Saturday, June 8, 2013

Draft Minutes of the Monthly DVLA Board Meeting of May 28, 2013

   1137 Dammeron Valley Drive East                                                                      Telephone/Fax (435) 574-6397          
   Dammeron Valley, Utah  84783                                                                                     Web site:

Draft Minutes of the Monthly DVLA Board Meeting of May 28, 2013

The monthly DVLA Board Meeting was held at the Fire House.  Fourteen landowners were in attendance.  
Board Members attending:  Bill King, Terry Taylor, and Mac Thomson
Absent:  Julie Cropper and Jim Johnson
     President Bill King called the monthly board meeting of the Dammeron Valley Landowners’ Association to order at 7:00 p.m.  

1.  Approval of the agenda:
       The President, Bill King, requested that continuing old business from the annual meeting be added to the agenda under “Old Business”.  A MOTION WAS MADE by Terry Taylor and SECONDED by Mac Thomson that the agenda be approved, after this addition was included.  Motion carried.

2.  Review & approval of the minutes of the April 30, 2013, monthly DVLA Board meeting:
      Terry Taylor MADE A MOTION that the minutes for the April 30, 2013, monthly DVLA Board meeting be approved.  The motion was SECONDED by Jim Johnson, and the motion carried.      
3.  New Business:  None proposed.
       4.  Old Business:     
             a.  Continuing business from the annual meeting – Bill King
            At the annual meeting there were some questions as to why the dues remained at $300 this year for the Dammeron Valley Landowners’ Association.  The reason is that the Dammeron Valley Fire Department and Rescue Special Service District is not yet in place, and the DVLA has the responsibility of  keeping the fire department operating.  After the SSD board meets and becomes an actual entity with a mailing address, bank account, etc., a portion of the fire protection monies from the DVLA will go to fund the SSD.  Rather than make a second collection effort through the SSD, either through a flat fee or a valuation fee which would show up on the tax bill in November, portions of the budget monies from the DVLA could be transferred to fund the responsibilities that will fall under the SSD. 
          The membership present at the annual meeting voted that all properties and equipment, minus the community center structure, is to be placed under the control of the SSD.  In order for the fire house to be transferred, it will be necessary to pay off the $38,884 mortgage still owing on the building.  The budget for 2013-14 allows $28,700 payment on the fire house; this along with the $2,037 June, 2013, payment allowed in the 2012-13 budget, provides $30,737 to be applied against the mortgage.  The remaining monies will come out of the additional monies available from both budgets, possibly from additional income generated, such as late fees on delinquent dues, or more from the contingency funds.  The fire department will be paid off during June and will be available to be transferred into the SSD.

5.  Reports:
     a.  President’s message – Bill King
           A number of issues were taken care of in the past two years, with a lot of work involved.  Everyone who called and had a problem, I personally went out and tried to resolve the issue.  A lot of times it appeared that communications between neighbors would have worked, rather than getting the board involved.                      
     b.  Fire Department Report –  Chief Maciej Szczerbiak
          The new memorandum of understanding to be signed with the state of Utah needs to be signed by the President of the SSD as soon as its members are in place. 
          The fire burning season ends on June 2nd, and no additional burn permits can be issued until October 22. 
          The Red Card Certification for the remaining fire fighters needing training has been scheduled for June. 
          Since April 26, the fire department personnel have had a total of ten EMS emergencies, including one cardiac arrest in Diamond Valley involving a life-flight.  There were no fire emergencies.  Access by the Sheriff’s personnel to the fire station bathroom facilities has been granted by President Bill King and Chief Szczerbiak.
          The celebration of life for Jay Workman, the previous assistant fire chief who recently passed away, will be held on June 22 at 2:00 p.m. at the fire house.
          The new rescue vehicle has been purchased and has been fully serviced by St. George Ford; it is now ready for paint and emergency light installation.  Modifications will take place after the new budget is in place.  This vehicle will be licensed as an exempt vehicle as soon as the SSD is in place so that the sales tax and licensing will not need to be paid as it would if it were licensed under the DVLA.  Brush 13-2 has been sold to the North West Fire District for $5,000, and payment has been received.  Brush 13-1 is going to be modified with a new roof rack, paint, and weight reduction, as soon as the new rescue truck is operational.  Brush 13-4 is being renamed Squad 13-2 and will have new lights installed next week. 
     c.  Financial Report – Carol Clason
      The annual meeting is over for the year, and everyone did a good job - as if they had been doing it for years.  All invoices went out on Monday following the meeting, and many payments have already come in.  Regarding delinquent dues, names for the year 2012-13 are rolling over to those landowners owing two years or more, and only three more landowners will be added to those already on the list.  This means that almost all of those on the list who have owed for a number of years are already being addressed as to payment.
    d.  Committee Updates:
           i. Finance – Terry Taylor
     Comparison between the on-line bank statements and the financial statements submitted in tonight’s financial report indicates that all bank account balances match the financial statements once three outstanding amounts from the Wells Fargo Operating account –
two checks, one for $100 and one for $50 for the annual meeting raffle, plus a $51.67 pending Qwest payment are deducted. 
ii. Architectural Review  - Gary Jensen
     Bill King indicated he would furnish a complaint form to one landowner who needs intervention by the new board with an ongoing problem of CC&R violations by his neighbor.
     Last month a barn/garage/utility building, an out building, and a patio cover were reviewed and approved.  A structure was reviewed that needed a variance on a lot back easement; the architectural review committee approved the structure, but did not have the authority to grant the variance and directed the landowner to appear before the Board to request that variance.
     a) Variance request for back fence – John Wallace
            Request is for a variance of six feet on the back easement of the property to allow the construction of brown cinderblock wall with rail stall inserts.  The purpose of this structure is to keep the north wind from reaching the horses.  Mr. Wallace also has a sewer easement that runs through his property which necessitated placing the building structure back on his property to prevent interfering with this sewer easement.  Due to the easement on the sides, the easement in the middle, the setback on the back, and the setback on the front, it was felt that the landowner could be accommodated in trying to place this structure on his property.  Mac Thomson and Bill King had already viewed the property prior to the meeting for the purpose of making a decision on the request.  Mac Thomson MADE A MOTION to grant the variance of six feet; it was SECONDED by Terry Taylor, and the motion carried.  
            iii. Public Safety – Mac Thomson
                 After requesting during the last monthly DVLA board meeting and during the annual meeting held this month that no building materials be placed on the burn pile, a twenty-foot construction beam was left there this past weekend.  Terry Taylor volunteered to help remove the beam and transport it away from the site. 
                 County weed personnel did come up today to spray and sprayed most of the west side; they intend to finish the east side this week. 
            iv. Social/Insurance – Jim Johnson
                No report submitted.                           
            v.  Public Properties – Julie Cropper
                No report submitted.              

6.  Comment and discussion by landowners:  
           In response to a question by a landowner, the draft minutes from the annual meeting of May 18, 2013, will be posted on the DVLA bulletin board within the next two weeks - after the board members have reviewed them.
           One landowner asked if the real estate bulletin boxes east of the mail boxes could be replaced since they have deteriorated and the information inside can no longer be read. 
           If the SSD board approves, Mac Thomas indicated he would be willing to continue to handle the burn pile.
           One landowner announced that landowners whose property border BLM and state land must maintain the fences to keep out livestock.  If they do not and injury is caused by cattle getting on the roads, etc., the landowner is liable for damages and ultimately the Association can be liable.                 
7.  Adjournment:       
      A MOTION WAS MADE by Terry Taylor and SECONDED by Mac Thomson to adjourn the meeting.  The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

Carol Clason,
Recording Secretary