Saturday, May 11, 2013

Draft Minutes of the April 30, 2013, Monthly DVLA Board Meeting

   1137 Dammeron Valley Drive East                                                                      Telephone/Fax (435) 574-6397          
   Dammeron Valley, Utah  84783                                                                                     Web site:

Draft Minutes of the Monthly DVLA Board Meeting of April 30, 2013

The monthly DVLA Board Meeting was held at the Fire House.   Thirty-two landowners were in attendance.  
Board Members attending:  Bill King, Terry Taylor, Jim Johnson, and Mac Thomson
Absent:  Julie Cropper
     President Bill King called the monthly board meeting of the Dammeron Valley Landowners’ Association to order at 7:00 p.m.  

1.  Approval of the agenda:
       A MOTION WAS MADE by Jim Johnson and SECONDED by Terry Taylor that the agenda be approved.  Motion carried.

2.  Review & approval of the minutes of the March 26, 2013, monthly DVLA Board meeting:
    Terry Taylor MADE A MOTION that the minutes for the March 26, 2013, monthly DVLA Board meeting be approved.  The motion was SECONDED by Jim Johnson, and the motion carried.  It was noted that the minutes of March 26, 2013, can show that $50.00 was also made available for the raffle at the annual meeting to anyone in good standing who provides a proxy to be used in the voting.  As a side note, Bill King indicated that personnel from McArthur Welding had been out recently to measure for the back railing.  They had previously misplaced the order, which was the cause of the delay in completing the installation.    
3.  New Business:  None proposed.
       4.  Old Business:     
             a.  Ongoing preparations for the May, 2013, annual meeting
                   A meeting was set for Tuesday evening, May 14, 2013, at 6:00 p.m. at the fire house for all volunteers who will help at the annual meeting.                     
             b.  Finalization of the proposed 2013-14 annual budget  - Nothing further presented.                          
5.  Reports:
     a.  President’s message – Bill King
           The SSD board is scheduled to be appointed on May 7.  There is little information on the budget figures this year without a board in place.  Much is in limbo right now because we do not yet have the boundaries of the area that will be placed within the SSD.   
     b.  Fire Department Report –  Chief Maciej Szczerbiak
           Assistant Fire Chief Jay Workman passed away on April 23, 2013.  The ICS structure is:  Fire Chief Maciej Szczerbiak; Assistant Fire Chief Kevin Dye; Fire Captain Lance Cornwall; and Lieutenant Don Wallace.  The assigned call sign for the Dammeron Valley Fire Department is 13X.
          All of the Dammeron Valley Fire Department vehicles have passed the state safety inspections.  However the state personnel will not sign the new memorandum of understanding or the cooperative rate agreement until the SSD board is in place.  The state EMS inspection is scheduled for May 16.  The Bureau of Land Management fire suppression budget has been cut by forty-two percent so local and state officials are going to expect the local fire departments to carry the majority of fire suppression activities in their areas of responsibility.
          Gold Cross is now the official EMS transporting agency for SR18.  Ivins Fire Department covers Gunlock and Gunlock RD, and Enterprise Fire Department covers SR 18 to mile marker 22, but boundaries will be changing.
          Wild-land certification is progressing with testing this Thursday.  Fitness test/pack test was completed on April 20.  Annual Southern Utah Wild-land Engine Training Class was held in Santa Clara on April 12-13, with Brush 13-3 and 13-4 participating.  We are far behind other Washington County Fire Departments in terms of trained wild-land personnel, ICS4 leaders, and required invoicing, management, and organization tools.
          Since March 26, we have had a total of eleven EMS emergencies, including two car collisions on SR 18, mile marker 13.5, and an extrication on SR 18, mile marker 13.5 on April 17.
          Brush 13-1 and 13-4 were just serviced by St. George Ford.  Brush 13-2 has been sold to North West Fire District for $5,000; check to be received by 5/7/2013.  Brush 13-4 is now equipped with tool set and winch/tow recovery gear.  A new rescue vehicle is needed as soon as possible, to be purchased with remaining budget monies, preferably a Ford Excursion with a V-10 engine equipped with a roof rack, current emergency lights, and additional rescue tools.
          A refrigerator, washer, and dryer were delivered to the fire house and installed on May 17, and first aid kits were purchased for all wild-land firefighters.           
     c.  Financial Report – Carol Clason
          Dammeron Valley Landowners' Association currently added some landowners due to several lots being sold in Pinion Hills, so we now number 418 lots.   An additional $1,185.50 in late fees and $1,515.00 in dues were collected in the past month.  $6,313 is presently owed on previous years; those monies are owed by twelve landowners; three of those have promised to full pay, and four are in bankruptcy or foreclosure.
          Thanks was expressed for everyone who helped with the mailing of the annual meeting packets on the evening of April 9, 2013.  It was much needed and very appreciated.          
    d.  Committee Updates:
           i. Finance – Terry Taylor
