Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Minutes - DVLA Board Meeting 03/04/08

Minutes of the Special DVLA Board Meeting March 4, 2008

Board Members attending: Cyndy Johnson, Jerry Yurek, Mike Barker, Crystal Phillips, Alan Strebeck
Eleven landowners were in attendance.

President Cyndy Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. 

Cyndy Johnson said that Brooks Pace would like to have a meeting to explain the water company changes per the recent notice included in the water bills.  It was decided the meeting would be next Tuesday at 7:00pm in the fire house.  A message would be sent out via the alert email list.

Cyndy turned the meeting over to Alan Strebeck.  Alan explained that the purpose of the meeting tonight would be to discuss issues for the upcoming Annual Meeting.

Alan said that at the recent Homeowner's Association training session he attended it was suggested that a door prize be offered in order to help get landowners to the annual meeting.  Alan suggested a $100 gift certificate. 

MOTION was made by Jerry Yurek that as a method to encourage attendance at the annual meeting a door prize be given.  Mike Barker seconded the motion.  It was passed.

Alan said he wanted to clarify the proxy issue.  A landowner discussed assigning voting rights to a tenant in the house.

The Board discussed the question of who could receive a proxy. 

MOTION was made to include information on proxy form as read by Alan Strebeck.  Crystal Phillips seconded the motion.  (Alan Strebeck to bring the reworded proxy form to the 3/25 Board meeting.)

Alan raised the question of vote tabulation.  How can the Board ensure that a vote passes if a "voice vote" is taken?  Alan suggested an index card on a popsicle stick which would have to be raised if a vote was taken from the floor.  Discussion by the Board concluded that most of the issues are on the ballot and not brought up from the floor.

Alan suggested that the Board adopt rules of procedure.  This would facilitate discussion.  He suggested using Roberts Rules of Order. 

Alan suggested that the following be invited - a)County Commissioners b) County Planner - to talk about the feasibility study.

The Board and landowners present discussed the above.  Cyndy Johnson did not feel that discussing the feasibility study at the Annual Meeting could be limited to fit the meeting time.  Alan agreed that some landowners are confused as to the process.  A landowner said that the facts need to be reviewed so that misapprehensions can be corrected.  Landowners need to be fully informed.  It was decided to hold a separate meeting starting at 1:30 to cover the feasibility study.  Alan would see if the County representative could come at that time.

Alan discussed the need to have the membership grant the Board the authority to codify the current dues collection policy. This would be done by making it a By-Law.

MOTION was made by Alan Strebeck to put forward a By-Law ballot issue which would adopt the current late dues policy with the last part to say something to the effect of seeking additional legal action.  (Alan Strebeck to present wording of ballot issue at 3/25 Board meeting.)  Crystal Phillips seconded the motion.  The motion passed.  Jerry Yurek was opposed. 

The Board discussed contracting with the company that wanted to produce a homeowner's newsletter.  Alan recommended the Board sponsor this activity. 

MOTION was made by Alan Strebeck that the Board use the homeowner newsletter service.  Jerry Yurek amended the motion to state the Board would also control content of the newsletter.  The motion passed.  Mike Barker abstained.

The meeting adjourned at 10:45pm.

Stella Callagee
Recording Secretary