Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Final Minutes of the Monthly DVLA Board Meeting of January 28, 2014


   1137 Dammeron Valley Drive East                                                                      Telephone/Fax (435) 574-6397      

   Dammeron Valley, Utah  84783                                                                             Web site:  http://mydvla.org


Final Minutes of the Monthly DVLA Board Meeting of January 28, 2014

The monthly DVLA Board Meeting was held at the Fire House.  Ten landowners were in attendance.
Board Members attending:  Jim Johnson, Ryan Andersen, Craig Meyocks and Terry Taylor
Absent:  Ken Mandell             

     President Jim Johnson called the monthly board meeting of the Dammeron Valley Landowners’ Association to order at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday evening, January 28, 2014.  He announced that a closed meeting would be held by the board members after the monthly meeting concludes. 

1.  Approval of the agenda:
     A MOTION was made by Craig Meyocks that the agenda be approved with the addition of the announcement of a closed meeting by the board members following this monthly DVLA meeting; SECONDED by Terry Taylor, and the motion carried.       

2.  Review & approval of the minutes of the November 26, 2013, monthly DVLA Board meeting:
      A MOTION was made by Ryan Andersen that the minutes for the November 26, 2013, monthly DVLA Board meeting be approved.  The motion was SECONDED by Terry Taylor, and the motion carried.         

3.  Reports:
     A.  President’s message – Jim Johnson
          The closed meeting to be held by the board members after the monthly DVLA meeting was again announced by President Johnson.  
     B.  Fire Department Report –  Chief Maciej Szczerbiak
          Fire burn permits have been limited due to atmospheric conditions.  The next few days are going to be above the clearing index of 500, and burn permits will be permitted during that time.
          Winter fire school was concluded on January 11 through January 12, 2014, - Dammeron Valley fire department personnel attended that training which included ICS 400, Urban Interface, and Large Animal Extrication.  The new 2014 training schedule is available for the Special Service District board member review. 
          Since January 7, 2014, there have been a total of four emergency medical calls.
 The Life Flight helicopter was used three times within sixteen hours.  This is the preferred option for patients with traumatic injuries.  The helicopters will be landing on the roads most of the time in the future due to problems with dust and debris being stirred up when they attempt to land on the previous designated landing sites.  There were no fire emergencies this month.
          Brush 13-2 will be out of service for emergency lights repairs, and new batteries have already been installed in that vehicle.
          All PPE gear has been received and paid for from L.N.Curtis.  The fire department is in
the process of securing estimates for the purchase of a 6400 Phillips Vital Signs monitor whose
cost is between $4200 - $6400. 
          The Fire Department building is now equipped with Baja Broad Band internet and Wi-Fi capabilities.  Wi-Fi access will be available to the public upon special request.           

     C.  Financial Report – Carol Clason
           Regarding the budget versus expenses sheet, line 3.2 shows the total paid to the SSD for firefighting equipment.  $50,000 had been committed to this item, and the SSD refunded back $2,561.56 that was not spent during their fiscal year 2013.  In addition, $41,957.10 has been funded to them up to the end of January, 2014, to cover their budget, and $5,000 per month will be given to them until June 30, 2014, when the association’s monetary commitment to the SSD will be completed.  Craig Meyocks, Treasurer of the Dammeron Valley Fire Special Service District, indicated that the District will be billing landowners shortly as their budget runs from January 1 through December 31.  A listing of any monies not collected by the end of the summer by the District will be turned over to the County for collection on their tax rolls.
     A budget worksheet has been given the board members in their packets this evening listing expenditures to this date and projected figures for the year to help them consider all items.  Now is the time for landowners to bring up any projects they would like considered so they can be included in the budget negotiations – i.e., the request this evening that the DVLA fund certain maintenance expenses for the community garden.  This is an example of what should be listed in the budget at this time so it can be funded.  If the project needs to be funded before the next budget is passed, the DVLA budget each year has had a contingency reserve dollar amount built in that enables the association to cover any unexpected financial issues that need to be addressed. 
     Craig Meyocks, as the board member responsible for insurance matters, received several bids on our commercial liability insurance when it came up for renewal.  It was felt that we were paying high dollars for our insurance and all requests to our company to tell us what the coverages were went unanswered.  There was almost no difference between what we were paying prior to turning all assets over to the SSD and what we were paying after.  We then received a notice that our premium was being raised.  As a result, we have a new insurance company covering our commercial insurance at a cost of $452 annually, instead of $3,900.
     All 1099M’s and 1099C’s have been mailed out and copies forwarded to the Internal Revenue Service for both the SSD and the DVLA prior to the end of this month.

