Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Minutes - DVLA Board Meeting 01/25/11

Final Minutes of the DVLA Board Meeting of January 25, 2011

Monthly DVLA Board Meeting was held at the Fire House.   Ten landowners were in attendance.
Board Members attending:  Lance Cornwall, Mark Ahrenholtz, Bill King
                 Absent:  Von Mason, Jim Johnson

President Lance Cornwall called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 

1.  Approval of the agenda:
     An addition to the draft agenda for this meeting was requested by Lance Cornwall.  Robert Mitchell was added, under new business, to give an update on the proposed cell tower installation next to the power sub-station.  MOTION made by Mark Ahrenholtz and SECONDED by Bill King that the agenda, as amended, be approved.  Motion carried.

2.  Review and approval of the minutes of the November 30, 2010, monthly DVLA Board meeting.
     MOTION was made by Mark Ahrenholtz to approve the November 30, 2010, monthly DVLA Board meeting minutes.  SECONDED by Bill King, and the motion carried.
3.  Old Business:                  
a.  Update on the status of  Bylaws and Architectural Guidelines proposed amendments
     A working meeting was held this evening to discuss the status of the proposed amendments to the Bylaws and Architectural Guidelines.  The proposed amendments did pass by a majority of those present at the annual meeting, but not by a majority of the landowners.  It has been a past practice that changes to the Bylaws have been passed by a majority of those present at the annual meeting.   It is possible that the vote at the last annual meeting could be binding based on this past practice.  The amendments that were proposed at the May 15, 2010, annual meeting were the result of monthly working meetings where all landowners were requested to submit their input and become familiar with the process of creating a clean set of Bylaws and Architectural Guidelines.  All input was considered and the majority of it was included in the proposed amendments.
     One landowner indicated that there should be a live presentation giving an overall statement of why the changes are being proposed so that it would be better understood by the landowners.  A working meeting was set for 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday evening, February 9, 2011, to strategize what needs to be done to familiarize the landowners with the proposed changes and the reasons why they are being suggested.  Then several "Question and Answer" meetings will be scheduled after February 9 to further inform landowners.  Mark Ahrenholtz was volunteered to contact one or two landowners from each subdivision and invite them to the February 9, 2011, meeting so that they may be representatives for their particular area.  These representatives could help contact other landowners offering information on the proposed amendments.  Also, copies of the proposed amendments are to be sent to those members on the e-mail list.

b.  E-mail status 
      The e-mail list is now current, with no return e-mails.  Members of the Association need to promote use of the e-mail list so that more landowners can become involved.         
     c.   Renovation of the flooring in the Community Center
           There has been no feedback on costs from those interested in new flooring in the Community Center, so this item is placed on hold for now.   

4.  New Business
     a.  Flooding Control and Prevention, Mark Ahrenholtz
          Pete Coleman, the County Emergency Services Director, was asked if Dammeron Valley landowners could be included in the recipients of federal funds applied for by Washington County following the December 19-23, 2010, flooding in the area.  Monies are available only for damages caused by the flooding, and none was reported by any landowner in the valley.  Also, the pre-disaster mitigation grant was not approved this year and is not available. 
          Per Brooks Pace, engineering studies indicate that the flood waters need to be sent down the east side of the highway.  The barrow pit needs to be slightly deepened, and a way needs to be created to allow the water to flow through the east entrances.  Brooks Pace indicated he would pay for expenses involved in grading, reworking the entrances, and other expenses for this process.  The State would need to provide $300 to $400,000.00 to allow passage under the highway, but Dammeron Valley would need authorization from the State to begin work .  Mark Ahrenholtz proposed that the Association pursue State approval for this project so that we can begin addressing the flooding issues in the area.  Mark Ahrenholtz and Mac Thomson will contact the Highway Department, Department of Transportation, to request authorization to begin the work. 

     b.  Budget Discussion in Preparation for Annual Meeting
          A budget worksheet was provided listing year-to-date expenses, proposed expenses for next year (2011-2012) per month and annually.  Lance Cornwall is to contact Kyle Talbot requesting that he submit the Fire Department budget prior to next month's meeting so that it can be incorporated into the figures.  The Board members are to review the worksheet and be prepared to finalize the proposed 2011-2012 budget on February 22, 2011.
          In response to a landowner's question, Bill King indicated he has taken measurements in anticipation of erecting a cover over the mailbox area which would have an area to post DVLA announcements.  He assured that the cover would have enough overhang to remedy the problem of  ice right in front of the boxes which makes it too slippery to reach them.  He suggested that the project be a community effort with donations by the landowners to complete the project.
          In a discussion about asphalting the drives around the mailboxes, it was recognized that the recycled asphalt that has been placed there this year greatly helped the surfaces.
          Regarding the raising or lowering dues, the comment was made that when a reasonable cash reserve is reached, then consideration should be made as to changing the dues.                           

