Sunday, January 22, 2012

County Attorney presentation at next Board meeting - 6:00pm 1/31/2012

I want to let everyone know I have had a meeting with the County Attorney that will make the presentation at our next Board Meeting (6:00pm 1-31-2012), Eric Clark. He advised he and Mr. Kim Hafen will be out to share information on the following topics related to the incorporation process:

1. Tax issues, what services will or will not be covered by existing taxes.

2. Procedure for requesting a feasibility study, qualifications that must be met before a study will be considered by the County.

3. What the Feasibility Study will reveal.

4. Requirements for a petition to incorporate

5. Election process to approve or deny by the citizens.

The presentation will take 30-40 minutes and we'll have just over an hour for Q&A by those attending.

I would also encourage those who plan to attend to come with an open mind on the subject and listen to the presentation respectfully, and during the following Q&A time to allow it to be used by those who actually have questions and not use it for presenting views one way or the other. We can have a discussion meeting schedule at a later time to openly discuss any part of the process, but let's try to use this time to our advantage while we have the resources of the County present who actually have worked with other communities in this area. If you don't want to listen to the information presented, please don't attend and take away from those who do.

I have already had and responded to several emails on the topic, offered to meet in person and discuss the concerns raised, but have not been taken up on my offer. I find email a very impersonal method of corresponding, and when I see someone who has genuine concerns I am convinced the better method of communication is a sit-down meeting where we can look one another in the eye and have real, open discussions. Of the emails I have had, it is plain to see there are some misconceptions about the incorporation process and the pros and cons of being an incorporated area. I am not at this time in favor of incorporating, but I want to get more information and find out if there may be some benefits to the community that I am not aware of. I don't think passing up something that could be a benefit to everyone because I 'feel' one way or the other is fulfilling my responsibilities to the community I live in, I want to know all of the ins and outs to make sure my 'feelings' are justified, and if they are not I am not going to pass up an opportunity to gain benefits if they are available.

So we're not starting a petition, not starting down the road to the Feasibility Study, we are only gathering information on which we can collectively see if where we're at is the most beneficial place to be. There will not be any voting or decision making on the subject taking place at the meeting, this is information only.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation and interest,

Bill King, President - DVLA