Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Minutes - DVLA Board Meeting 08/28/07

Minutes of the Regular Monthly DVLA Board Meeting August 28, 2007

Board Members attending: Cyndy Johnson, Mike Barker, Crystal Phillips, Alan Strebeck                Absent: Jerry Yurek

Fifty nine landowners were in attendance.

President Cyndy Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. 

1.  Approval of Agenda

MOTION was made by Alan Strebeck to accept the agenda, Mike Barker seconded the motion.  The motion was passed.

2.  Review & approve minutes of the July meeting.

MOTION was made by Mike Barker to approve the July minutes.  Alan Strebeck seconded the motion.  The motion was passed

3.  Review & approve financial reports - Stella Callagee

MOTION was made by Crystal Phillips to accept the financial reports, Mike Barker seconded the motion.  The motion was passed.

4. Reports

a. Fire Department
Chief Talbot gave the report for the fire department.  He reported that the department had responded to three medical calls over the past month.  The department had also responded to two flooding situations.  He thanked the BLM for calling in over 50 fire fighters to help the department volunteers.  He also thanked Russ Feller for two loads of red cinders used to fill sandbags.  There are still about 25 yards available behind the fire house.  He also expressed appreciation for the help from homeowners who helped with the flooding situations.  Landowners can keep the sandbags that are in or on their property.  The Chief is not going to be able to obtain additional free sandbags and has one bundle left.  The bags need to be stacked and covered with a tarp as they are biodegradable and deteriorate in the sun.

Four fire fighters attended the state fire academy in Provo. 

The fire vehicles are all in good shape.  The large engine will participate in the Lion's Round-up parade.  If families are attending that event and the children would like to ride on the engine during the parade, they are welcome to meet the engine and there will be adult supervision.

b. ARC
Trustee Assignments: August - Mike Barker, September - Cyndy Johnson, October - Crystal Phillips, November - Jerry Yurek

Lance Cornwall, Chair of the ARC, gave the report.  There were four approvals - a fence in the Canyon Trails subdivision, lot #3, a barn in Homesteads, a fence on Old Farms South Lot #9 and a greenhouse and garage on PHIII-65.  A fence on Old Farms South, Lot #5 was denied.

c. Trustee Reports
1.  Crystal Phillips reported that the Community Center has been stained.  Tim Fuchs donated his time and equipment and did the staining.  The next project will be to finish the trim and then tape and texture the inside.  When ready the Community Center will be available for public meetings and other events.  Details will have to be worked out such as how much will be charged for a cleaning deposit, etc..

2.  Cyndy Johnson is working with the County to have the dead trees cut down in the right of ways.  She is trying to find out if a private person can cut down the trees for the wood.

3.  Mike Barker said that a neighborhood watch is being put together.  Landowner John Burns has volunteered to head the effort.  Volunteers will be needed in each subdivision.

4.  Alan Strebeck said that landowners need to keep working on making their properties fire defensible.  Forms should continue to be sent in to the firewise committee.

5.  Old Business
a. Flood findings
Mike Barker and Mac Thomson gave a presentation on flood findings.  Landowners have been sending in documentation, emails and pictures of the recent flooding.  The effort of the group headed by Mike and Mac has been to focus on where the problems are.  The DVLA needs to present this information to the State and County.  As part of the process Mac Thomson, Brooks Pace and Roger Phillips surveyed the culverts and marked an aerial map as to there the water is going. This map was shown to the Board and landowners.  At the end of the minutes is the draft report that was compiled from the survey.

Mac Thomson pointed out that 285 acres of State lands around the Valley perimeter are up for bid.  There are three parcels that are going for sale on 11/8/07.  The goal of the Committee is to get letters send to UDOT, Washington County and the State entity selling the property so that future owners are made aware of the water flow issues.  As pointed out in the discussion more building will only cause additional disruption of the water flow.  The Valley needs to get the attention of the County and State as the flooding will only become more extensive.  Mac asked those attending to come up after the meeting and help annotate the map with water flow issues that were not already shown.

Cyndy Johnson said a date should be established to get the documentation to the State and County entities.  It was agreed that all documentation would be put together and submitted during the first week of September.

b.  Status of dues collection process
Stella Callagee reviewed the list of unpaid lots with the Board.  The September invoice, per policy will raise the total late fee to $45 plus $30 for a lien filing fee.  Liens will be filed after October 1st.

c.  Cyndy Johnson reported on weed control.  The goathead weeds have been a real problem.  The County has sprayed the east side of the Valley but did not get to the west side.  Spraying did not get ahead of the goatheads this year.  The County representative asked that landowners let them know when the weeds begin to appear so spraying can be done earlier.

d.  Report on OHV Issues
Alan Strebeck drafted a letter from the Board to landowners concerning OHV use in the Valley that will go out with the water bill.  He noted that OHV is a misnomer as these are restricted trail vehicles.  OHVs cannot be ridden expect on a designated trail.  There are no trails in Dammeron Valley.  OHVs also cannot ride on private property without permission of the landowner.  In response to a question from a landowner Alan said that the State and County do not designate golf carts as OHVs.  Alan said that the letter from the Board will include the sites where landowners can look up the specific laws.  At the August meeting a deputy from the Sheriff's Office had attended and talked about the rules.  Cyndy Johnson added that as the deputy recommended, those landowners with complaints about improper OHV use on or near their property should call the Sheriff. 

A landowner added that he had called the County Attorney and current code in the State of UT does not allow the County or State to allow OHV use in a County right of way.  He suggested signs be posted which indicate that these areas are not legal trails for OHVs.

Alan said that the best source for finding legal, designated trails is to contact the State Department of Natural Resources (DNR).  They have maps available of where riders can legally travel.  Alan added that if OHV riders will operate responsibility, they can coexist in these areas.

6. New Business
a. Discussion of odor and flies from animals in neighboring lots

Cyndy Johnson had called the County Health Department following a complaint from a landowner about odor and flies from a neighboring lot.  Cyndy spoke with Mark Nielsen in the Environmental Health Office.  Complaints can be called in to his office at 435-986-2580.  He told Cyndy that due to the moisture there has been a higher instance of flies throughout the County.  The fly population should die off as things dry out.  There are fly baits that landowners can put up.  Cyndy suggested that if a landowner has a problem they try to address it with their neighbor but if that doesn't work, call the above number.  A landowner also suggested calling Kent Gardner in the County who is involved with building codes as that office will also address such issues at 435-634-5714.

7. Adjournment 8:35pm- MOTION was made by Alan Strebeck to adjourn the meeting, Crystal Phillips seconded the motion.  The motion was passed.

Stella Callagee
Recording Secretary