Sunday, April 6, 2014

Draft Minutes of the March 25, 2014, Monthly DVLA Board Meeting


   1137 Dammeron Valley Drive East                                                                      Telephone/Fax (435) 574-6397          

   Dammeron Valley, Utah  84783                                                                             Web site:


Draft Minutes of the Monthly DVLA Board Meeting of March 25, 2014

The monthly DVLA Board Meeting was held at the Fire House.  Ten landowners were in attendance.
Board Members attending:  Jim Johnson, Ken Mandell, Craig Meyocks and Terry Taylor
Absent:  Ryan Andersen             

     President Jim Johnson called the monthly board meeting of the Dammeron Valley Landowners’ Association to order at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday evening, March 25, 2014. 

1.  Approval of the agenda:
     A MOTION was made by Terry Taylor that the agenda be approved.  SECONDED by Craig Meyocks, and the motion carried.       

2.  Review & approval of the minutes of the January 28, 2014, monthly DVLA Board meeting:
      A MOTION was made by Craig Meyocks that the minutes for the January 28, 2014, monthly DVLA Board meeting be approved with the change of the date year 2024-2025 in Section 4C, line 1, to 2014-2015.  The motion was SECONDED by Terry Taylor, and the motion carried.         

3.  Reports:
     A.  President’s message – Jim Johnson
         None presented. 
     B.  Fire Department Report – Chief Maciej Szczerbiak
        Five volunteers have signed up for the Dammeron Valley Fire Department – Brent Davenport, Bryce Taylor, Kyle Davis, Rich Preston and Erin Jones. The new pagers for the department are ready for programming and there should be thirty full pagers operating by the end of the week.  Eight firefighters attended the S130/190 Red Card certification at the St. George Fire Department, Station 7.  This course was paid for by the Washington County Fire Chiefs’ Association for all eight participants.  Extrication training is scheduled this Saturday at the Fire Station.  Southern Utah Wildland Engine Workshop training class is scheduled for April 4.
        Since February 27, 2014, there has been five EMS emergencies and no fires.  Brush 13-2 truck is out of service for emergency lights repair, which is ongoing.  The new POK fire foam system is scheduled to be delivered by April 15, 2014.
        A new flag was presented to the fire chief by one of the landowners present. 
     C.  Financial/Secretarial Report – Carol Clason
        One financial item to mention this month is the receipt of the recycling monies for the year 2013 from the county.  This year the DVLA was paid $721.16.  Since this was considerably less than the amount received last year of $1,111.82, Neil Schwendiman, the District Manager for county recycling, was called to clarify the reasons for the difference.  We were paid for one year and several months in 2013 because the county was coordinating the payments with the end of their fiscal year of December 31, and this year’s check covered only twelve months.  Mr. Schwendiman indicated that the payments fluctuate with the market prices of the recycling products.  During 2013 plastic was sold at $30 a ton; glass cost $15 a ton to dispose of; metal was sold at $300 a ton; and paper was valued very low, based on the market prices.  The DVLA board members have indicated they would like to see some/or all future recycling payments paid to the Special Service District since the land around the mail boxes and burn pile have been deeded over to them.  Since the DVLA was funding the SSD the entire year from August, 2013, through June, 2014, the check given to us for the 2013 year was accepted by the DVLA.
       This month a question came up about access to the Association board members through the website.  About two years ago, our website was cut off by our internet service due to what they termed “excessive e-mail activity”.  What was actually happening was that someone was putting hundreds of vulgar nonsense e-mails on our site each week.  Both Johnna and I spent many hours deleting these comments from the site and finally we were prohibited use of the service.  When Johnna was in the process of developing a new website for the Association, I understood from her that there was going to be no e-mail setup on the site.  In response to a recent inquiry by one landowner as to why he did not receive a response to his e-mail, Johnna was contacted and she indicated there is e-mail availability on the site and has given me the passwords necessary to monitor the system.  An apology is being given to everyone who tried to access the system and did not get a response.  The site is now being checked regularly, and some past inquiries have been answered with an indication why the response was not timely.
        Regarding the financial information provided this evening, the current up-to-date reports are available on the table.  If anyone is interested in February’s figures, I do have some copies available to distribute.  The only record regarding the scheduled meeting of February 25, 2014, is a statement that the meeting was cancelled due to a lack of a quorum of the board members.  That statement was not printed for distribution but was posted on the bulletin board one day prior to February 25, 2014.
        This evening a draft packet of the documentation that needs to be mailed out in the annual meeting packet was given to the Board members for editing.  Also the checklist on which volunteers can sign up to help on the day of the annual meeting is being distributed this evening.  We always need help with refreshments, information tables, vote counting, etc.  If you are able to help, please let us know what function you would be interested in doing.
         At this time, an informal meeting was scheduled for Wednesday, April 9, at 6 p.m. to put together the annual meeting packets for mailing. 
       D.  Committee updates
            i.  Finance – Terry Taylor
                  All bank balances shown in the bank statements equal the bank balances listed on the current balance sheet of the Dammeron Valley Landowners’ Association.
ii. Architectural Review  - Ken Mandell
      The January report was submitted to Carol Clason on January 23, 2014.  There was no activity in February, and in March, one privacy wall was approved.
iii. Public Safety – Mac Thomson
       None given in the absence of the committee head
            iv. Social/Insurance – Craig Meyocks
                   No activity to report under social or insurance items
            v.  Public Properties/SSD Liaison – Craig Meyocks
                   State personnel do not agree that the Dammeron Valley area warrants a reduction in the current speed limit, so the community will probably not see a reduction to 55 miles per hour.
                   Ron Whitehead from Washington County was contacted regarding landowner liability for skateboarders on Dammeron Valley roads.  The county has a law against skateboarding on roads so landowners would have no liability responsibilities for injuries sustained by skateboarders.  If skateboarders are seen on the roads, call “911” and provide any information you have, i.e. vehicle license numbers, location of the skateboarders, etc.
                     a.  Water Committee Report:  No additional information available at this time.          