   Comparison between the on-line bank statements and the financial statements submitted in tonight’s financial report indicates that all bank account balances match the financial statements once two outstanding checks – one for $282.63 written to Larsen Appartus for the annual pump testing and one for $138.46 written to Veyo Mercantile for gas are deducted from the U.S. Bank fire department operating bank account.  Terry questioned a $14.14 difference in the Wells Fargo operating account and was to look into this after the meeting.  (When rechecked, it was determined that the discrepancy was due to comparing the bank account balance of 4/29/13 against the balance sheet of 4/27/13. When using the 4/27/13 bank balance, the balances matched.)
ii. Architectural Review  - Gary Jensen
     During the previous month, there were two reviews – one for a solar panel and one for a carport, and both were approved.
            a)  Block wall fence appeal – Rex Burton
     Suggestions were requested from the board by Mr. Burton that would facilitate approval of a pool block fence to be built around his pool which is located behind his residence.  Revised plans were submitted to better meet CC&R restrictions; however, a variance is needed due to the fact that it is a block wall and that it will also be located on a corner lot and will be seen from Canyon Trails Circle.  Jim Johnson MADE A MOTION that a variance be tentatively approved with the stipulation that  a three-foot berm be placed the entire length of the Canyon Trails Circle side with fast-growing thickly-planted vegetation placed on top to entirely hide the view of that side of the block wall.  The motion WAS SECONDED by Mac Thomson, and the motion carried.
          b)  Variance request of 30-foot easement on back/and side fence line– Duane Milne
Request is a variance of twenty feet on the back and one side of the property in the Homestead subdivision property to allow the construction of a 24 by 16 foot structure, thus resulting in a ten foot by ten foot easement remaining.  Mr. Milne stated his neighbors have been approached and have no objections to the variance.  Due to the fact that most of the other subdivisions in Dammeron Valley have a ten foot by ten foot easement and other properties in the Homestead subdivision have been granted a similar variance, Mac Thomson MADE A MOTION that the variance request be approved.  Jim Johnson SECONDED THE MOTION, and the motion carried. 
            c)  Zoning change request – Kim Davis
A group has offered to purchase the three and one-half acres at the north end of Canyon Trails Circle for use as a group home for young girls (ages 11-15) who have been adopted, but who have struggled with attachment to their adoptive parents.  Dr. Norman Thibault gave the following information: typically, the girls would stay in the facility eight months to one year to a little bit longer, starting off with twelve up to forty girls. They are still with their adoptive parents, but could come from out of state or out of the country.  This is not government funded, but private paid, most girls coming from California and New England.  This would be a secure facility, one staff member per four girls, run according to state guidelines.
This business entity would require rezoning from residential to commercial and probable additional traffic through the one available entryway to the property. The Washington County Planning and Zoning Committee indicated it would be advantageous for the group to approach the Dammeron Valley Landowners Association for their approval prior to making an application for a zone change.  The Board cannot make a decision on the issue, but can take any information from Mr. Davis regarding the zone change request and submit it to our attorney for his recommendation.  Some issues brought up by the landowners present regarding this property were:  1) the greenbelt acreage involved; 2) notices to the landowners (within 500 feet) involved in the zoning change; 3) What would the children do out in the middle of nowhere? 4) If the zoning is changed to commercial, could any type of commercial business end up there in the future? 4) How would the septic system be dealt with?  5) Why would you want to want school buses, parents, staff, children, etc. coming and going into such a tight, restrictive area in the middle of a residential community?
Dr. Thibault asked to make a presentation at the annual meeting of the DVLA but was told that the agenda had already been approved.  He was asked to make a presentation after the formal meeting, if he would like.  He did state that he did not want to be in a location if he was not wanted by his neighbors.  Board members suggested that an informal vote of yea or neigh at that time might be a start in giving him a feel of the community’s desires regarding his proposal.      
            iii. Public Safety – Mac Thomson
                Recently there have been aluminum nails, pallets, two-by-fours dumped in the burn pile. They required extra trips to Central to get rid of all of it; because they were found, they did no damage to the tractor tires.  Make use of the burn pile, but please do not discard bolts, nuts, screws, wires, bed frames, staples, or other building materials on the pile.    
            iv. Social/Insurance – Jim Johnson
                No report submitted.                           
            v.  Public Properties – Julie Cropper
                No report submitted.              

6.  Comment and discussion by landowners:  None added.    
7.  Adjournment:       
      A MOTION WAS MADE by Jim Johnson and SECONDED by Mac Thomson to adjourn the meeting.  The meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.

Carol Clason, Recording Secretary