.  E-mail status
           Per Mark Ahrenholtz, an e-mail account has been set up with Infowest which will be controlled by the Board and will be used for official DVLA business only.  Karen will still have her e-mail listing dealing with social and community issues.  dvla@infowest.com is the e-mail address that will be used.  There was a question from Johnna Evans asking why we were not using the present e-mail address of  dvla@mydvla.org.  It was felt by several persons who tried to use that site that is was not as user friendly.
            Mark Ahrenholtz intends to test the new site within the next week.  An announcement will be sent to the approximate 150 landowners for whom we have e-mail addresses  indicating that official DVLA notices and announcements will be forwarded to them unless we hear from them requesting that their name be removed.
4.  New Business:
     a.  Proposed DVLA Christmas party
          A Christmas party for the valley is being scheduled for Monday evening, December 6, 2010, at the fire house.  Mark Ahrenholtz is proposing a ham dinner, with ham being furnished by the DVLA.  Side dishes  can be brought by those in attendance.  It was suggested that a Santa Day could be planned for the next weekend where the children could come and meet Santa and receive a small gift.  Karen Sharkey volunteered to send out an e-mail requesting that landowners turn in their excess candies for the party.

            The Dammeron Valley Water Company requested one hour during our monthly meeting to give a presentation to the landowners.  Bill King is to contact them and indicate that 6:00 p m - 7:00 p m on Tuesday, November 30, 2010, would be acceptable.

            Zach Ballif will not be able to present his Eagle Project this evening, so he will be rescheduled for next month.        
5.  Reports:
      a.  President's message - None presented.

      b.  Fire Department Report by Chief Talbot
           Regarding Fire Department personnel, Paul Aldridge has submitted his resignation.  Other personnel remain the same.  Several equipment issues with the trucks include split fill hose on the Rescue truck, headlights too dimmed on Brush I and need to be replaced, Brush 2 is still under repair (its engine froze), Brush 3 which belongs to the State is being stripped so it can go to Apple Valley next week. 
          Chief Talbot is looking at  BLM Brush truck, diesel, 4-door, available in St. George for $26,000.
It will take approximately $20,000 to outfit the truck, and the $20,000 grant monies will be available for purchasing this truck.  A certified check will be mailed in payment.
          The carpet and blinds have been cleaned in the Fire Department.
          There were no fire calls during the previous months, 1 automobile accident, 2 motorcycle accidents, 1 ATV accident, and 1 medical call in Diamond Valley.
          On October 6, Mac Thomson  met with State and Washington County emergency personnel.  One of the major topics of discussion was the request for help with Dammeron Valley's flooding situation. 
Information was received about the reverse 911 directory that is available in the County.  Anyone wishing to be included in this directory can go to 911register.com or call Julie at the Washington County Emergency Services, 435-590-9703, who has offered to act as an interface for people wanting to sign up for the registry.  Mac also requested that Jay Workman, a member of the Fire Department, serve on the committee to update the present emergency plan.
          Burn permits are now available through May.  To secure a permit, call Chief  Talbot at 705-1345.                
      c.  ARC Report
           Lance Cornwall reported that during the month of October, 2010, the following was approved:
a jack-link fence on lot 19, Canyon Trails; reshingled a shake roof on Lot 1, Meadows; a horse barn on Lot 1, Phase 1, Pinion Hills.
      d.  Reports from Trustees on their Areas of Responsibility
           i.  Lance Cornwall:  Nothing applicable on the county web page this month.
           ii.  Mark Ahrenholtz :  Mark Ahrenholtz indicated rock had been ordered for the 2 south entrances.  Tractor work is needed for the south side of the northwest entrance.  Next year the east entrance on the north side should be improved as there is little done there.  He requested 3 posts and one rail to repair the rail fence at the mail boxes and the southwest entrance.  Mac Thomson volunteered to furnish those materials.  Letters are being sent out to the non-DVLA members requesting a $300 donation (or any amount that can be given) to help support the DVLA.
     e.  Financial/Secretarial Report     
          Lance Cornwall indicated there were no new landowners listed for welcome packages during the previous month.  There are no further comments regarding the financial reports as submitted.
          Mark Ahrenholtz reported there are five properties from 2208-9; 11 from 2009-2010; and 27 from the current year that have unpaid dues.  He stressed the importance of  everyone paying his/her share.  Lance Cornwall addressed those landowners who refuse to pay their dues and indicated that the Board members need to consider taking these persons to small claims court.       
          Lance Cornwall made a MOTION that the financial report be approved as submitted, and Mark Ahrenholtz SECONDED the motion.  Motion carried.
6.  Comment and discussion by landowners:
          Mac Thomson reported that the following landowners are current members of the Fire Safety Committee:  Mac Thomson (facilitator), Gary Jensen, Mark Ahrenholtz, Frank Callagee, Wayne Staab,  Donna Geer, Jay Workman, and Nicki from the Water Company.  During the previous month, someone threw a mattress and box springs over the fence at the burn pile.  Since this is not natural clippings or branches, this is not acceptable to be left and the burn pile and means that someone else has to haul it to Central to the County dump site.  There are large logs at the burn site if someone wants to use them for fire wood. 
          One landowner asked that the light that was to be put on the Dammeron Valley rock be reconsidered.  After polling the three Board members present, it was agreed that no light will be installed at the rock.       
7.  Adjournment:
      MOTION made by Mark Ahrenholtz to adjourn the meeting.  SECONDED by Bill King, and the motion carried.  

Carol Clason
Recording Secretary