     c.  Proposed Cell Tower Installation,  Robert Mitchell
          The BLM has recently approved the erection of a 100-foot cell tower south on Highway 18 next to the power sub-station.  Brooks Pace is in the process of appealing to the Department of the Interior to locate the tower in a less conspicuous place, such as on one of the ridges of the valley.  He has offered to fund some of the cost of doing so.  He is asking that landowners who agree that the location of the cell tower be changed, to sign a notice that can be attached to the appeal.  The issues raised in the appeal are:  1)  It is near the entrance to the Red Mountain Wilderness area which is not supposed to have any structure erected that does not blend with the natural surroundings.  2)  It is close to neighbors, and some people are concerned with the health hazard question concerning cell towers.  3)  It would be an eye sore to the entrance to Dammeron Valley and could affect property values as far as prospective landowners moving to the area. 
          One member present mentioned that there is a new ordinance just passed by the County regarding cell towers that could affect the outcome of this appeal.
          Per Robert Mitchell, the height of the tower does not require that it be lit.            
5.  Reports:
      a.  President's message - None presented.

      b.  Fire Department Report by Chief Bennett

          There was one serious accident at the Veyo intersection requiring extraction and five medical emergencies during the past month. 
          Regarding vehicles, the small Ford truck has been equipped, painted, and is in service.  The large Brush truck is being painted next week and will be in service soon.  The Brush II truck has had its engine repaired and will be back in operation shortly.  Two new firefighters, Jeff and Doug, have joined the Fire Department personnel in the past month.   
      c.  ARC Report - Lance Cornwall
         A barn in the Meadows subdivision, Lot 7; a garage in Pinion Hills, Phase 1, Lot 12; a sewing room addition in Pinion Hills, Phase 1, Lot 19; and a horse shelter in Old Farms, Phase 2, lot 13, were approved during the past several months.
      d.  Reports from Trustees on their areas of responsibility          
           i.  Lance Cornwall:  The Washington County web page has listed the Iron Man competition as being scheduled for May 7, 2011.  Last year Highway 18 was not closed down, but one-half the road was blocked off for the race.
          ii.  Mark Ahrenholtz:  Weather has prevented placing new rock at the entrances until it warms up.  A volunteer day was suggested for help in removing the all the dirt that has washed into the north entrances.   
     e.  Financial/Secretarial Report - Carol Clason
          Carol Clason asked that the landowners think of her as an accountant.  Some secretarial duties are included in her duties, but are carried out under the direction of the Board.  She is not available to landowners as a secretary for their projects, committees, or to individuals.  She is always willing to try and help to provide and find information needed by landowners, but the only statistics she has available are an updated  landowners'  listing, providing telephone numbers, addresses, and number of landowners within the Dammeron Valley Landowners' Association jurisdiction.  That listing is updated before the annual meeting in May each year.
          Regarding past dues owing, we have had three lots full paid for 2010-11 since our last meeting.  We had six persons who were on installment agreements full pay the rest of their dues.  One lot was voluntarily paid for the year 2009-2010, and there are two sales pending that will full pay 3 years for one owner and two years for another.  Two liens were released this month, but two were not released due to the fact that a considerable amount was still owed for late fees.
          Our two used trucks were purchased at the end of November, 2010, and within several weeks, the State of Utah had reimbursed the Association for $20,000.00 of the purchase as a grant.
          There is nothing else out of the ordinary in the financial area for the past few months.  A proposed 2011-12 budget sheet is available for planning this evening with the intent to have the proposed budget completed by the March, 2011, DVLA Board meeting. 

          Mark Ahrenholtz proposed that a system be set up with the bank in which the landowners' accounts could automatically be debited for monthly installment payments if they chose to pay their dues in that manner.  He is to research the subject further, and report on it during the next Board meeting.       
f.  Fire Safety Report - Dr. Wayne J. Staab
          In 2004 Dammeron Valley volunteers put together the Community Fire Planning Program which is used by the State for fire management in our area.  Periodically the plan needs to be updated, and it has been scheduled to be updated this year.  The current committee looked at expanding the program to a Community Risk Plan, which would entail more than fire planning.  The areas being addressed are:  1) Fire, 2) Flooding, 3) Other Catastrophic Events, and 4) Evacuation Traffic Control Programs.  Regarding the burn pile, State personnel would like Dammeron Valley landowners to set aside specific days as cleanup days where the wood chipper could be brought to the valley for use.  Members of the current committee include Jay Workman, Crystal Phillips, Nikki Pace, Frank Callagee, Kyle Talbot, Brooks Pace, Mark Ahrenholtz, Frank Shearer, Gary Jensen, John and Joanne Riley, Leonard Rice, Ned Cordery, Mac Thomson, and Wayne Staab.  Please tell your insurance agent that the ISO rating for Dammeron Valley has improved from a "5" to a "4" to determine if your homeowner's insurance premiums will decrease.  There is a possibility for increased flooding as new homeowners move into the valley.  Some ideas that the committee has addressed under the emergency plans are 1) a holding area for horses at Frank Callagee's place, 2) volunteers trained for emergency situations, and 3) emergency helicopter routes.  The committee would like the plan completed by the end of March so that it is ready for the annual meeting in May.        

6.  Comment and discussion by landowners:
     Lance Cornwall announced that there will be a definite need for new Board members this year, as the terms of Von Mason, Bill King, and Lance Cornwall will be ending in May.
7.  Adjournment:
      Bill King MADE A MOTION that the financial report be approved.  It was SECONDED by Mark Ahrenholtz, and the motion carried.
      MOTION made by Lance Cornwall at 8:45 pm to adjourn the meeting.  SECONDED by Bill King, and the motion carried.  

Carol Clason
Recording Secretary