       D.  Committee Updates:
            i.  Finance – Terry Taylor
                 All bank balances shown in the bank statements equal the bank balances listed on the current balance sheet of the Dammeron Valley Landowners’ Association
                 At this point Terry addressed the Pinion Hills skateboarders’ issue.  Groups from outside the community have been assembling on West Pinion Hills Drive and using the road to skateboard down the hill.  The skateboarders go down the middle of this curvy road at high speeds; the signs are necessary due to safety and liability issues for drivers coming up the road or possible skateboarder accidents on landowner properties. It was decided that contact with Washington County personnel will be made by Craig Meyocks regarding the possibility of placing “no skateboarding” signs on that particular road.   

ii. Architectural Review  - Ken Mandell
     None given in the absence of the committee head.

iii. Public Safety – Mac Thomson
     None given in the absence of the committee head

            iv. Social/Insurance – Craig Meyocks – covered in the secretary’s report

            v.  Public Properties/SSD Liaison – Craig Meyocks
                 a.  Water Committee Report:
                       The water report compiled by Paul Blackmore Engineering has been received and reviewed.  Several board members are scheduled to meet with the engineer to clarify some questions that arose from that report.  The Sanitation Department’s report concerning the Dammeron Valley water supply contained three to four minimal deficiencies that are currently being addressed by water company personnel.                       

4.  New Business:
     A.  Pinion Hills Skateboarders – Terry Taylor (Issue discussed during financial report by Terry Taylor.)
     B.  Community Garden – Kathy Szczerbiak
          The watering lines and fencing that were installed six or seven years ago when the community gardens were formed are now in need of updating and maintenance.  It was suggested that a committee be formed to oversee the project.  Terry Taylor agreed to oversee a committee, with Katy Szczerbiak, and Mark Robinson to assist.  The following additional suggestions were presented:  1) A more formal agreement with those who have garden plots to cover maintenance and use issues, 2) The announcement that rocks are available at the garden for  landowners to use in landscaping their properties,  3) An agreement that surplus vegetables and fruits be made available to landowners and not left to rot in the field, and  4) $1,000 be included in the 2014-15 budget to cover necessary expenses to adequately maintain and update the garden area.       

     C.  Draft Budget Sheet for 2014-15
          A draft proposed budget sheet for 2014-15 was given to the board members this evening.  It is to be updated with the proposed $1,000 added for the community garden maintenance and e-mailed to the members with the intent that the figures be finalized by next month’s DVLA meeting.  

5.  Old Business: 
     A.  Update on the proposal to reduce the speed limit of Highway 18 within the Dammeron Valley boundaries
          No decision has yet been made on the proposal to reduce the speed limit on Highway 18 within the Dammeron Valley boundaries.  State personnel have indicated that if the County Commissioner will endorse the proposal to reduce the speed limit on Highway 18 within the Dammeron Valley boundaries, they will reassess implementing the suggestion.  (County personnel have previously approved the reduction of speed limits in other areas, but the State has not followed through with  implementation.)           

6.  Comment and discussion by landowners: 
     A landowner was advised by the board members that he could check the DVLA website, mydvla.org, for CC&R/ restrictive covenant information, and then contact the architectural committee when preparing to erect a barn on his property.  No additional comments/discussions made. 

7.  Adjournment: 
      A MOTION  WAS  MADE  by Terry Taylor to adjourn the meeting at 8:15 p.m.  It was SECONDED by Craig Meyocks, and the meeting adjourned.  

Carol Clason,
Recording Secretary