4.  New Business:
     A.  Arena lights in the Meadows
         One landowner questioned the fact that the Architectural Committee was not approached for approval on construction of the lights and that there are height limitations which are being exceeded.  Craig Meyocks and Ken Mandell volunteered to approach the landowner regarding the height restrictions and a possible agreement on the hours the arena will be lighted.  No permit is needed from the county for construction of these lights, and the Architectural Guidelines offer only recommendations for keeping lighting low in the area. 

5.  Old Business:
     A.  Update on county contact regarding skateboarding on West Pinion Hills Drive – Craig Meyocks  (See report under “Public Properties”).
     B.  Update on community garden maintenance – Terry Taylor
        Several months ago a proposal was made requesting that $1,000 be set aside in the Dammeron Valley Landowners’ Association budget to pay for needed maintenance of the community gardens.  It was determined that since this property belongs to Brook Pace, it would not be acceptable for the DVLA to pay to maintain the area.  Subsequently, Brooks Pace has donated $500 to pay as much as possible towards the maintenance.  Mark Robinson, in coordination with Terry Taylor, will be working on the gardens and will submit invoices to the secretary for payment.  (The $500 has been deposited in the DVLA bank account and expenditures paid out from that monies will be tracked.)
     C.  Finalization of 2014-15 proposed budget
        The board members proposed a budget of $60 per landowner (presently 425 landowners), including $1,650 for the community center maintenance, general DVLA expenses of $19,000, $500 commercial insurance, $200 for social events (annual meeting costs) and  $4,000 contingency reserve.  Terry Taylor MADE A MOTION to set the proposed budget at $60 per landowner.  Ken Mandell SECONDED THE MOTION, and the motion carried.          

6.  Comment and discussion by landowners:
        One landowner asked the following:  Could the names of the board members be listed on the website?  If someone wants to add an agenda item, can it be requested on the website?  Can improvements be made to the community center?
        Ken Mandell volunteered to discuss some of these suggestion with Johnna to determine if the website could be upgraded.  Improvements to the community center could be one use of the reserve funds presently available.             

7.  Adjournment:
      A MOTION WAS MADE by Ken Mandell to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 p.m.  It was SECONDED by Craig Meyocks, and the meeting adjourned.  

Carol Clason,
Recording Secretary